Chapter acht

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Hi sorry, I wanted to post the other chapters but then I read the first phew paragraphs of the old ones and decided they needed make a makeover too, but I promise I'll stop soon with the rewrites 😇😇 hopefully

So yeah this is rewritten too


After a bit of explanation you had told the Germans about your plan with Dorothy, Third Reich was a bit reluctant at first not liking some random woman being around them but let her stay with you.

At the moment you four were actively searching for the restaurant you had been invited to attend a dinner by Italy. Apparently, he owned the restaurant, yet that was the only thing you knew about it, the name of the restaurant was a mystery - so was its location of it. You were currently relying on Third Reich's faint memory of where the restaurant might be from past dinners.

"Father, are you sure we're going the right way? I think I've seen this post-sign the third-" Germany asked. "Yes yes-- I'm sure we're close, I can feel it!-" Reich said enthusiastically. Dorothy looked at you worried as if asking you if Third Reich knew what he was doing. "AH- There it is, see I told you I knew the way!" Reich exclaimed enthusiastically. "I was worried we would wander around all night haha..." Dorothy said to herself, or what she thought was to herself. Third Reich looked at her looking offended but continued his way to the extremely decorated restaurant.

The restaurants outside had trinkets and ornaments of the Italian flag and other accessories, and the sign atop read 'Italia'. You chuckled, Germany noticing the act. "What's funny?" Germany asked you. "Nothing. Well-- actually I just think it's funny how the restaurant is garnished so grandly and then the restaurant is named just 'Italy', a pretty basic name for such a fancy place, no?" "...yeah, that is quite the plain name for a fancy establishment as this." Germany let out a light laugh.

"Are you coming or not? I'm not opposed to leaving you out here." Third Reich shouted from the entrance of the restaurant. You hurried to the door and soon after went in with him. Italy was waiting for you at a table, it seemed that he had been bored out of his mind waiting for you, as in he was resting his head on his hand and fidgeting with his fork. He turned a bit around and after seeing you had finally arrived got up from his table and jolted to say hello to you.

"Naz! Took you long enough!! What happened? Did you get into an accident on the way here or something? Vorrei che tu l'avessi fatto... ehem-- I mean- I'm joyed you're finally here!" Italy greeted the already aggravated Reich. "I'm absoloutely delighted to be here too, yes..." Third Reich shook the hand of Italy and moved out of the way, letting him say hello to you. "Ciao Y/N!~ Long time no-- w-who is this lady behind you?...Y/ player, did you ALREADY get a girlfriend while we were apart?" Italy bugged you playfully. "No, she's just an acquaintance accompanying us for the trip back." Reich corrected. "Nobody was talking to you, brontolone," Italy said. "Yeah long time no see indeed, it feels like we haven't seen each other for centuries haha- and yes, this is just an acquaintance, her name is Dorothy," you said introducing Dorothy to the dictator. Dorothy waved at Italy, he took her mid-wave, brought it to his face and kissed it. "Pleasure to meet you, mia bella.." Fascist Italy worked his charms on the blonde leading her to blush.

This seemed to be very familiar. "Don't worry dear Y/N, I do not intend to go any further." Italy teased you. You scoffed playfully and smirked at the cocky Italian. You could hear Germany giggling at you two's interactions. "I think we should head to the table now." Third Reich suggested in a demanding way. "Oh Reich, always so impatient...but he's right, we should get seated," Italy said and took you to the table he had chosen. It was right in the middle of the restaurant and nicely decorated too. 

You sat down next to Dorothy and Germany, sitting across was Fascist Italy and Third Reich. The waiters brought the menus and took the orders for your drinks. You decided to stick to sparkling water to not get drunk on your first-ever dinner accompanied by the Third Reich. "So Y/N? Have any specific foods you'd like to try tonight? I can recommend some from what you'll choose, I know the ins and outs of this menu." Italy offered. "Well...I guess I would like to try some pasta?" "Pasta? Aren't you one for great about some Spaghetti allo Scoglio? It's spaghetti with a variety of seafood such as mussels, clams, scampi-" "I'll take that." "Ah- alright. I'll take the same as you then." Italy said surprised by your insistency on the pasta dish, in a good way.

Dorothy seemed a bit bothered with something so you turned to her. "Is everything okay Dorothy?" you asked her. "Not really...everyone here is dressed so fancy, I wasn't expecting to go anywhere like this...I feel out of place, I mean I'm just in my plain dress," she explained. "I think you're already beautiful enough to not even compare to anybody in this restaurant, but if you want, how about we later go buy you a few dresses?" you offered her. "W-what? Why are you being so generous and kind to me? What did I do to deserve this--" "We gotta get you all prettied up when you meet your Richard, no?" "Thank you so much, you're-- just thank you." Dorothy thanked you and embraced you lightly let go soon after.

After the waiter came to take your orders you all shared talks about recent events and happenings until the food came. The food preparation seemed to be very fast but it certainly didn't look like the food was rushed or anything. But you certainly rushed into things as now you had a whole plate of spaghetti in front of you and no idea how you were supposed to eat it with a fork. You watched as the rest of your acquaintances were eating and you just sat there, fork in hand analysing how Italy was so skilled to eat floppy noodles with just a fork. "Are you okay? You haven't touched your food do you not like it? I can send it back and get you something else Y/N, it will be no problem." Italy asked you. "No no the food looks amazing, I just don't know how you can eat it...with a fork..." you admitted feeling ashamed. Italy got up from his seat and walked up behind you, he took your hand in his, stuck the fork in the spaghetti and twirled it around to get it in the size of a bite. "Now you just repeat that for every bite," he said and went back to his seat.

You examined the magnificent marvel that was this spaghetti contraption just the size of a perfect bite. You put it in your mouth and the distinct flavour of every carefully planted taste hit your mouth like a vibrant explosion. "Oh my...this is...this is the best thing I've ever tasted--" you vigorously twirled another bite of pasta and shoved it in your mouth yearning for every next bite. Italy watched as you eradicated a whole plate of spaghetti. "I-- I'm so glad you like it!! I've never seen someone so in love with spaghetti-- well only me aha-" Italy said with a bright smile across his face your fanaticism over the meal causing the romantic to blush. "I never knew something as great as this ever could even exist. I'm so glad I came here," you said still enamoured by the amazing dish you had digested. Third Reich had seen your reaction. "B-But what about our dishes? Aren't they just as good?" Third Reich asked in hopes of finding some sort of common ground with you just as you had found with Italy. "I don't know, Saurkraut's great and all, but god was this just on a whole different level," you said. "Did you hear that Naz? Y/N thinks my food is better than yours! See I've always told you my cuisine is better than yours, not that anybody could even consider your food cuisi-" "SHUT UP!!" Third Reich shouted very ruffled about what you had said.

In a while, you all finished eating your food but since Third got a bit tipsy from drinking too much wine, he had to be specially escorted out of the restaurant - Italy was carrying the drunk Reich to his manor. Dorothy and Germany were walking to your right side. You all got to Italy's house, or manor, and got welcome din by the housekeepers.

Italy showed where the guest rooms were and you accompanied Germany to one. Dorothy went to a different room and you figured Italy put Third Reich in a different room. You walked to the kitchen, poured some water into a cup, and went to Germany's room door.

Italy went out of the room where he put Third in and noticed you standing there. And walked to you. "Did you lose the room that I showed you?" Italy asked confused.

"I didn't. I just have to stay close to Germany...I'm his bodyguard or something. I'll try to stay up for as long as possible to keep an eye on him." You said. "Oh, won"t stay awake with just water, come with me I'll make you some coffee." Italy took your gloved hand and dragged you to the kitchen.

He put some water on a stove and started boiling, and put some grounded coffee in a jug. Then he took a strainer out. " did you get into Naz's military?" Italy asked. "Uhmm...well, I tried looking for allies...and uh...all I had to do to be allies with Third Reich was...join his military? I don't know, I already forgot, that happened so long ago..." you said.
Italy poured the water into a jug and let it sit a bit. "Like a really, really long time ago." You added. He poured the jug's content through a strainer into a cup and gave it to you. "Interesting, you tend to forget a lot of things, like even celebrating your birthday, haha! Here extra strong coffee." Italy gave the coffee to you. "I guess so. And thanks Italy." You chuckled.

Italy led you back to Germany's room and he went off to his, giving a good night to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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