Chapter twelve

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Jellal point of veiw ~ I was currently walking around town seeing as I didn't want to be at the guild today. As I was walking and minding my business I bumped into someone making me sigh in annoyance.

"Sorry"I said "you know it's rude not to look at the person you just bumped into right"the familiar voice said making me stare at Lucy "what are you doing here I thought you went back home"I asked

"I did but I wanted to come see Erza so we can hangout. But turns out she's on a mission and won't be back for a few months. So I'll just stay for the night and I'll leave in the morning"she said

And I nodded "you're walking around town then"I asked "yeah seems like your doing the same thing would you like some company"she asked "I guess"I said "great"she said and we started walking.

As we were walking we got a lot of stares "your getting a lot of stares"Lucy said "so are you"I said "I'm getting looks of lust and envy your getting looks of fear and hatred"she said "that's because most people don't like me"I said

"Why"she asked confused "because I used to be a dark wizard, criminal, infiltrated the magic council as a wizard saint and follower of the black wizard Zeref. And because of that no one really likes me or trust me. Erza saved me and I was placed under her guilds watch"I answered

"Ohh wow that is big time criminal stuff"She said "yeah and I'm not allowed to go on missions with out either Erza, MiraJane or Laxus accompanying me"I said rolling my eyes

"They're your glorified baby sitters"she asked "pretty much"I said "that must suck"she said "it does. I don't like not being able to do what I want. If I do I'll end up in jail again"I said "ohh so it was all you then and not Zeref's control"She said

"I broke out of his control year after I became possessed. Turns out being bad is much funner then being good. Get to do whatever you want"I said with a shrug "and what about being good"she asked

"I guess it has its perks as well. But I prefer doing what I want when I want"I said and she looked into my eyes "and what is it you want to do now"she asked as we stopped walking "do you really want to know"I asked pinning her to a wall.

"Yeah"she said and I bent down to her ear and whispered "I want to take you over every single surface in my house"I said and her face was bright red "I thought you liked Erza"she said "she's like a little sister plus I think I might prefer blonde anyways"I said "then what are we waiting for lead the way blueberry"she said and I glared at her

"Don't call me blueberry"I said glaring at her "hmm I don't think so blueberry"she said with a smirk and I glared at her. This girl will probably be the death of me.

End of chapter

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