Chapter nineteen

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Ultear point of veiw ~ Never in a million years did I think I would've been adopted by Zeref and Acnologia and gain a shit tone of siblings as well. Yet now we are a fucking family.

"You okay"Papa asked "it's just weird how we are all already family now"I said "It is at first but after you warm up it's just lovely and you learn everything about everyone and we are just filled with love and would do anything for one another"papa explained

"I can see that. Thank you for accepting me as your daughter"I said "of course always and forever"papa said as we looked at dad who was in his dragon form relaxing with my siblings "so since Wendy, Levy, sting, rouge, natsu, Lucy and juvia are half dragon would they be able to turn into dragons just like dad, ignia, and Irene-San. And would Erza be able too as well since her mom is Irene-San"I asked

"Hmm probably but I don't think so since the don't have the dragon gene which turns them into actual dragons"papa explains "got it"I said "how are you liking being apart of the family"Papa asked

"I love it. I never really felt any love growing up especially when my mom gave me up to the tower. It was absolute hell. I thought that no one would ever want me. And now that I've met all of you I realize that is not the case and I am genuinely wanted and I am grateful for that"I explained "we are grateful to have you in our family as well. Another daughter and another son I am forever thankful to have a big family"Papa said

"Do you ever wish that we were all your full blooded children"I asked "hmm not really even though there is a spell that would make you all our full blooded children I love you the way you are and I don't want to force you all to do anything especially Sting, Rouge, Wendy and Levy their birth parents are now celestial keys and I don't want to break that family relationship from them because those are their birth parents. And I know that the rest wouldn't want to do it without the four. And they wouldn't want to do it with out you, Lyon and Hibiki. They wouldn't want to make you guys uncomfortable or forced to do it. Which is why I never mentioned it"Papa explained

"I wouldn't mind being your full blooded child"I said "wait you mean to tell us there was a way for us to become your full blooded children"Wendy and Sting asked "I forgot about the sensitive hearing"papa said "why didn't you tell us"Rouge and Levy asked "didn't you hear what I just said"papa asked

"Right but we wanna be your full blooded children"Wendy and Sting said "are you sure"papa asked "yeah you and dad have raised us since we were kids. You are our parents and we love you. Mom, Weisslogia and Skaidrum already knew that would be the case which is why we are now in your hands. You are our parents"Levy said "and we want to be your kids"Rouge said

"I wanna be your kid Layla/Silver is not my mother/father"Hibiki, Lyon and I said "natsu, laracade, gray, juvia, and Lucy"papa said "as far as I'm concerned you and dad are my parents"Gray, Juvia, Lucy and Laracade said "I've never called you big brother your my dad"natsu said "then its settled"brandish said

"Wouldn't that mean we would get new magic, eye colors and hair colors"Dimaria asked "you would keep your current magic, hair colors and eye colors. You would be blood related to us and for the magic. You will probably get new magic especially since Acnologia knows every single dragon slayer style and I know a lot of magic as well"papa said

"Then it's settled then we will become your official kids"Ajeel said "seven daughters and eight sons wouldn't have it any other way"Dad said "ooh dad can I bring Jellal's brothers here"Lucy asked "Jellal has brothers"I asked

"Siegrain is in jail while Mystogan is an S-class wizard for fairy tail. They're ties are only to Jellal and not to Fiore"Lucy explained "ooh that's like the thunder Legion their ties are to Laxus and not fairy tail"Juvia explained "I thought Bickslow was dating lisanna and evergreen was dating elfman"Natsu said

"So apparently Lisanna broke up with Bickslow because wants to date natsu"Lucy explained "While elfman broke up with evergreen because she was getting in the way of his manliness"Juvia explained

"Wait how do you know that Wendy and I don't even know that and we are apart of fairy tail"Levy asked "we were having a shopping day with Erza and Mira"Lucy explained "five more allies not that bad. We can train them to be stronger and part of our armies as well"Dad said

"Hmm make it six Erza has this friend as well and he has no ties to firoe. His name is Bacchus. He hates fiore because it isn't strong and seeing as he was born here I would get why he's already bored"Lucy explained "how'd he end up in Ishgard"papa asked

"His grandparents passed away and he ended up getting kidnapped and sent over. It was when we were doing an extermination of people who were trying to come up and want to take over"Juvia explained "ahh rough times but it will be good to get our citizen back"papa said

"When are you planning on getting them"Lyon asked "already sent Erza, Laxus, Jellal and Auntie Irene to get them"Lucy answered "of course you did. You are always one step ahead"Gray sand "of course we do have a war to win as a family"Lucy said "as a family"Hibiki said

"As a family and we need to be strong as well. So we don't have any casualties and everything can be planned accordingly"Sting said "this will be fun"I said "it will"Rouge said. I so love my new family.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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