Chapter sechs

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Sorry for taking so LONG, my old age is catching up to me and my brain is lacking the needed vitamins to write 💔💔 please donate 💔💔

but FINALLY one last chapter rewrite and then I get to write NORMALLY 😭😭

Happy holidays btw


"Germany!! Please calm down!" you pleaded.
"I-I CAN'T!! DAD IS GOING TO BE SO PISSED. I MEAN- THAT STUPID THING WAS HANDED DOWN FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION!" Germany screeched running around his room. "It's okay, we'll find it. Just RELAX. I can't help you look if you're so-- anxious!!" you soothed Germany. "I- how do you expect me to relax Y/N?! You know how my father gets when-- oh-- I can just imagine him with that terrifying scowl on his f-face--" "SIGH. What are you even searching for?"

"A brooch it's got a silver backing with some german stuff written on it-- and, and it uh-- it has some eagle on it and-- It has been passed down from my grand grandfather to my grandfather, to my father and- and now to ME. And I manage to just go and LOSE it!!!"

"You mean the brooch that's already attached to your shirt?"

"The what now?-" Germany looked down upon his shirt. "OH-- it's on me..." "Indeed it is." "That nearly scared the out of me..." Germany sighed a sigh of relief and sat down on his bed. "Well, luckily you had me tell you you already had it on you. Aren't I just so useful." you sarcastically commented. "Yeah, you're awesome Y/N. It's really nice to be in your company." Germany genuinely said not getting you weren't serious about what you said. "I meant it more-- oh whatever, never mind. Thank you Germany, your presence is greatly appreciated as well." You said. "...T-Thank you, that is very kind of you to say." Germany said a bit flushed.

"...I should probably start packing now...we have to leave in like half an hour...You have to pack too, you know." Germany said and got up from his bed. "It's not like I have much to pack. Just a few spare clothes and that's all." "Right...what do you think I should wear to the dinner we're having with Fascist Italy? Should I go with my usual white shirt or maybe add a jacket to it?" He said holding up a jacket next to him.

"Ehhh, sure. Add a jacket to it." "Alright, thanks." He folded up the jacket and put it inside his suitcase. "I just hope it's not too uhm...bombastic..." Germany pondered. "Bombastic? I don't think a simple jacket is bombastic..." You said. "I hope."

The whole bombastic thing reminded you of a joke you had heard a while back. "Germany, what do women and hand grenades have in common?" "Hm? Uhm...I don't know." "When you pull the ring off, your house goes away."


"You don't get it?" You asked. "No..?" "Oh- well--" "I don't get your jokes Y/N..." Germany complained to you. "My jokes are hilarious, you're the one who just has no sense of humour and difficulties with keeping up with my genius humour." You said dramatically. "I- I have an excellent sense of humour!!" "Yeah and I'm engaged to France..." "YOU'RE WHAT?-" Germany said jolting back. "That was a JOKE! J-O-K-E." "THANK-- wow you nearly scared the Schutzstaffel out of me really shouldn't joke around like that..." Germany complained. "SIGH...I guess.."

You sat on Germany's bed and watched as he put some clothes and other stuff into his suitcase. "Alright, I think I'm done!..hmm...what to do now..." "We could talk about that one time you passed out and I had to carry you to your room..." "T-There's nothing to talk about!" Germany declined your attempts to find out about his little episode. "If I'm sticking around with you, you should start telling me this sort of stuff, you know."

Germany sighed audibly and flopped on his bed. "I had a bit of a...uhh...a sugar rush...I'm very responsive to sugar..." Germany confessed clearly a bit embarrassed. "Ah I see, where did you even get your hands on anything sweet though?" "My father has sweets laying around's very hard to contain myself." "The Third Reich is a sweet tooth?" you were very caught off guard. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to be into sweet stuff. "...yes very much so. He has a problem. Don't tell him I said that though."

"I won't," you assured. "We should start heading downstairs soon, father is probably already waiting for us," Germany said to you. "Alright, yeah. I'll head to pack a few things and head down." "Alright! See you downstairs."

You exited the room and went to yours. As you entered you noticed a box that had been left on the bed. You carefully approached your bed curiosity ridden. The box had a note attached to it. 'In here are some clothes that the Third Reich has picked out for you to wear to the dinner you will be attending.' You thought it was a bit weird, you didn't find anything wrong with going in your current uniform to the dinner. But you had to do what the man himself Third Reich wanted to do. You opened the box and put on the lavish clothes inside there. (decide for yourselves I'm too lazy to think of anything)

The fit suited you pretty well and was just your size. It was a bit concerning how they knew your size but it didn't bother you that much. You folded your uniform and put it inside your satchel you would take along with you. You put a few other things inside and went out in your new fit.

You walked down the steps of the main stairs downstairs and soon arrived at the lobby with Germany already there. "Hi again!... You look very nice Y/N." Germany complimented you. "Thank you Germany." you thanked him. You felt a bit awkward being around Germany not in your uniform. "My father hasn't come down yet, I wonder what's taking him so long." Germany pouted. "We still have a few minutes to wait fo-"

Your thoughts were interrupted by the approaching sound of footsteps running down the stairs in a hurry. Third Reich was dressed in very fancy attire, he looked...handso- ACCEPTABLE FOR A DINNER. "Excuse me for taking so long, shall we get going?" He said with a very unusual bright smile looking at you. "I-I suppose." you approved while mentally cursing at yourself for that stutter.

You and Germany followed Third Reich through the held open door by one of the servants. You all three walked to the car awaiting you all to the train station and entered it. Third Reich was sitting in the front passenger seat and you and Germany sat in the back. "My dad seems to be in a good- no GREAT mood today. He's never been so happy to visit Fascist Italy before, in fact, he's always been dreading these sorts of trips." Germany whispered to you. "Yeah, he doesn't seem like the person to enjoy meeting with Italy I've noticed, aha." "I wonder what could be making him so joyous...hmm..." Germany wondered out loud.

"Maybe he's very happy to be on this trip with you," you explained. "...maybe! Well, I'm happy to be with him too if that's the case." Germany happily commented.

The car ride was very quiet from that point, you and Germany kept quiet to not annoy his father. Third Reich occasionally talked with the driver, and you listened in.

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