The Original Tribrid

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Alexandria's POV

There I stood surrounded by shifters while I held Bella up by her throat. I could tell everyone was on edge. Especially her as she attempted to claw my hand away from her throat but my eyes didn't leave hers. I think it scared her more than anything at how eerily calm I seemed. Making a smirk appear on my face.

Alexandria: You know what's the difference between your pathetic fairies, and my family? They're the off brand version of us. We're the Original Vampires. My siblings and I....

I couldn't hold back the chuckle that escaped my throat as her heart rate quickened. I could feel a presence nearing us and I thought of fire surrounding the two of us. The shifters immediately jumped back as flames encircled us and Edward seemed to appear out of nowhere. I couldn't help but smirk at him as his fragile human dangled in the air held by her throat.

Jacob: Alexandria, calm down. Don't do anything you'll regret.

At this I dropped Bella onto the ground and faced him.

Alexandria: I'm over a thousand years old. I've killed more humans than you can count. But this one?

I couldn't help but laugh.

Alexandria: This one is an even bigger waste of space than Elena Gilbert herself. At least she can help us-

I was cut off by my own blood coming out of my mouth and I looked down to see a limb shoved through my chest.

Jacob: No!

I turned around and met the gaze of Bella who looked as if she'd won. As I fell to the ground a smirk appeared on my face and everything went black.

Jacob's POV


Alexandria laid on the ground in a circle of fire. Dead. I felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I looked up and met Bella's eyes. She gave me a small smile and I glared at her. I wished Alexandria had killed her instead. Bella turned and faced Edward who looked relieved that she was okay.

But his face soon changed to horror when Alexandria stood back up behind her. Bella quickly turned around with a look a panic. Alexandria yanked the limb out of her heart. And cackled at the look of sheer panic on Bella's face.

Alexandria: Why so scared Swan? Never seen an Original Vampire revive from a stake to the heart. Did I forget to mention my siblings and I are the very first of OUR kind. This making it impossible to kill us. And my twin brother and I, well, we're an entirely different story. Even more impossible to kill. And do you know why that is, dear Isabella?

She asked her as she slowly stalked towards her. The shifters and I were all frozen, waiting with baited breath for Alexandria to fill in the blanks. Not sure if any of us were really interested in saving her due to all the problems she seems to cause. A low chuckle came from Alexandria as she answered her own question.

Alexandria: Because believe it or not we're bastards. Yup, you see our father was a werewolf, completely different from the shifters before you. Our mother tried to pass us off as Mikael's children until the truth came out once she turned us into vampires. You see with werewolves their change is triggered by their first kill, then once they experience their first full moon is when they change for the first time. That's when we found out we had a different father. That's when Mikael decided Nik and I were abominations.

She hummed as she stroked Bella's face almost in a loving manner.

Alexandria: I guess he was right though. An Original Hybrid and an Original Tribrid are kind of abominations. But bloody hell does it feel good to be so fucking powerful.

And before any of us could react she bit into the side of Bella's neck.

Edward: Bella! Let her go!

Alexandria moved away from Bella and turned her to face him.

Alexandria: You're right. A lover should get to witness his loves dying breath.

Before either of them could respond Alexandria shoved her hand in Bella's back before pulling it back out. It wasn't long before she fell to the ground and there Alexandria stood with Bella's heart in her hand. She turned to look at me with a smirk on her face.

Alexandria: I told you love. I'd rip her heart out myself.

She turned to Edward and tossed him Bella's heart.

Alexandria: Have fun with that, Eddy boy.

With that she was gone. The flames had died down and Bella laid on the ground with a gaping hole in her back.

The Original Hybrid's Twin Part One (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now