Chpater fourteen

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Laxus point of veiw ~ "what's up with you blueberry"Gajeel asked "what are you talking about"Jellal asked as Gajeel, Erza, MiraJane, Jellal and I we on a mission together.

"Dunno but there is something off about you"Gajeel said "he has a point you seem happier now"Erza said "I have no idea what you two are talking about"Jellal said

"I'm not seeing it"MiraJane said "neither am I what are you two on about"I asked "beats me"Jellal said as we continued walking through the forest. As we walked the magic energy increased and I smelt two familiar scents.

"You smell that too right"Gajeel asked me "yeah"I said as we followed the scent "smell what"Erza asked "it smells like levy and Wendy"I answered as we got to the clearing.

Where we saw Levy and Wendy along with a blonde haired guy and a black haired guy fighting dark wizards. All four were in dragon force.

"I'm really getting sick of this"Levy said kicking a dark wizard in the stomach "sting this is all your fault"Wendy said tossing some dark wizards at the blonde "this is just as much as your fault as it is mine you dumb runt"The blonde now known as sting said sending an attack to some wizards.

"It's both your faults so stop acting like children and fight"the black haired guy said. We watched them fight for a few hours "this is the first time I've seen Wendy or Levy fight. They really are strong"MiraJane said amazed

"They really are"Erza said "who are those two"Gajeel asked "their brothers Sting and Rouge. They're apart of a guild called Sabertooth. They took a joint mission together"Jellal answered

"How do you know that"I asked "I heard Levy tell master why she and Wendy wanted to go on a joint mission with a lower level guild"Jellal answered as we headed down "hey guys what are you doing here"Wendy asked

"We were heading home from a mission when we felt large magic power. Then Laxus and Gajeel said they smelt you guys and we followed them here. Your guys are really good at fighting"MiraJane said "thanks and theses are our brother Sting and Rouge. Sting and rouge meet our guild mates Jellal, Laxus, Gajeel, Mira and Erza"Levy said

"Ohh so theses are thee Mira, Jellal, Laxus, and Erza"Sting said making us confused "yeah"Wendy said "I'm confused"I said "ohh it's just we've heard so much about you guys. I mean it's not everyday that someone catches the interest of our big siblings Lucy, Juvia, Natsu and Gray. All of us thought they would've died alone"Sting said

"Caught their interests"I asked. Blue likes men "yeah"Levy said as Rouge was staring at Jellal "you slept with Lucy"Rouge asked making us look at Jellal who just looked normal "how do you know that"Jellal asked "I know all my siblings scents. And their marks"Rouge said as Levy, Sting and Wendy looked shocked looking at Jellal.

"All our siblings are getting into relationships. All that's left is Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Rouge and I"Sting said "hey what about me"Levy said "are you and Gajeel not dating"Wendy asked "eww no/hell no"levy and Gajeel said "right"I said not believing the two.

"Wendy what about you and romeo"MiraJane asked "no. Romeo is not up to my standards or my family's standards when it comes to potential partners"Wendy said "standards"Erza asked

"It's an unspoken rule in our family. Whoever you take an interest in or date must be able to go head to head in a fight with you and either tie or win. If they lose then they're not good enough. And Romeo wouldn't last a minute in a fight against me. Even if I wasn't using magic"Wendy said

"And there's also that fact that you don't like boys"Rouge said "and that"Wendy said with a shrug "so your family gravitates towards people who are on par with you in terms of strengths for potential partners"I asked "and looks"Sting said

"And you have to be able to stand face to face with our dads without being scared out of your mind"Rouge answered "are your fathers really that scary"Jellal asked "yeah at least that's what most people say we just think that they are very overprotective. But they have to be scary in order to run an entire continent"levy answered. So blue likes me.

End of chapter

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