Chapter 1

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I'm sorry fellas I'm really loosing hope over here. I don't think the book boutta stay up for long again 😭😭
I had to disguise it. 😍
Welcome back my readers and welcome new readers!! This is a Third Reich x reader just so yalls know. 👍


The bed slightly creaked as you carefully crawled out of it to not alert the other sergeants in your cubicle. You put on some shoes that were hiding under the foot of your bed and went to the bathroom. Life as a Sargeant for the Third Reich army wasn't that interesting if you were honest. It got boring in the first two weeks.

And you were a country and technically a part of the axis powers, right? Why had you been given such a low role? Although, you couldn't say you were much of a power in terms of your comrades. Your land wasn't huge and your population was not huge either. So you suppose you should be happy with what you have.

But the determination kept you going. You hadn't died yet and weren't planning to, so continuing your work was your only option.

That's how you ended up in the private cubicle that you...shared with other Sergeants. You were at first offered a room for yourself, but you guess germans don't understand what the word private means. You put on the uniform you had taken off your bed just prior and continued with your usual morning routine. You put on your armband illustrating your flag and the iron cross and exited the bathroom and cubicle. It seemed a blonde-haired boy had been waiting outside the room for you, as he immediately ran up to you. "You must be Sergeant Y/N...right?"

"That's me." You answered. "Great! Er- Sergeant Y/N, you have been assigned for a special mission, please, would you follow me?" You nodded and followed the blonde to a wall filled with folders and paperwork. The boy searched around the wall until he slid out a folder and handed it to you. "Third Reich's son, Germany, recently has been nearly kidnapped, your new duty shall be to protect him and accompany him anywhere he'll be and go." you opened the folder and lightly looked over its contents. "We should start heading out now, there's a car waiting outside, it'll take you to Third Reich's manor, I shall accompany you to it."

You both walked out of the building, a cold breeze hitting your face. The frown on your figure seemed to lighten up a bit. It was so peaceful and quiet. Everything was in order. He took you to a black car and waved you in. But before he left you asked.

"What's your name?"

"Richard, Sergeant Y/N." he slightly blushed.

"We'll meet again Richard."

He walked away and the car started. The driver took the last whiff of his cigarette and threw it out the window. The smoke went through the car and soothed you slowly to sleep. You didn't mind since the car ride was supposed to be long. Looking out the window you wondered about the future and possibilities.


The car stopped with a loud screech jotting you awake. You rubbed your eyes and got your stuff out of the car, flinging it over your shoulder. You walked the rocky road leading up to the entrance of Third Reich's manor. You walked up the stairs and knocked lightly on the door. Since nobody answered you let yourself in. The manor was beautifully decorated and designed. You heard footsteps approaching from the left of you. You quickly turned in the direction to find a housemaid struggling to reach you. "H-Hi there! You're Sergeant Y/N! You're the bodyguard for sir Germany!" she greeted you nervously. "Yes, I am."

"Yeah erm...let me show you to your chambers! Later on, I'll show sir Germany's room as well." The maid took you by hand and hurriedly stepped with you up the stairs. You walked hallway to hallway to your room until one fateful door came into view. "Here's your room! I- we tidied it for you! If you don't like it we can relocate you to another room of course!" she said and opened the door for you. You walked in not saying a word and closed the door, flopping on the bed as soon as you saw it. You took a deep breath and stood up once again, putting your belongings next to the bed and walking out to be led by the maid to Germany's room.

"I shall lead you to the next destination," she exclaimed and chuckled dragging you forward again. Though this time it didn't take as long to get there. You both arrived at the room and the maid said "If you need anything, please be sure to ask any person for help!" she said and ran off. You examined the ornamented door and carefully knocked on it.

"You m-may enter!"

You wiggled the doorknob and entered Germany's room, noticing he was on the other side of the room. "Ah- who are y-you?" "I'm your new bodyguard I presume, sir Germany. I'm here to accompany and protect you." "B-Bodyguard? Nobody t-told me I'd b-be getting a new b-b-bodyguard..." "I didn't know either, sir, until this morning that is haha." He looked away obviously very uneasy. "I'm Sergeant Y/N, nice to meet you, sir Germany," you put up your hand offering a handshake. He slowly walked closer to you and took your hand, squeezing it very lightly. "Hello Sargeant Y/N, my name- oh already know m-my name haha..."

"Are you all right? You seem to be stuttering awfully a lot." You questioned the boy reaching out to try to pat his shoulder. He moved away from your hand as if afraid you were going to hurt him. You took your hand back to not alert him. "Yes...I'm a-alright Sargeant Y/N." an awkward silence fell upon you both. "I should g-get back to...doing m-my work," Germany commented and waited for you to get out of his room. "Oh all right then-- Uhm, I'll be outside your room if you need anything, don't be frightened to ask, sir," you said and made your way out his room quietly closing the door. You signed in relief after meeting your...employer?? Well, the person you were supposed to bodyguard. You fixed your stance and put your arms down your sides.

Time went on and even though it felt like hours only minutes had passed since your last encounter with someone.

"Excuse m-me? Sargeant Y-Y/N?" you were knocked out of your dream-like stance from Germany peeping his head out of his room. "I r-realised it would b-be quite rude to l-leave you out here, with nothing to amuse you..! You may come into my offi- I mean r-room to entertain yourself." you adjusted your sight and took a clear look at trembling Germany.

"I'll take you up on that offer sir, Thank you." he moved out of the way and welcomed you into his room. This time you took your time examining the surroundings. "You can observe m-my belongings, h-here. Or accompany me if you wish...yeah..." he said and sat at his desk, resuming the signing and reading of papers.

You walked up to a wall holding a painting of simple flowers, yet each petal had multiple strokes used to represent its beauty. "Did you paint this?" you asked. Germany turned around from his chair and nodded. "It's wonderful, sir Germany," you commented.

"I a-appreciate the p-praise...and please, don't refer to me as makes me feel old. Call me just Germany, or Deutschland if you prefer."

"Duly noted, Germany."

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