Future - Ashton

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"Ruby Ashlynn Irwin, get your little bum down here!" I roared from the bottom of our wrap around staircase in the foyer. Hands fisted on my hips while glaring up at the balcony in expectation to see the sight of my four year old daughter's auburn colored ringlets and golden eyes that matched her father's. After having just put down my screaming five month old son, the little amount of patience I had for dealing with little Miss Ruby's shenanigans was driving me up a wall.
"Ruby, don't make me come up there!" I shouted, distinctly remembering a memory of my own mother screaming for my name after having gotten caught sneaking out or finding hot pink shot glasses in my room. To think that even at the tender age of four, my husband and I already had a daughter that had both the attitude and emotions of a teenager. Of course, she never showed this sassy side to her proud papa, knowing better than to challenge the man who succumbs to her every desire.
From the time Ruby entered the world not so long ago, she had a mouth on her. Whether she was crying for food or attention or even gracing the room with her infectious giggle-she never went unnoticed. Ashton and I had decided that we would be the type of parents who were always on the same page; no good cop bad cop.
However, once I had pushed and squeezed the tiny spitfire from my body; Ashton had forgotten the little talk we had so long ago and fell head over heels. He never left her side if he could help it when she was a toddler and always volunteered to help with changing or feeding. He was incapable of saying no to her when those whiskey colored eyes that matched his would blink up at him with tears filling inside them. With our two other little boys, he'd laugh and video tape short clips of them running into each other accidentally or bumping into a wall. But if Ruby even stumbled over her shoelace, not even enough for her to take a tumble, it was Daddy Ashton to the rescue. Picking her little form and cradling her to his chest even if she insisted she was fine. Ashton would then place her back on the ground delicately as if she was made of porcelain and mumble about how we should let her wear sandals from now on to prevent future trips. Even when she was a newborn, she had him wrapped around her tiny finger.
As much as I loved our daughter with every fiber of my being; I was a lot stronger when it came to her ways of persuasion than Ashton was. Mostly because I read right through it like a transparent shower curtain which often resulted in me being called a "mean mommy" for sending her to time out. Whereas in Ashton's case, just the sight of her bottom lip jutting out because he told her it was bedtime would cause him to extend her playing for another fifteen minutes.
Our son, Declan Fletcher Irwin, was the spitting image of me both in looks and demeanor. Where Ruby was the exact carbon copy of her father; Dex had my hair color and skin pigment also cool and easy going personality. Dex being the middle child and only two, caused both Ashton and I to experience little problems with him. Then again, he was only two and the tantrums of that age were naturally going to arrive soon. He ate broccoli as if it were cookies and could only fall asleep if Daddy sang him the "Moon Song". It was a special tune for both of them because Ashton had composed it when Dex was only two months old in an attempt to quiet his tiny cries also being completely sleep deprived.
Ashton had sang unique, simple lullabies created by himself for each individual child of ours. Ruby's was "Tiny Gem" which was pretty self explanatory. The reason of her name being Ruby because we had both seen our little girl as precious and beautiful as a jem. Ruby didn't need it sung to her every night like Dex did; but on nights when she'd woken up from a bad dream or when she was sick, she'd request the tune to be sing by her father. It would lull her back to sleep instantly and Ashton could never get through the song without a watery smile and glistening eyes, remembering the first night he held her pink, tightly blanketed form to his chest. He'd remember gazing down at the tiny extension of himself and wondering how he ever helped bring something so special into the world. Made from the love he had for his wife; he forgot every fear he hindered before about possibly not being a good father or not knowing what to do. Once he took his first glance at his precious gem of our daughter, nothing in the world could ever compare to that moment, aside from the birth of his other two children and exchanging wedding vows with his beloved, Y/N.
Dex's song was the "Moon Song" because he had born on a full moon, so bright and beautiful that on the way to the hospital I remember looking out the window and commenting on how spectacular it was. Ashton had been frantic with worry; similar to when Ruby was being born. Even if he had done the whole song and dance before it was still terrifying for him to see me in pain. Once I had pushed our first son from my fatigued and sweaty body, Ashton felt the tears form in his eyes again at becoming a father once more. He loved having a little girl like Ruby but he had always wanted to have son; do all the things he wished his dad would've done with him. To think that any man could look into the eyes of their own child and then abandon it was unbearable to Ashton even before he had children. Now that he had, it was unthinkable. From the moment they were born their little eyes would stare up at you with love and adoration, and in that moment you want to protect them from anyone or anything that will cause them pain.
Ashton also had a thing for squeezing his name in each of our childrens' names. He wanted them to have an extension of him in their full names because he never once wanted them to forget how cherished they were by him and how proud he was to be their father.
Whereas our youngest, Isaac Asher Irwin, his song was "Snowflake" because he was born a few hours before Christmas Eve. He took after his father in both looks and noise level. At first I was worried I had another Ruby on my hands but if anything Isaac was worse. Where Ruby was full of sass and spunk, Isaac was contained of sensitivity and loudness. Like his father, the littlest things set him off and pulled an adorable pout on his face. But Isaac definitely took the cake for best snuggler, even if he could give screeching monkeys a run for their money, he was nice to cuddle up to on a cold night. He also stares up at you in gratification once you burp his stomach ache away or shove a bubba between his lips.
Dex was waddling around my feet, playing with the material of my scrubs I had worn to work as I tapped my sensible white shoes on the hardwood floors. I was about three seconds from climbing up the stairs and pounding on the little girl's door. Knowing full well she'd still be in her Ariel costume with sea shell clips laced through her copper hair.
"Ruby, I'm going to count to three!" I threatened while bending down to haul Dex on my hip after he began to stick some of the material in his mouth.
"I'm not taking my costume off!" She yelled while the familiar stomps of her tiny feet echoed on the floor. Her small form appearing between the bars of the balcony above the staircase, squinting her eyes as she took in her mother bouncing her little brother on her hip.
"Ruby, Halloween was last week! You can't go to sleep in your costume." I reasoned, frustrated at my daughter's stubbornness. "If you don't get ready for your bath, I'm telling Daddy to hide your Halloween candy."
"Daddy would never be as mean as you!" She shouted while tears began to fill in her golden eyes. Rolling my own as her bottom lip jutted out, recognizing this as the face she makes to get her father to do something for her. As much as Ashton was a pushover for his baby girl, I was dead set on not raising her to be a spoiled brat. So far, she only threw tantrums at home over simple things like her brother's getting new toys or receiving attention from Mommy. At school,teachers only had nice things to say about Ruby which made me feel better. At least she saved the dramatics for home.
"I don't know Ruby, he wouldn't like to hear you talking back to me like this." I replied while beginning to climb the stairs with a curious Dex on my hip, his chubby fingers playing with my earrings. I winced when he pulled on one too hard, separating his hands from my ear.
"Mommy's going to get changed out of her work clothes and when I get back, I better see you out of that costume." I ordered while nodding my head towards her bedroom. Stomping her foot in defeat, she matched into her room and slammed the door. The motion rattling the family pictures hanging on the walls.
"Ruby Ashlynn, we don't slam doors in this house!" I yelled while shaking my head in exasperation. Turning the knob into the master bedroom, I deposited Dex on the ground and away from any objects that could possibly harm him.
Running my hands through my silky hair while taking it out of the high pony I had it in at the hospital. Days at the hospital seemed longer now after we had made the move to a suburb outside of New York City. After we had Isaac, Ashton didn't feel comfortable having us raise our children in our tiny apartment so we moved to a spacious house with plenty of backyard for the kids to play. We imagined our neighbors on the other side of the our apartment walls probably jumped for joy when they heard the news. After having been living on the other side of us for years and practically hearing when each of our children had been conceived, they were understandably happy. Us too because we'd no longer have to peel "anonymous" sticky notes left on our front door for us to "keep the noise level of our bedroom activities down". Ashton and I were the youngest parents living the neighborhood, at twenty six and twenty eight, most people our age were just deciding to get married or moving in with another.
However, most couples weren't like Ashton and I; nor would we ever want to be like most couples. I had met him as a shy, naive sixteen year old working at my first hostessing job at the same restaurant my husband now owns near Little Italy in the city. Ashton had bought the restaurant from the old owner not long after we got married and had changed the name from Fratelli's to Ruby's. He was now running it alongside a few of our other old colleagues while also playing in the same band he's been in since we met. They were pretty big but not enough that we couldn't live a normal life. We never had to deal with paparazzi stalking our house but rather the occasional fan here and there asking for a picture.
At the time when we met, I was so dead set on having a plan for my life, my parents drilling determination and hard work ethic in to me since I was able to pick up a pencil. I wanted to be a nurse since I was just a kid, always seen as weird because I got excited to go the doctors office.I'd get to see the big girls in their candy striper uniforms and dream of wearing the same outfit. I didn't realize how much hard work if would be to become one at such a young age; my teenage years spent studying, saving up money for school, and spending time with friends on the weekend so I could attempt to have a social life.
It wasn't until I met Ashton Irwin, that my plans completely unraveled. I didn't know it at the time, but I was head over heels for him at first glance. I would convince myself that the butterflies I felt for the older waiter were nothing but reflexive reactions to male attention; I even convinced myself that I saw him as only a friend. When he finally confessed his feelings for me, I got so scared that I rejected him. Mostly because I knew that if I entered a relationship with him he'd have the power to completely destroy me if he left me.
By my first week of college I knew that I would never find a boy like Ashton Irwin and decided that I would rather get destroyed by him after exploring a relationship than nothing at all. So I spent the next four years with my nose buried in a book studying so I could graduate early and move back to New York, in hopes that Ashton hadn't moved on.
I was lucky enough to find him again at one of his shows and we became inseparable from then on. We didn't have to go through the awkward stages of dating because we had been best friends before; it was incredible. To this day, I thank God for putting him on this Earth and for having me take that job at Fratelli's. If I had ended up at the dry cleaners like my friend wanted me to; I would've never met the love of my life or father of my future children.
Stripping off my wrinkled, light blue scrubs; I folded them up neatly before placing it in the hamper. Pulling on a pair of maroon, velvet running pants and matching sweat jacket, I put on my black flip flops. Even in the early stages of November, I still wear flip flops around the house. I rubbed my hands over my run down face, letting out a heavy sigh after the hard day I had at work. I was stationed as nurse in the pediatrics oncology ward which was difficult but rewarding at the same time. However, it was days like these when it became too much. A six month old baby got diagnosed today with stage four leukemia and all I could think about was if Ruby or Dex or Isaac were in that position. The thought was enough to send shivers down my spine. The job made me extremely grateful for not only my health but the rest of my family's as well.
I walked out of our walk in closet to widen my eyes at Dex's curious form. Balancing himself on the bedside table, his soft fingers fumbling around in his father's drawer before plucking a condom packet out and plopping it into his mouth. Racing over to him, I hauled him up off his feet and fought to take the plastic, square packet from his teeth.
"Come on, Dex give Mommy the toy," I ordered in an attempt to remain calm while jiggling the square from between his little teeth. He finally gave up once I yanked the sealed packet from his mouth and threw it back in the drawer. Happy that I wrangled the packet from him more out of the fear of him choking than wasting a condom. I was on the pill anyway so the condoms barely got any use in our bed.
Exhaling a breath of relief I adjusted the investigative boy on my hip and began to make my way to his bedroom. Twisting the knob before flicking on the light switch, the room brightening up significantly while I deposited him in his playpen. He sat himself up, leaning his head back while playing with his favorite stuffed frog.
"Mama, where's Dada?" He asked, his big eyes blinking up at me with curiosity, sticking one of the frogs legs into his mouth. I bent down beside the pen to pull some the hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his forehead.
"Daddy's on the train home from work right now, sweetie." I replied while he processed my words, still not completely understanding his father's whereabouts.
"Moon song!" He ordered with the frog still clutched in his hand. I nodded my head defeatedly, taking a deep breath before trying to explain to him again.
"Daddy will sing you the Moon Song when he gets home okay," I promised while kissing each of his tiny fingers. He giggled at the feeling and squirmed in my touch, my heart growing eight sizes bigger.
"Can you be a good boy while Mommy gives your big sister a bath?" I asked while flicking on his TV to his favorite show, his big eyes already trained on the screen while I finished my request. "Once we're done I'll make you some spaghetti and Daddy will sing you the Moon Song."
He nodded his head while his eyes remained on the screen. I left the door open so I could see him through the bathroom across the hall. I flicked on the bathroom lights, twisting the knobs before a steady stream of warm water began to fill the tub. Squeezing a few spurts of Disney Princess scented bubble bath into the water while dipping my hand in to test the temperature.
I turned the water off before turning into Ruby's light pink bedroom, my eyes flaring when I realized she was still in her mermaid costume. Her defiant form was sitting cross cross on her canopy double bed, her entire bed set different shades of pink. Her room was for for a princess with an array of porcelain dolls lining the shelves and tons of picture books. A toy chest the size of a crib and the cursive letters spelling out her name hung above her pretty bed.
"Ruby! What did Mommy-"
The slam of our front door cut my scolding off as I heard the footsteps of my husband walking in. Ruby's golden eyes widened, scrambling off her bed to race downstairs but I blocked the doorway.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, my arms folded across my chest in challenge. Ruby plopped down to the floor, her fists banging on the carpet while she shook her curly hair.
"Mamaaaaaa" she whined, obviously desperate to see her father as he moved about downstairs, tears falling down her gum drop cheeks, "I wanna see Daddy"
"Oh I'll get Daddy, and he won't be happy with you Miss Ruby." I shut the door to my daughters cries and began stepping down the stairs two at a time. Turning into the kitchen to be greeted to the sight of my cinnamon haired husband.
His amber eyes were trained on a pile of bills splayed on the counter, flicking through the envelopes while reading over the bank statements. His eyes flickered up to mine, warming at the sight of me approaching him. He wore a navy blue sweater, a gray pullover and jeans; his hair in disarray but still looking just as delicious as always. As I got closer to him his long arms wrapped around my waist possessively and pulled me against his chest, his nose skimming along the side of my cheek while his large hands traced the curves of my hips.
"Mhmm,I have the sexiest wife in the whole world," he murmured into my ear while pressing a sensual kiss to my smooth cheek. I rolled my eyes at his compliment which prompted his eyebrows to furrow and got me a slap on the ass.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, you're too attractive for your own good," he replied while threaded some of his fingers through my hair. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders as I ran a hand over my face.
"I'm sorry, I just had such a long day-"
"Then let me ease your stress," he purred while grasping on to cheeks of my bum and massaging the twin globes in his large hands. "You want me to give you an all body massage, pretty girl? Will that put a smile on that gorgeous face?"
"You forget we have three children climbing on us 24/7, my friend." I countered while he hissed in annoyance, his eyes squeezing in frustration.
"So? Just a few years ago you blew me in between nap and lunch time," he brought up with a smirk to which I gave him an annoyed look.
"A few years ago I only had a one year old," I argued while he began scattering kisses across my neck and collarbone, "it was easier back then and it only made you more relentless."
"I can't help that I have the sexiest wife alive!" He defended while flashing me dark eyes that scanned the curves of my body, pulling our pelvises together before grinding against me.
"You need to get away from me, Ashton Irwin. All you do is pump babies into me and take my attention away from everything else!" I exclaimed while closing my eyes in pleasure as his hands dug into my backside, his lips sucking on the side of my neck.
"I'm an animal when it comes to you, I'd be inside of you all day if I could," he growled into my ear while digging his semi arousal into my thigh, his words sending sizzles of pleasure down my spine.
"Don't I know it? I've had three kids in the span of four years," I admitted with a blush as he released a grunt from the friction of my velvet clad thigh brushing against his jean covered arousal.
"It's my proudest talent, getting you pregnant so easily," he whispered with a chuckle and kiss to the lips, "let's other men know to stay away, sometimes a ring on the finger isn't enough. Three children let's men know that you're being thoroughly fucked on the regular."
"Oh my god, Ashton are you serious?" I laughed as he planted wet kisses down my neck while flushing at his possessive words, "I don't think you have anything to worry about-"
"Are you fucking kidding me? I have a hot twenty six year old babe for a wife with a killer rack and glorious ass to match," he stated with serious eyes as he caressed my bottom in question, "she's also intelligent and caring and funny and the perfect mixture of jaw droppingly sexy and heart clenching cute. Other men would chop their left nut off to have you for a wife and I got to lay down some real estate to get the message across that you're taken."
"Are you trying to get fucked against the kitchen counter, Ashton Fletcher?" I asked while digging my hands in his disheveled hair and nipping along the side of his jaw.
"Nah, Dex was conceived in the kitchen. I want to try to make our next child in the pool I think." He answered casually as if I were asking his preference of ice cream. His words caused me to separate from him and flash him alarmed eyes.
"First of all, Dex wasn't conceived in the kitchen-"
"Oh he certainly was, I remember it because you wore that tiny black bikini with your ass hanging out of it and your hair up," he reminded with his lip between his teeth while shutting his eyes at the memory, "your heart shaped ass bouncing on my cock while I took you from behind and your hands grasping on the count-"
"He wasn't conceived then! It was in the shower that one Valentine's Day because you forgot to put on a condom and I was off the pill that month due to-"
"That was Ruby not Dex-"
"Ruby was in your bed back at your old apartment! We weren't even moved in yet!" I exclaimed, suddenly very into debating this topic which seemed outrageous.
"Oh yeah, you're right because that was the first time we tried reverse cowgirl and I fucking blew a load so-"
"Second of all," I stopped his upcoming crude words with my hand, "I'm closing up shop you beast! We're either getting used to me taking pills and you wearing a condom-" Ashton emitted a rough groan, "or you're getting a vasectomy."
"I'm never getting a vasectomy, sweetheart. Having the ability to get you pregnant is my favorite past time." He replied with a kiss to my temple as I jutted my lower lip out to which he nibbled on with his teeth. "I've got a few more to give you before we shut stuff down."
"I'm not a machine, Ashton!" I exclaimed while chuckling as he rolled his eyes at my comparison, "I'd like to have a few years of not having a mouth attached to my nipple."
"That will never happen," he snickered while placing circling one of my buds with his thumb as I slapped his hands playfully.
"I don't know if I can handle another one of your spawns, your daughter has been driving me up a wall!" I exclaimed to which he narrowed his eyes and shook his head.
"My little princess? Putting up a fuss? Impossible." He joked while I slapped his shoulder.
"I swear to God, she's becoming more and more like me when I was teen-" but Ashton cut me off with a growl and a slap to the bum.
"If she's anything like you when she grows up than we're locking her in a tower." He demanded with dark eyes that caused me to laugh which only made his expression more stern.
"I'm serious,YI/N. I don't need two girls to worry about." He explained while adjusting himself in his pants, trying to tame his growing erection.
"Well she's not going to be Daddy's little girl forever-"
"Not if I can help it." He grunted as I began to grind my hips into his, a hiss escaping from his hips while I dug myself into his growing bulge. The denim beginning to twitch and shift under my control while I nipped along his jawline.
"I know one little girl of Daddy's who won't stray," I purred as he emitted a moan at my words, backing him up against the kitchen counter. His fingers digging into my ass cheeks while he ground his erection against my thigh, gritting his teeth at the sensation. I ran my tongue up the column of his neck while making him squeal, a victorious grin spreading across my face.
"You wanna give me a kiss, pretty girl?" He asked while massaging my cheeks in his large hands and skimming his nose around my ear. I trailed my hand along the spot that can bring him to climax by touching, the crevice of his collarbone before placing a kiss on it. Shivers racketed his body while his hands digging into the soft, plushy cheeks and grinding his erection against my thigh.
"I always do baby," I moaned while sucking on his neck and beginning to pop the button of his jeans. I moved my lips to press against his but his finger stopped me, gripping my chin in his hand while tutting in his tongue defiantly.
"As much as I love those lips of yours baby," he whispered while pecking me softly, his eyelids droopy with desire. He lifted his finger to brush against my mouth, brushing against my lips sensually while his eyes were trained downcast.
"I don't want you to kiss me here," he tapped against my full lips with a gravely voice before trailing his finger down above his pelvis and tapping above the waistband of his jeans, "I want you to kiss me here."
"Anything for you," I murmured to which he nodded happily before raising his finger against my mouth again.
"How are you going to suck Daddy's cock?" He whispered while my lips parted in invitation, his eyes gleaming in desire. "Are you going to tease me or suck it hard and fast like the naughty girl you are?"
Following his lead, I wrapped my hand around his long digit that could reach places inside me I didn't know existed. Parting my lips further, I wrapped my mouth around the long digit and began caressing it with my tongue. His eyes fluttered in desire as I bobbed my mouth back and forth on his finger similar to what I do with his cock. My tongue swirling against the rough texture while he murmured praises.
"Very good, baby." He praised with heavy lidded eyes and his own mouth parting in pleasure, "that's right, what a perfect little tongue you have."
Finally, he tore his finger from my mouth and I dropped to my knees when he began fumbling with his jeans. Realizing that I was about to blow my husband while our children were right above us and brushing it off. He wasn't a minute man but I was confident that I could get him off pretty quickly in enough time to give Ruby a bath and feed each child.
Unzipping his zipper hastily and shoving them down his legs so they laid in a heap by his shoes, I was rewarded with the sight of his gray boxer briefs. They were tight in all the right places, a dark spot forming where the tip of his cock strained against the cotton. Before he could pull the rest of his underwear down I grabbed ahold of his buttocks and shoved him towards my mouth.
"Fuck me," he hissed while I nuzzled the tip of my nose against the straining erection, it twitched within its confines causing me to giggle. I then poked my tongue out and trailed it along the side of his boxer covered cock, causing him to dig his hands in my hair.
"Stop fucking teasing," he growled while thrusting harshly against my mouth, my head bobbing backwards by the force. Understanding that I had three children unaware of what I was doing, I decided to speed up my actions. There'd be time for another day of teasing Ashton's pretty cock.
I dug inside his boxers before grasping his hot cock in my hand, pulling him out of his cotton covered prison. He let out of a whoosh of air as I wrapped my palm around the base of him, so thick that I couldn't wrap my whole hand around. My fingers barely touched which only made my mouth water for that weeping rod between my lips.
Once he was completely free from his briefs, I slapped his angry red tip on my tongue and began curling it on the underside of his head. His knuckles turning white by how hard he was clutching the countertop behind him as he glared down at me possessively, my lips now beginning to close around the fat tip of him.
"That's it baby, suck it for me," he urged so quietly I didn't know if he was saying it more for himself than to me. I ignored this while I swirled my tongue around the veiny head, moans spilling from his mouth as I did so.
I then separated my mouth and hands from him, moving my palms to grasp his tanned buttcheeks. Forcing more of him into my mouth while never taking my eyes off of his, his amber orbs glaring down at me in dark satisfaction. I began my descent on his cock without any help of my hands, shoving him as far down my throat as he could. His hands lifted from the counter to bury themselves in my hair, his chest heaving while still trying to maintain his assertiveness.
"Are you ready, angel eyes?" He rasped in a gravely voice and dark eyes to which I nodded with his cock still lodged far down my throat. He emitted a heavy sigh before getting a grip in my hair.
Suddenly he gave me a harsh thrust to which I took gracefully and kept my mouth wide open for him. He then began a steady rhythm of delivering harsh thrusts into my mouth that caused my throat to close around him significantly. He tossed his head back in pleasure while continuing to force my face back on his cock, his eyes scrunched tight while his arms bulged by the force of his ministrations. I felt the corners of my eyes start to water when he reached a little further down my throat but ignored it and opened my mouth further.
His moans began to fall from his mouth rapidly and I recognized sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. Breathing erratic while his cheeks were flushed red by how aroused he was. A few drops of precum shot down my throat while his sweaty fingers trembled in the tangles of my hair. I could only imagine how we sounded at the moment, the subtle slurps and his rough groans and grunts. His balls rested hotly on my chin as he continued to shove his whole cock down my throat. He eventually reached a little too far causing me choke slightly and a few mumbled apologies fell from his lips.
"I'm about to fill those pretty cheeks of yours up soon," he growled while he never faltered his thrusts to which I nodded obediently. My hands fell from his ass to the balls resting on my chin and rubbing them gently. His breath stopped, a strangled sound coming from his throat while scrunching his eyes up tight. I continued to rub gentle circles into the taut skin while he thrusts began to come harsher and I recognized this as his rapidly approaching climax.
"Fuck I'm cumming babe," he warned as I quickly pulled my mouth his wet cock but widened my mouth under the head. One hand still buried in my hair while the other began to tug on his hard flesh, the head of his cock dangling above my open mouth. His lip pulled between his teeth while tilting his head back and releasing a gruff roar.
Bending his knees slightly while never breaking eye contact with me, creamy ribbons of white began leak out of him like faucet. Splashing onto my tongue while he poured the rest of his essence into my open my mouth which I swallowed down greedily. He continued to stroke himself, wringing out a few ropes of seed before dropping his hands to his sides. I kneeled back on my heels while wiping the sides of my mouth where some of him spilled out.
Grasping me by my armpits and pulling me from my knees, pressing his chest against mine. I prepared myself for the attack of his lips against mine, completely exposed by his brutal possession of my mouth. His hands cupped my jaw before leaning his head to the side while moaning at the taste of himself on my tongue. I dug my long fingers into his hair, pulling gently at the roots while he grunted in satisfaction before separating from my mouth with a heavy sigh.
"You're every breath," he delivered a kiss on each of my cheeks, "you're every thought," kissing the tip of my nose, "you're everything to me," kisses been placed on my closed eyelids as his hands, still trembling from the intense orgasm I just gave him, cupped my face loving. "Never forget that, my love."
"I never will," I promised while delivering kisses to each one of his trembling fingers to which he cooed at.
"I hope you know that I love you as much as I did when I was seventeen," he admitted with a self depicting grin and I flashed him an apologetic smile. Already predicting the sentence that followed.
"I know you didn't feel the same way but I just want you to know that every day I'm with you I fall more and more in love with you," he whispered against my cheek while his warm breath caressed my ear.
"I love everything about you Ashton Irwin and maybe I didn't realize it at first," I licked my lips while brushing a stray hair from his face, "but you are having a beautiful life, Ashton Irwin."
"God, I'm so in love with you," he groaned before burying himself in the crook in my neck to which I sighed lovingly. Cradling his face into my shoulder while we lived in our little world before jumping in surprise when the cries of our five month old son blasted through the baby monitor.
Both of us sighed heavily at the realization that we had other responsibilities, no longer just the two of us but a whole house of kids. He whimpered when I pulled away from his embrace to straighten up my appearance. He pulled up his boxers and pants up, situating himself accordingly.
"After I did that very nice thing for you sweetie, can you please talk to your daughter now?" I asked while he buttoned the top of his pants and straightened his hair, "I'll handle Isaac if you get her in the bathtub."
"Of course, sweetheart." He replied before planting a kiss on my hair while we walked up the stairs hand in hand. Separating once I arrived into Isaac's room, cringing when I heard his wails echoing on the walls. I padded over to the crib to see his face wet with tears, his tiny hands in fists while he stared up at me helplessly. I whimpered in pain at the sight of my son upset, scooping him out of the crib and clutching to my chest. He quieted down once I began bouncing up and down, inching myself over to Dex's room to see his eyes still trained on his TV screen.
Finally bouncing my way over to Ruby's door and peering inside to see Ashton kneeling down beside her frilly, pink bed. His large hands practically overbearing her knees, staring up at her with desperate eyes that matched hers.
"Princess, I know you love your costume but can you just cut Mommy some slack?" He requested with a pleasing tone, "You want to be a Princess right? Well you have to smell good to be one."
"B-b-but my Ariel costume Daddy," she blubbered while fat tears rolled down her cheeks to which Ashton groaned in pain and shook his head.
"You're killing Daddy, Ruby,"he moaned while clutching her cheeks in his large hands, "please don't cry sweetheart, why don't you want to take a bath? Ariel loves the water!"
"That's why Daddy, if I take the costume off I'm not Ariel anymore and I'm scared of the water again," she blubbered with red tinted cheeks, causing Ashton's expression to completely become crestfallen.
"Awww princess, being Ariel is more than just wearing a costume! You're my precious little Ruby," he stated while brushing her soft cheeks with his thumb to wipe away her tears, "nothing in this world is more special to me than you my little love and I know you're brave enough to go in the tub."
Finally realizing the fear that held our daughter back from bathing being the time she almost drowned because she ventured too far into the pool. It was Luke's daughter Rosie's second birthday and most of the adults were too busy fawning over Luke's perfect little girl. Ruby had tried to keep up with Luke's oldest daughter Claire who wasn't afraid of anything but Ruby's swimmies fell off in her attempt to catch up to the older girl. The sight of our daughter struggling to keep herself up for air was an image burned in both my husband and I's brains. Ashton had dove into the water with all his clothes on, wrapping an arm to bring a terrified Ruby to his chest. His large hands smoothing all over her to body to make sure his little girl was okay, his eyes wide with panic.
"If Daddy stays with you the whole time, so you think you could take a bath and be the big, brave Ruby Ashlynn Irwin I know you are!" He asked while beginning to attack her with tickles, exploding into adorable giggles at the expense of her father's hands.
"Yes," she replied in the midst of her giggles and Ashton swooped her up on his hip as if she was a pound of flour. His eyes softening once he took in the image of me cradling his five month old son, pouting his lips to blow a kiss at both of us before brushing aside us to bring Ruby into the bathroom.
I followed them while sticking a pacifier into Isaac's mouth, watching my husband kneel down beside the tub and begin our daughters descent in the tub. She yelped at the first touch of the warm, bubbly water but forgot the sensation once Ashton blew raspberries in her neck. Once the water reached her knees, she plopped herself down in the tub as Ashton rose from his knees to retrieve a towel from the hall closet. Once his eyes met mine he winked and I shook my head in amazement.
"How do you do it, Ashton Fletcher?" I asked in astonishment while bouncing a drowsy Isaac on my hip. Ashton threw the pink towel over his shoulder, flashing me a shit eating grin before bending down slightly to deliver a kiss on our son's forehead. Rising to his full height to exhale heavily and shrug his shoulders.
"I'm just that good."

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