Chapter 6

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Hey so I know this is late and all so I will update three chapters this week. One today, one tomorrow, and one on Wednesday. Now if you for some reason do not like me putting up three, message me or comment and I will do what I can the make y'all happy.


I wake up to hear very loud pounding. I look at my clock oh shit is is 1:30 my track meet is in two hours. I get up and go down stairs. I was very surprised to see Lance and two other people no older then 40.

"Hi honey, is your mom home,"

"Yes ma'am I think she is. Come in." I said as I stepped out of the way and opened the door wider to let them in.

"Thank you dear and call me Janet." I nodded and closed the door after them. I lead them to the living room.

"Make yourselves at home, I am going to go and get my mom." I walked in kitchen and looked. I finally pulled my phone out and called my mom.

"Hello honey?"

"Hi mom, Janet's here and so is Mike and there son Lance." I spoke into the phone.

"I was just at the store, I am on my way now, I will be their in five minutes."

"Okay I will keep them here until then." I walked into the living room.

"My mom had to run to the store so she will be home in five minutes or so." I sat down in the only empty seat and if you were to guess it that's right, I sat next to my friend Lance. I rejected his offer on being his girlfriend. I would go my way and he would go his. We waited ten minutes or so and still nothing from my mom, I was getting a little worried. My phone started ringing. I looked up at Mr, and Mrs Goldman.

"Excuse me." I said as worry crossed over my face. I looked at the number calling and saw it was a unknown number. I swiped my thumb across the screen to the accept call, and I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Yes is this Lola Henderson?" Asked a woman's voice.

"Yes it is may I ask who is calling."

"My name is Jessica, we were reported a car accident and your mother was involved. We are very sorry but from the impact of the hit she only has a few hours to live. Again we are very sorry." That's when I collapsed.

"Thank you I will be down as soon as I can." I screamed and started crying. Everyone came in the kitchen, Lance, Janet, and Mike. My dad is on a business trip in Florida. All I did was curl up in a ball and cry. Lance came over and gathered me in his arms.

"Shhh, Lola what's wrong sweetie?" Janet asked sounding worried.

"My mom was in a ca-car crash, she only has a hour or two at the most to live." I choked out, and Janet gasped and took me in her arms as tears of her own started to poor out.

"Oh honey it's alright everything is going to be okay." she soothed rubbing my back.

"Let's get you to the hospital?" She asked in more of a question then a statement. I nodded agreeing with her, I stood up but my legs gave out. Right when I was about to hit the floor arms wrapped around my small waist and pulled me up. He picked me up bridal style to the car. He laid me in the back seat and closed the door. He got in on the other side and put my head in his lap. Lance ran his fingers through my hair until we reached the hospital. Lance and I were both dropped off at the entrance. I ran to the front desk and to the lady. She was filing her nails. I tapped on the glass.

"May I help you."

"Yes I am looking for my mother that was recently brought in here due to a car accident." She rolled her eyes and pointed to a chair.

"You have to wait for a doctor to notify you about her." I nodded and walked over to the chair. Ad I sat down I thought. She needs to pay attention to her job. My mom could die in seconds. I am about to be mother les and she doesn't even care. I got up from about five minutes of thinking. Lance true to stop me but I wouldn't let him.

"Excuse me."

"Miss I already told you that you need to sit down." She said as she filed her nails more.

"EXCUSE ME?" I said causing her to look up at me shocked.

"I have been watching you file your stupid ass nails for five minutes straight, I have seen more than ten people get miss treated by you. I got a call saying my mom was in a car accident, and that she would not make it no more than two hours. How would you feel being mother less and not being able to say farewell to the one you love the most. You can be saving lives instead you are saving the life of your goddamn fingernail. Now type on that keyboard and get people out of here. If I ever and I mean ever catch you like this again I will be furious. And by the way. Saving a life is important because it might be you or your kid or you mom or dad on that gurney next time. SO PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION!" I screamed at her. I turned and looked at people recording, everyone clapped. I turned to Lance he had a fearful expression on. I don't think that girls fingers could have went across that key board any faster because as soon as I turned around she told me the number of my moms room. I went into the room and sat down by the bed.

"Hi mommy." I said as fresh tears streamed down my face.

"Hi baby." My mom said in a small whisper.

"You are going to be okay you know that right." I told my mom tightening my hold on my moms hand.

"I know baby and I am okay." She said as she looked me deep in the eye.

"I love you mommy."

"I love you more baby, and don't you ever forget it. Always remember I am watching over you my precious child."

"I love you so so much mommy I am going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, keep your father in his place will you." I nodded as more tears ran down my cheek.

"I love you baby girl." My mom breathe out and just then I knew it was her last breath cuz I heard it I felt it. Her pulse stopped heart stopped it's like my world just stopped.

"I love you too mommy."


That was a sad chapter. any way I tried to make it longer than normal. Anyway hope you enjoyed.


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