Angry Sex - Ashton

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You were sprawled out across the rug in the living room, arms held up in defense as Ashton held a cocky smirk on his face and continued to tickle your sides.
"Ash! Ashton...seriously...stop! Pleease!" you gasped between giggles. But of course Ashton kept at it, his massive hands gliding up and down your tummy while you writhed beneath him. Then he dipped his head down so close to your face that his perfect little curls brushed against your forehead and his lips came in such close proximity with yours that a kiss seemed inevitable...until your hand came down across his cheek with a harsh slap, completely unintended.
Ashton instantly recoiled and withdrew himself from your touch, no longer hovering over you and no longer smiling. His expression had instantly turned into one of anger as his brows furrowed together in a glare.
"Baby, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," you gushed, quickly sitting up to face your pissed off boyfriend, whose cheek was now turning red.
Without thinking, you raised a gentle hand to feel the tender skin and maybe soothe his anger a bit, but Ashton wasn't having any of that. He only swatted your hand away with a sharp look, and you could see the muscles of his jawline flex as he clenched his teeth together.
"Fuck off, Y/N, would you?" he muttered, abruptly standing up and stalking off to the kitchen.
You followed behind him, not discouraged in the slightest, because you were used to his moody behavior. Yeah, sometimes the two of you exchanged harsh words or said rude things, but neither of you meant it. And you weren't just going to 'give up' just because Ash was being a baby.
"I said I'm sorry," you repeated softly, stood leaning against the doorway.
Ashton was rummaging through the freezer in search of an icepack, but he still managed to shoot you a glare and rudely respond, "And I said Fuck. Off."
"Well you don't have to be a dickhead, you know," you shot back just as coldly.
You could tell he was deliberately ignoring you when he slammed the freezer door shut and brushed past you with a nudge, which only irritated you further. You sidestepped just in time to make a direct collision with him so that he was forced to stop in his tracks.
"Move, Y/N," he ordered, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Fuck you, Irwin," you smirked.
This time, Ashton looked down at you and met your gaze with a semi-amused expression.
"Fuck me?" he repeated, stepping a bit closer to you, "Is that an insult or a challenge, babe?"
You tried your best to mirror his cool, calm expression as though you'd been planning this all along. Maybe you should challenge him a little, piss him off a little more.
"I said. Fuck. You," you mimicked his voice from earlier, which did not go unnoticed by him.
The moment he grasped your waist with a slightly firmer hold, you knew he was yours, you just had to make him even angrier now.
"Now you decide to listen to me, huh? Thought you would stop acting like a little boy for once?" You quirked your eyebrow up.
Ashton shook his head firmly, fingers pressing into your skin.
"Don't," he muttered simply, "Don't say that. You know how hard I could..." His voice trailed off as his eyes wandered across your body.
"Hopefully harder than I slap," you chuckled.
And in the next instant Ashton had you pinned against the wall, arms lifting you upwards so that your legs could wrap around his torso. His smirk had faded and was replaced by a familiar, tight frown that displayed his annoyance. You lightly cursed under your breath when you felt his crotch against yours, the denim rough against your thin pyjama shorts. Even worse when he started moving, rotating those fucking hips underneath you so that you forced back a moan and gripped his hair.
"That's...that's all you've got?" you managed.
Instead of responding, Ashton moved a hand to your already sensitive area and slid one long finger along the fabric to gauge your reaction. You couldn't help but flinch a little, and the moment his nimble fingers came in contact with your skin, you whimpered.
Ashton easily removing your shorts with one hand, while the other arm supported your body weight. Then he was rubbing, softly at first then putting more pressure on your core so that you had to bite your cheek to keep from moaning.
"Go on, babe, I love feedback," he grinned as he began to slide your panties down with painfully slow movements. But it wasn't until he unexpectedly inserted a finger into your aching heat that you let out a long moan. Pumping one, then two as his thumb grazed across your clit and caused you to tighten your grip on his hair.
You were so lost in the pleasure that you didn't notice him start to unbuckle his pants and shift your body onto his firm lower abdomen where you met the elastic band of his American Apparel underwear (*WINK*) and then oh fuck you were pressed against his raging hard-on that was strained against the black fabric of his briefs, and Ashton smirked because he knew you could feel him, but couldn't really have him the way you wanted.
"Please, Ash," you moaned.
"What?" he asked innocently, peppering kisses along your collarbone and traveling up your neck.
You tugged his hair back so that you were face to face, eyeing him with a glare.
"Just fuck me like you mean it."
You didn't need to say another word. Before you knew it, Ashton was thrusting into you with such force that you had to grip his shoulders to hold on, and his lips were already pressing against yours in hot, sloppy kisses and the kinky lil shit even used his teeth a little while you moaned into his mouth and yeah he'd be the type of motherfucker to be like, "Hard enough for you?" and maybe slow down a bit so that you were begging him to keep going and then he'd tell you to moan a little louder, just for him "just for daddy" and maybe suck on your neck some more or move his thumb to tease your clit and bring you closer to the edge and just when you were about to come he'd stop completely and meet your wild gaze with his lips almost pressing against yours in a smirk and say some shit like "how bad do you want it?" and when you convinced him, he'd go drummer-style on those last thrusts with all the energy he had left in his body to hurtle both of you over the edge and have you moaning through the whole thing and hell yeah you'd basically be sore for a week the end

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