Chapter fifteen

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MiraJane point of veiw ~ I groaned listening to my sister talk about Natsu and how hot he is. She is honestly getting on my nerves. And I don't want to show that I'm jealous because she's my little sister. But this girl always tries to take what doesn't belong to her just because she is the youngest.

I love her and all but Natsu is mine and I'll kill her before she even tried to put her hands on what's mine. Wait did I just threaten my sister in my head. I listened to her rant on and on about how she and Natsu would make a good couple. Okay so maybe I did threaten her.

She is honestly starting to get on my nerves. I sighed getting up and heading out the guild after excusing myself. I ended up running into Erza and we decided to spend the day hanging out and shopping.

"So Erza have you been in contact with Gray"I asked with a smirk and she turned bright red as her hair "why would you ask that"She asked "your face tells me it all. How are things with the both of you"I asked

"They've been pretty good. How are things with you and Natsu"She asked "they've been good. But I think I'm at the point when I want to kill my sister because she's been saying that he wants to marry Natsu"I said with a sigh

"Ooh so things are getting serious between you two"Erza said "I guess so. But I can't help but feel that they're keeping something from us. And I have a feeling that Jellal, Laxus and Gajeel know as well. And even if Natsu and I start dating I don't think he'll tell me. I dunno maybe it's just me or I'm just feeling paranoid"I said

"No I've been getting that feeling as well. Ever since Wendy and Levy joined the guild. I just didn't want to say anything"Erza said "so you feel the dark magic from them as well right"I said "yeah but I get the feeling that they are hiding a lot more then they let on in terms of magic and strength as well"She said

As we were walking we bumped into Cana who we haven't seen in a while "Cana where have you been hiding"I asked "having the best sex of my life"Cana answered with a shrug "damn with who"I asked "Larcade. And he's also been training me"Cana explains

"You and Larcarde"Ezra asked "yeah"Cana said "so what's there secret"I asked "Their fathers are Acnologia and Zeref"Cana said "your dating a child of Acnologia and Zeref"I asked shocked "yeah. It wasn't all that hard since I have nothing tying me to the guild anymore"Cana said "what about telling Guildarts that you his daughter"Ezra asked

"I did and he disowned me and called my dead mother a no good whore and that I was just going to be exactly like her. So I left the guild for a while and ran into larcarade and he told me that he was willing to train be to became stronger then my father and prove him wrong. Turns out I have my fathers crash magic and my mother's light magic as well"Cana said

"Three magics"Ezra asked "yeah and all the Dragneel siblings have more then one magic as well"Cana explains "I can't believe Guildarts would do that"Ezra said "yeah neither can I. But at least you guys know what the secret is. Now it's up to you about what you want to do. Do you want to gain love or do you want to fight for people who won't give you anything in return"Cana asked

"Love"Ezra and I answered and Cana smiled "your gonna make juvia and Lucy happy more then their brothers who have crushes on you. Juvia and Lucy want you two to be their best friends"Cana explains

"Lucy wants me to be her best friend"Ezra asked excitedly "and juvia wants to be mine"I asked "yeah"Cana said "okay we will go with you. We have nothing tying us here anymore"we both said. This is going to be fun. And I get love out of this.

End of chapter

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