Chapter eight

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Mira point of veiw ~ We watched as Wendy and Levy caught up with their family "Alakitashia Royalty. I was not expecting Wendy and levy to be princesses"Erza said "I mean we did figure that they came from money remember when we first met them they were wearing expensive clothes"I said

"True"Cana said "Princes Ajeel, Natsu, Larcarde, and Gray. Princesses Juvia, Lucy, Brandish, Dimaria, Wendy, and Levy"Master said "you can still call us Wendy and Levy master. We don't really like the formalities and neither do our big siblings"Levy said

"Very well then. Do you kids have somewhere to stay"master asked "yes we do thanks for asking"Brandish said and master nodded "so what magic do you guys use"Lisanna asked

"Sand magic"Ajeel answered "white magic"Larcarde answered "time magic"Dimaria answered "ice magic"gray answered "fire magic"Natsu answered "water magic"Juvia answered

"Earth magic"Brandish answered "celestial magic"Lucy answered "so are you guys strong"Auska asked going up to Lucy who picked her up.

"your so adorable. But to answer your question princess yes we are. The royal family has to be stronger then their military. It's the rule of our country. You can not show any weakness to anyone you never know who is your enemy"Lucy answered

"So your fighter princesses"Auska asked in amazement "yes we are would you like to see us spar"Dimaria asked "yes please"Auska said with stars in her eyes "Lucy and Juvia against Natsu and Gray"Levy said "is there anywhere we can spar"Juvia asked

"We have a field outside"Master said "okay great let's go auska"Lucy said as they got up and headed outside and we followed them as well.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Juvia were standing in front of one another with Brandish in the middle with a lacrima "you guys know the rules. Whoever steps out of the designated zone loses, whoever gets pin done looses, and whoever uses magic looses. This is only combat no magic understood"Brandish said "yes ma'am"they said

"Let the match being"brandish said tossing the lacrima in the air and it created an arena for them to participate. Gray and Natsu took off their cloaks as did Juvia and Lucy.

The four of them were were very good looking. And they had tattoos as well which was interesting. They had their countries mark on their chests.

The four of them immediately started fighting. Natsu Vs Lucy. Gray Vs Juvia. The impact they were making huge impacts into the ground "they aren't using any magic"I asked

"nope the area nullifies any magic so that's just their pure strength being used. Whenever they fight one another or any of us they go all out as do we. It's to get rid of any excess energy we have"Larcarde answered as he Ajeel, brandish and Dimaria took off their cloaks as well.

Are all Alakitashiaians this good looking. Wendy and Levy are also very pretty as well. Maybe it's just the royal family that is very good looking.

I don't know why I was expecting everyone from Alakitashia to be very buff and overly muscular like Elfman seeing as it's a military based country.

"So how long will this last"Laxus asked "until they get bored which will be in five minutes"Ajeel answered "they are so cool"Auska said "I know right but you should see when they use magic auska then you will be extremely amazed"Wendy said

We watched them fight for ten more minutes until dirt and dust surrounded the area. When it all cleared there was a huge crater in the ground.

Lucy and Juvia were pinning Natsu and gray down "amazing"Auska said as the two girls let the boys go and they jumped out the hole "uhh sorry about the hole. Sis can you fix it"Natsu said.

Brandish sighed and tapped her foot on the ground. Which rose up and fixed itself "you guys were really amazing"auska said "aww thank you"Lucy said taking auska from her sister. They are going to be very interesting to have at the guild for the next two months.

End of chapter

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