Chapter fünf

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Excuse me for disappearing!
Also fun fact, if you ever miss the old book, it has been completely archived on some bootleg ass site:
At first I was pissed they stole my book without my permission but oh well, it came in handy for rewriting the first chapters.
Also, I shall be stopping with the rewrites at the chapter when you travel to Italy, then I will continue the book from where we last left off. :)


After things had settled a bit down, you all were back at the table enjoying your food.--

But to be honest, it was quite hard to enjoy since you could taste the anger that Third Reich was feeling towards F. Italy every bite you took of your food.

" you heard about the incident that happened at the most recent Allied meeting?" Italy inquired. "I heard an argument between Britain and the US had broken out..." you added. "Well from what I heard, the whole argument was about America stealing biscuits from Britain a decade ago! Shows how up to the times they are."

"That is humorous," Japan said. "Yeah well that information isn't of any use to us, tell me something that could help us for a change." Third Reich grumbled. "You know it would hurt if you smiled from time to time, it would help you soothe out your wrinkly dinkl--"



"I- SIGH...FICK DICH ITALIEN, ICH HOFFE, SIE BRENNEN IN DER HÖLLE!!... Ich gehe auf mein Zimmer, ich habe genug von dir........" after that little scene, the almighty Reich walked away from the table.

Without the company of Third Reich, the rest of the breakfast was enjoyable filled with light banter and chats. Once Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan had finished their food you, along with Germany accompanied the two men to the entrance of the mansion.

"Well, it certainly was a pleasure dining with you dear...s, I hope to get to see you again." Italy noted mannering towards both you and Germany. "I agree with Italy, it was a pleasure, yes." Japan very slightly bowed. "Ah wait, now that I think about it...I'll be meeting Germany again soon if I remember correctly...will you be accompanying him to my land?" Italy asked. "I suppose yes." "Very well~ we'll meet again Y/N."

He took your hand and kissed the top of it, turned around and both Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan exited the building, being awaited by staff outside.

"Y/N, did I see you HOLDING HANDS with THE Fascist Italy under the table while we were eating?" Germany screeched out in surprise. "I knew he had his ways of winning over people, but you don't seem like the kind of person that would fall for somebody so quickly--" "IT WAS JUST A POLITE GESTURE!!!! NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!..."

Germany got stunned by your sudden embarrassed gesture of denial and very slightly backed away. "OK OK---"

"Unrelated but have you ever had any pets?" Germany jumped to a completely random question that took you a bit off guard. "Uhm yeah, I think...a dog." "I've always wanted a dog...where is it now?" "It's dead."

"Oh..." he seemed saddened by the fact your previous dog had passed away. You awkwardly patted him on the back and he started crying. "How could that happen...SNIFF why would fate kill an innocent d-dog..." You got flabbergasted by Germany's sudden reaction and hugged him. "I- uh-- it's ok Germany, all dogs go to heaven."

"Really?" Germany looked up at you like a sad puppy. "Yes really." he nuzzled into your chest and wiped his teary face in your uniform. "That makes me feel a little bit better, I hope your dog is doing okay up there..." "I'm sure he is."

"Aw man, my glasses got foggy..." he took a piece of his sleeve and cleaned the glass windows with the fabric. "Thanks again for the glasses, they're really cool! I get to see so much more things!! Even what I write down!!" You responded with the praises with a slight smile feeling a bit put off by his sudden mood changes. 

"Let's head to your room..." "Alright!! Let's go!!"

Germany dragged you back to his room, probably knocking down a few servants and maids along the way. "S-Slow down!!--" "No hihi!!" he forced you to follow him at speeds yet unreached by you until you finally got to the room. "We're here!~" Germany shoved you into the room and entered shortly.

He rushed past you and plopped on the bed happily. It seemed Germany had a lot of energy today-- "Oh em gee- we should play hide and seek!!" "Hide and seek? Really?" You questioned. "Yes, cmonnnn Y/N!! You'll be the seeker, I'll hide!!" "Sigh...fine."
"Ok, count to 50, I'll go find the BEST hiding spot!!"
And just like that, he ran off, running out of the room just as fast as he ran to it.

It was quite strange seeing Germany so upbeat and happy. But it was nice to see him so joyous, maybe he had warmed up to you. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to be so enthusiastic...ever.

Once it seemed it was time to go head out to look for him, you exited the room and began your search. You realised it wasn't the best idea to play hide and seek in this HUGE mansion, alas you kept roaming the halls, hoping to find a sign or clue about where your German friend has gone off to.

Just when all seemed hopeless, you heard some rustling in a room just on your side, your face lit up and you barged into the room.

"Found you!"

"erm...I did?" a very confused Third Reich responded.

Oh no. You had just entered Third Reich's office--
You ran out of the office and closed the door as fast as you could. You squeemed in embarrassment.

What have you done?! Your reputation is ruined, how could you just barge into his office like that, you can never show your face to him again!!--


Oh dear, what was that-- you ran to the origin of the loud crash and found a passed-out Germany and a broken vase on the floor, three servants had come rushing to the scene as well.

Why in the absolute ass was Germany passed out?

The servants had already started cleaning up the vase shards, but they didn't know what to do with the passed-out German on the floor. They looked at you as if expecting something. "Mind transporting Sir Germany to his chambers? We'll call a doctor to his room shortly, to make sure he's ok."

Great, now you had to carry Germany all the way back to his room. You nodded, carefully picked him up bridal-style and started carrying his passed-out butt all the way to his room.

As you passed Third Reich's office, he just had to open his door to see the scene of you carrying a sleeping Germany to his room. He eyed you very suspiciously but brushed it off. He went on his merry way and left you alone with sleepy Germany. You sighed in relief, glad he didn't start asking questions even after that whole "found you" incident.

You got to his room and laid his body on the bed, awaiting the doctor to come and give you a theory of what may have happened.

You just hoped it wouldn't happen again.

Carrying Germany was quite the workout for you.

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