Chapter five

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Zeref point of veiw ~ It's been eight years now since Wendy, Levy, Sting and Rouge have joined our family. A three years back an old friend of mine passed by and asked if we could take his son in but Acnologia said no.

So August and Irene took him in. But to be frank I used to sleep with Igneel so him and Acnologia aren't on the best terms. But igneel made Natsu his dragon slayer to provoke Acnologia more which was pretty funny in my opinion.

Ignia has been thriving being raised by august and Irene. Who also have two other adopted sons named Invel and Wahl. The three of them are going to to be my future sons in laws. Seeing as Ignia, Invel and Wahl are Dimaria, Brandish and Ajeel's mates.

Acnologia wasn't all that happy about Ignia being our daughters mate. But he came around to the idea when he found out that Ignia is a version of him. So now he likes the idea of him being our son in law.

Currently Acnologia, Irene, August and I were in the meeting room where we were summoned by Lucy.

"Okay now that everyone is here we can talk about invasion"Lucy said "invasion"I asked in surprised "yes invasion. We are going to start our plan of invasion soon. All of us except for Sting, Rouge, Wendy and Levy"Juvia said

"Wait why not us"the four asked "because you four will be going undercover in fiore. Sting and Rouge you will be infiltrating Sabertooth which is an up and coming guild. In the future they will become a very powerful guild. Levy and Wendy you will be infiltrating fairy tail"Lucy said

"Okay"the four said "but before you guys do that you will need to take over the country of Veronica. Granted it's small but you four will be able to handle it seeing as you are still pretty young. Once you successfully invade Veronica you will go to firoe and start you infiltration mission"Juvia said

"Understood"the four said "dad you and papa are not apart of the infiltration because that will cause too much trouble for us and people are going to want to invade by alakitashia. Since no one knows us and won't expect kids to invade that will be beneficial for our plan"Dimaria explains

"Very well then"Acnologia said and I nodded "okay so besides Veronica we will be invading Stella, Joya, Desierto, Bellum, Sin, Enca, and Penrgrade. Those are the kingdoms that that have ties to firoe. So they will be east to conquer without rising suspicion"Brandish explains

"Lucy, Wahl and Ignia will invade Stella and Joya. Dimaria, Natsu, and Invel will invade Desierto and Bellum. Gray, Brandish and I will invade sin and Enca. Irene-San and August-San you two will invade Penrgrade"Juvia explains

"So invade alone or take our army"Sting asked "take our army. Quick and stealthily. Make sure there is no one who wants to overthrow you and kill the current heads. And keep the ones who will be of use. Then restructure the entire country as well. Make sure no one is poor and homeless. Everyone must either have a job, are in school or they are in the army"Lucy said

The four of us were so proud right now our kids are so good at planning things "ohh dad and papa we didn't forget about you. Papa you have a bunch of followers. During theses next few years your going to pop up and make sure that they are following you. While dad you will cause mass destruction and make sure people still fear you"Juvia said

"I thought that you were going to leave us out of your plan but scaring people is our specialty"Acnologia said with such pride "world domination as a family is going to be so much fun"Wendy and Levy said excitedly "and firoe won't see what hit them"Larcarde, Natsu and sting said

"That means training is going to be amped up then"Rouge and Gray said "yes we have six months to get stronger and make our army strong as well"Dimaria and Brandish said. This will be very fun.

End of chapter

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