4 to 1 - OT4

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"Why don't we ask Y/N about..." Calum trailed off as the four boys and I sat watching a movie; a heated one at that.
"About what?" I shot back curiously.
"Wait, do you mean what we were discussing this morning?" Luke asked Calum, who then nodded in approval.
"What?" I asked again.
"Don't see why not." Michael added.
"Guys, just tell me!" I pouted, the suspense unnerving. The boys and I had been friends forever, and I'd always been the one to tell them about everything from female emotion to crippling period pain.
"Alright, earlier on Ashton was telling us about how an ex-girlfriend of his had a special talent." Luke explained. "And uh, we were wondering if maybe you could shed some light on it for us."
"What was the talent?" I asked curiously, butterflies filling my stomach as I awaited a response.
"She could squirt." Ashton spoke up. "Wasn't good for much else..." He smirked at the other boys, and I gathered that the relationship hadn't ended on good terms. "But she sure could do that." I breathed in as he finished, adjusting to the concept. "Can you?" Ashton prompted. I was suddenly tongue-tied and struggled to get my next sentence out.
"I-I have a few times. But it always took someone else to get me there." I answered honestly. The boys were quiet.
"What's it like?" Michael finally asked the question that they'd all been thinking.
"Um..." My nerves got the better of me as their eyes remained trained on my face.
"C'mon babe, we're really curious. The whole idea is..." Mikey trailed off.
"Fascinating." Ashton finished his sentence. It was clear that Ash was the most experienced in the area; but he was just as intrigued as the rest of them. His hands were clasped together and forearms resting on his thighs as he leant towards me from the couch. I'd never had a strong attraction to him before, we were nothing more than good friends. But now that we were on this particular topic, his hands and muscular arms held a temping promise that I couldn't deny was causing a throbbing between my legs.
"It's hard to describe." I spoke sheepishly, the boys being fairly understanding and aware of how hard it can be to describe a feeling of absolute euphoria.
"See the thing is, we don't really believe him." Calum challenged. "We want proof that he could do that to someone." I thought for a moment, my mind eventually registering what he meant.
"Do you mean-Do you want me to-" I stuttered.
"Show us." Ashton's gravelly tone was like a drug; compelling me to follow his orders. I could see the others in my peripherals, all shifting in their seats in anticipation of my response.
"Please?" Luke smirked, his politeness ever-unfailing. "We just want an example."
"And maybe if it happened, you'd be able to describe it to us a bit better." Michael added.
With some hesitation, I nodded.
"Really?" Calum's eyes widened slightly.
"Yes. I'll need a hand though." I smirked at my own double-entendre.
"Why don't we leave it to the master?" Michael nodded his head towards Ashton, whose breathing was now heavy and eyes seemingly darker.
"It'd be my honour." His mouth end tugged up as he came to kneel in front of me, quickly parting my legs and hitching up my light dress. His forthrightness took me by surprise, but I was turned on beyond belief and just sat there watching as he readied me for his work. My undies were quickly pulled from my legs as the boys repositioned themselves to get the best view possible. Was I really about to do this?
"Ready?" Ashton used his middle and forefinger to rub over my clit. It didn't take much to convince me that I was about to do this.
"Ready." I breathed, my body relaxing into his touch. I could feel that I was already soaking, and the looks on the boys' faces reaffirmed my belief. His fingers continued rubbing sloppy figure-eights over me before he eased both of them into me, a heavy breath escaping as his long digits filled me.
"You said you've done this before?" Ashton questioned.
"I have." My voice was breathy as he pumped them straight in and out, my high already building.
"So you know that it'll happen quickly. And that it'll be fairly intense." He warned as he curled his fingers for the first time and tugged upwards. I nodded as a loud whimper slipped my lips and my eyes looked over those of the boys; all of which were filled with excitement and pure lust. Ashton pulled against my g-spot again and again, my hips beginning to buck with the motion of his digits. He definitely new what he was doing, and it took no time for him to have me whimpering and whining.
"Holy shit." I cried as the knot in my abdomen tightened and Ash picked up pace. The relentless rubbing of his fingertips over the sensitive spot on my front wall soon caused my thighs to tremble and hips to shake.
"Shall we kick this up a notch lads?" Ashton smirked from between my legs and turned to the others; them nodding at the intriguing idea. "Two of you hold down her legs; whoever's left work her clit. We'll get her there quicker." He spoke out their instructions. They quickly stood up from the other couch; Michael placing his strong hands on my right thigh and Calum doing the same to my left. Luke leant over me, his fingers trailing down my stomach before pressing onto and rubbing my clit. Four to one, I stood no chance. As I felt my orgasm approach, my hands gripped onto the material of Luke's shirt for something to cling to when I came apart.
"Oh my God..." I whimpered as I finally surrendered to Ashton's skilled work, my mind going blank. An exquisite pleasure shot from my core to my legs and torso, then spreading all the way to my finger tips and toes. I was almost too consumed by the intensity to register the feeling of release from my entrance once Ashton removed his fingers, and the stunned reactions of the guys.
"Wow." I heard one of them breathe as I continued to tremble and shake, my high only fading after at least 20 seconds of absolute bliss. I could then feel dampness between my legs, which when I opened my eyes I saw way also evident on the couch and a little on Ashton's shirt.
"That was so hot." Michael spoke as he rubbed my thigh before pulling his hands from my warm skin, Cal then doing the same thing.
"Your body is incredible." Luke commented quietly to me as he stood up. I could feel that my cheeks and chest were flushed, and my brow lined lightly with sweat as I wiped it with the back of my arm. I was absolutely exhausted.
"That was..." I started, unable to finish whatever it was that I'd planned on saying. "Thankyou. All of you." I laughed lightly.
"Jesus Y/N." Ashton breathed as he stood up and brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. "You're more than welcome." He kissed my cheek, the rest of the retreating back to the other couch where they were soon joined by Ash.
"So, you up for describing it now?" Calum smirked

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