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Alexandria's POV

After compelling baby Gilbert to remember our cover story I dropped him off in Seattle. Far away from the Fairies. Now, here I was in Mystic Falls, surrounded by imbeciles.

Elena: Where is Jeremy? Where is my brother?!

I calmly turned in her direction and cocked my head to the side.

Alexandria: Oh, darling. I would check my tone if I were you. Cause the next time you speak you may just be choking on your own blood.

I smirked as the color drained from her face. Stefan then pulls her into his side and Damon stands behind her protectively. I rolled my eyes already bored with this conversation. Niklaus finally walked forward.

Niklaus: Sister. Please.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I downed my drink.

Alexandria: It seems his hunter genes kicked into overdrive and he didn't really trust being surrounded by vampires.

Stefan: So, you're saying Jeremy didn't trust us?

The dopplebitch scoffed.

Elena: Impossible I'm his sister!

I couldn't help but smirk at the turn of events.

Alexandria: Well, sister dearest, baby Gilbert had the very strong urge to slaughter you all mercilessly. I'm guessing your, sibling bond, strengthened him to leave before that could happen.

Damon: So you're saying, his hunter urges were getting too strong to hold back.

I took note of how he took a few steps closer to me. Very brave. Especially in front of Nik.

Alexandria: Precisely. Which is why I sent him in the direction of a Fairy Army. To help him complete his mission.

The room grew quiet until of course the Gilbert bitch spoke.

Elena: What the hell is a Fairy Army?

After filling them in on Elijah and Rebekah's finding said Fairies, and sending baby Gilbert traveling through Seattle, everyone started getting ready to leave. I on the other hand had different plans. I walked up to Damon, who was mid conversation with Elena and grabbed his arm.

Alexandria: You're riding with me.

I stated with a smirk as I slowly pulled him in the direction of Derek's car.


Jacob's POV

It's been four days since Alexandria left. Her siblings told us it'd be best if we acted like we had just met Jeremy Gilbert when he returns and to not mention imprints. That raised some very important questions but we're currently in wolf form as the Cullen's explain the difference of newborn vampires. I'm honestly just ready to kill some bloodsuckers. I could feel Edwards eyes on me as I finished the thought but ignored him as I stayed focused on the southern one.

Jasper: They don't need hundreds like a human army-

Niklaus: How very insightful.

We all turned in the direction of the new voice. A man with blonde hair, a beard, and green eyes stood in the edge of the clearing. But my attention focused on the person beside him. Alexandria.

Elijah: Apologies for the interruption.


Alexandria's POV

After "finding" baby Gilbert in Seattle we were in Forks about an hour later. Niklaus questioned Elijah and Rebekah until he was blue in the face. Now here we are standing on the edge of a clearing with Fairies and Shifters staring at us. I, on the other hand, could care less about this whole interaction.

Carlisle: And who may I ask are you all?

Elijah stepped forward to keep things civil.

Elijah: I'm Elijah. This is Rebekah, Niklaus, and Alexandria. My siblings. My sister Rebekah and I have already established an alliance with the shifters for the army of Fairies.

The next voice made me roll my eyes in annoyance.

Bella: No. I don't want anyone else at risk for me.

This caused me to scoff in response catching the attention of everyone.

Alexandria: Well, then it's a good thing we don't care what happens to you. Isn't it?

I could feel Nik's smirk at the side of my head before he decided to speak up.

Niklaus: What my dear twin sister is trying to say, we're not doing this for you. But we do have the same goal.

The one I've learned is Edward stepped forward with slight frustration on his face.

Edward: And what exactly is that?

This entire conversation was completely unnecessary. I pulled out my flask as Niklaus smirked at the frustrated Fairy.

Niklaus: To kill Vampires, of course.

All of the Cullen's seemed to tense at his response. If only they knew the irony of the situation. After finishing off my flask I sighed already over all of this. Everyone turned their focus onto me.

Alexandria: Well, this was a complete waste of my time. I'll leave you all to it. I have better things to do.

With that I turned on my heel and once out of sight vamp sped through the Forrest.

The Original Hybrid's Twin Part One (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now