Chapter quattro

273 18 30

On the top is a magnificent illustration of the dining table incase you were confused of the placement.
Enjoy. 😘


You were resting in Germany's room, it had been a nice night since the hilarious pun you had told Germany about the tomato family passing away. Needless to say, it turned out that your dear Germany wasn't quite keen on wordplay - he did not get it, at all.

"Pasta way...what does that mean? I mean pasta way? Is that some sort of...street? But how does that colorate with the tomato family? Did they live on tha--"

"Germany, this is the third time I have to explain, pasta way sounds like past away, like they died." "Ok but my question of if they lived on pasta way still stands!!"

You audibly sighed and rubbed your temples thinking about how to explain it more understandably. Your genius brainstorming session was interrupted by a call just outside. "Sir Germany, the breakfast will soon begin, please attend shortly!" the person scurried away as soon as they had informed you.

"We should talk about this a bit later, now let's go eat breakfast!!!-- oh wait...fathers friends are going to be there...oh well, at least I will still enjoy the food." Germany said seemingly disappointed. You followed him out of the room not so sure about if you were even awaited at the breakfast table. If you weren't you could easily just walk out of the room and pretend that you were just accompanying Germany...hopefully.

Soon enough you got to the - rather exquisite dining hall to find exactly five plates served on the table, meaning you must be expected to eat there too, aha!! But what you found too was Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan seated parallel to each other at the table. Germany pushed you in the direction of Fascist Italy so you sat down next to Fascist Italy and Germany sat down next to you.

F. Italy eyed you from the side with a devious spark in his eyes. "Hello dear~ what might your name be?" he asked you in a sort of insidious manner. You nervously met his eyes being taken aback by his attention. "My name is Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you Fascist Italy." He subtly grinned. "Ah, I think I've heard of you Y/N, you're one of us, right? Well, it's good that we finally meet then." he put his hand on your thigh, holding it there for a second and took it off. He then focused his attention back on the conversation he had previously had between him and Imperial Japan.

Germany snickered at how flustered you became from the light touch to your thigh F. Italy had given. "What are you giggling about?" you asked him. "I can see Fascist Italy's charms have worked their best yet again, your cheeks are flushed."

You held your fingers to your now warm cheeks. " seems so...No matter, it must be just the uh... the heat, yes, the heat." You waved your bemusement off. The servants served the food yet none of you touched it since you were still awaiting Third Reich's arrival.

Speak of the devil. Third Reich walked into the room and the two rulers stopped chatting. "Hi Naz!! I thought you wouldn't show-- I hoped you wouldn't show, haha." Italy said in a conniving tone hoping to annoy him.

"I told you not to call me by such a nickname. It's belittling Italy." Third Reich said. "...Good morning Japan, son...Sargeant Y/N...I'm glad you came."

"Are you not glad I came? You know it's a pretty long way from my land to yours. I'd at least expect a thank you or something!" Fascist Italy bickered. "Italy, you know your complaints are not valid compared to the long route I had to take to come here." Imperial Japan added. "Oh, Japan~ you know I am just trying to annoy him."

Third Reich ignored Italy's attempts and sat down at the end of the table. "So, let's talk. I have devised a plan on how to stop the Allies from bothering us." Third Reich began his talking.

"Ah!! A plan you say? I haven't seen you have a plan since--" Italy began but got cut off. "Shut up, this is serious!... So, as I was we have discussed previously, Japan, you should blah.. blah blah..."

The rest of their talking slowly but surely bored you so you just drank some water and fiddled with the utensils. You noticed that Germany too had begun to get bored from the boring talk so you mannered the fork you had been playing around with towards him. His face seemed to brighten up as he took his fork and started battling with yours. It became a serious battle with its ups and downs, as you thought you had Germany's fork held to the table he flipped yours around and pinned your fork to the table. You congratulated his victory with a warm smile but as you enjoyed the moment your hand slipped and the fork fell onto the ground creating a screeching noise.

The other countries looked at you and you picked up your fork from the ground and with folded arms in your lap sat there in silence. Germany had been starteled by the fork as well and now sat there as in completely mute.

Now it was even more boring.

Until you felt a while gloved hand brush up onto yours that is, it flipped your hand around and intertwined your fingers with theirs. You looked at Italy with a terrified look, this was moving a bit too fast wasn't it?--

"Hey, Y/N, do you know what day it is?" Italy whispered to you. "I- Uhm, I think it's October 15th, why?" you replied still in shock by the hand holding. "I was just curious...could you tell me how old are you?"

"Ehh-- I...don't remember. I think I'm pretty old." the attention Fascist Italy had been giving you was stunning you every single second. "How do you not remember how old you are?" Italy asked. "I suppose since I don't celebrate it." " strange...I usually celebrate--"

"Excuse me Italy, are we boring you??" Third Reich angrily questioned Italy. "Actually yes, could you please pick up the pace, I'm dying to eat already!!" Italy responded. "I can't stand you, you're so- so annoying!"

"What's annoying is your face, it's annoying to look at," Italy said.

"This is why I don't like to invite you anywhere anymore."

Italy let go of your hand and stood up. "Ow, how hurtful!! I can't bear this pain!!" he fell onto the ground and dramatically held his hands onto his heart.

"You-- YOU'RE EMBARRASSING YOURSELF!!" Third Reich shouted at Fascist Italy. Japan just watched the two with an expression that probably meant something like 'how many more times do I have to live through this'.

"G-GET OFF FROM THE FLOOR YOU IDIOT!!" Third Reich commanded. "This is my grave, this is where I shall die..." Italy leaned forward and in a magical way reenacted his death. You and Germany quietly clapped as your face was coated in red. Imperial Japan noticing you and Germany clapping, joined in, feeling obligated to be amused with you both.

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