90's Virgin - Luke

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Luke nodded his head along to the Smashing Pumpkins CD currently blasting through his headphones. He was sprawled across his bed, staring up at the white ceiling above him as the taxi's outside his ten story building whizzed by. The crisp winter air was swirling in through the his open window while he heard the distinct sounds of his mother fixing up supper. He let the familiar sounds of the band he had been saving up for weeks to see lull him to relaxation. His head absolutely pounding after the long,strenuous day he's been having.
This day just wasn't going his way, from the start of his morning waking up with yet another pulsing erection induced by Y/N that he-again-didn't have enough time to take care of because he had woken up late. Due to his disoriented state this morning he had neglected to take the right train to his school, causing Luke to walk about three blocks from where he was let out in the brisk January breeze. He showed up to first period with cheeks the color of strawberries and an upturned nose that resembled a certain red-nosed reindeer. Luckily his first class was Media Studies which the teacher was so relaxed he neglected to even take attendance half the time. He was some old, delusional elder who probably received his reaching certificate around the time his parents were born.
The class wasn't so bad due to the fact one of his closest friends Michael was there with him. Michael was still giddy from their show the previous week before, his eyes filled with wonder as he spoke about the girl he had invited to the show. Luke didn't get a good look at her, the high energy of the crowd distracting him through most of the set.
As much as Luke was happy for his friend, he couldn't help but feel jealous. Luke had been tutoring the girl he'd been obsessing about since elementary school and the hours he spent working with her on math were starting to cause him physical and mental pain. The physical discomfort obviously coming from his inconvenient semi arousals caused by something so little as just their shoulders brushing one another while staring at a problem in their book. Luke has trouble concentrating while attempting to explain the steps to solving a problem, her exquisite face blinking up at him with interest while nodding her head. He would find himself stuttering his words when her big, iridiscent eyes gazed into his.
Just the thought of those wide doe eyes of hers started a pain in his chest. He didn't know how he was ever going to get over this girl, if he thought he was bad all those years not knowing her that well-it had only gotten worse since they had grown closer.
She was patient, never rushing through any of their sessions just to get a good grade. She truly wanted to learn and understand the problems in front of her, never wary of asking questions because she probably knew that Luke would never make her feel bad. It had to be becoming obvious to her now, she couldn't be so blind as to see how truly infatuated he was with her. How could he not?
She was beautiful, that much was obvious to anybody who came in contact with her. Her flowing, silky hair that Luke had discovered smelt like blueberries, could spur the jealousy of any adolescent female. Luke had stated before that he falls victim to her wide, expressive eyes and cute button nose that was oh-so kissable. But besides just her high, pronounced cheek bones and pore less skin-she had an award winning personality to go with it.
Her confidence and determination inspired Luke, he wished he could be as carefree as she was. She was Luke's biggest role model-she wasn't afraid to tell one of her douche jock friends off for making fun of his reading glasses in class, or to say hi to him in the hallway even though her friends would snicker behind her back. Luke didn't care what other people though about him, he knew that he wasn't necessarily a "nerd" so to speak-but he also wasn't going to be getting any votes for Homecoming King. Girls weren't necessarily lining up to date a stuttering, blushing, glasses wearing, six foot tall boy. This didn't bother him however because he wasn't sure he could find someone that even came close to Y/N anyway.
Luke released a dreamy sigh as he blinked back up to his ceiling, staring aimlessly into his various Nirvana and U2 posters. He could smell the pasta sauce his mother was making for dinner, Luke's stomach rumbling in hunger as the warm aroma caressed his nostrils. Rising from his bouncy mattress he removed the headphones from his ears, ruffling his hay colored hair before putting on his new glasses. His contacts recently had been bothering him so he opted for wearing his black rimmed glasses. They were actually quite expensive-good glasses costed a lot of money apparently.
Emerging from the cozy embrace of his bedroom, he padded over to the kitchen to see his mother chopping up vegetables for a salad it looked to be. She flashed him a warm smile, her blocky cell phone cradled between her ear and shoulder. She looked to talking to his father on the other line, discussing what their plans were for the weekend.
Luke plopped himself on a stool facing the stove, resting his arms on the kitchen island while waiting for his mother to hang up the phone. His mother drove him crazy sometimes, especially when she was lecturing him on keeping his grades up so he could get into a good school. Luke had often expressed his passion for music which his parents accepted but only as a hobbie-certainly not something Luke should be pursuing in the future. However, as much as his mother could be demanding-he appreciated her support and was the closest to her out of his two other brothers.
She finally said her goodbyes to his father, asking against what time he would be home before hanging up the phone. She placed it down next to the stove and moved to stir some of her homemade pasta sauce that was bubbling. She glance at Luke over her shoulder, her maroon stained lips pulling into a smile.
"Did you get all your work done, sweetheart?" She asked while bringing the wooden spoon stiring the sauce up to her lips. She blew on the steaming liquid before taking a quirking taste.
"I finished all of it at lunch and study hall," Luke replied while playing with the sleeves of his hoodie. She nodded her head in happiness before sprinkling a few dashes of salt into the sauce.
"That's nice, it's always good to be ahead of the game." She replied matter of factly, stirring the sauce while glancing over to his hunched form, "I see you've been wearing your glasses more recently."
Luke nodded, adjusting the glasses in question before scratching his upturned nose. "Yeah, I keep forgetting to pick up my new contact solution at the pharmacy."
"Well I think they make you look very handsome," she complimented, ignoring Luke's eye roll at her statement. She had to the say that because she was his mom. She couldn't go right out and say that they made him look like a dork.
"I'm serious Luke," she added while flashing him compassionate eyes, "those girls at your school don't know what they're missing."
"Mooom," he groaned, dragging out the middle syllable in annoyance while looking over his shoulder in hopes his older brother couldn't hear, "can we please not talk about this?"
"Okay, okay I just don't see why you lack so much confidence," she replied shaking her head in astonishment, "is it because of the same girl since-"
"Okay, I'm going back into my room now."
Suddenly a knock was heard from the front door of their apartment. His mother furrowed her hay colored eyebrows and starts undoing the ties of her apron. She removed the wooden spoon from the simmering pasta sauce, resting it on the counter next to the stove before nodding her head towards it.
"Can you stir this around for me, sweetie?" She asked while hanging her apron up on the hook on the wall. Luke nodded, hopping off the elevated stool before walking over to the steaming stove. Grasping the wooden spoon his mother once occupied, he stirred the thick sauce slowly while letting the attractive smell caress his senses. His mother scurried over to the front door, peering into the peep hole before shaking her head. Luke looked over to see his mother walking over to his older beother's room and knocking on the door.
"You have a visitor, honey." Her voice announced while walking back over to the kitchen. She tied the apron back at her waist and side stepped Luke. Luke handed over the utensil and leaned up against the counter while his mother occupied her previous space in front of the stove.
"Why your brother needs to date multiple girls at one time is beyond me," she exclaimed while shaking her head in dissapointment, "I don't know how these girls haven't found out by now that he's not a monogamous dater!"
"I don't think they care." Luke murmered dejectedly, his mouth twisting to one side before focusing his eyes downcast. He had been jealous of his older brother since he was a kid-mostly because of his altheticism, strong build, and inmistakable charm when it came to girls. They resembled each other slightly-only that Luke was the younger, lankier, and less chiseled version of him.
His brother in question emerged from his room, the familiar sounds of gangster rap escaping from there. He trudged out of his dark chamber, ruffling his sand colored hair while rubbing his tired eyes. Looking to have just woken up from a nap he flashed Luke a cocky grin before opening the front door. His once tired eyes then widened significantly at who greeted him. Luke couldn't see who it was but once they started speaking he felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach.
"Hi, I'm sorry did I get the wrong apartment?" A melodic voice purred from the hallway. Luke's body froze, his face paling while his mother stood next to him confused. She poked Luke's arm to which he flinched and pushed himself off the counter.
"Believe me you came to the right place," his brother replied confidently, leaning his broad shoulder against the door frame. "But since I'm a gentleman, I'll help a pretty a girl like you out. Who are you looking for, babe?"
"I'm actually looking for my tutor, Luke Hemmings? We usually study at the library but he told me to come to this apartment-"
"Wait," his brother interrupted, chuckling slightly before continuing, "did you just say you're looking for LUKE?"
Luke decided it was time to make his presence known, stepping around his mother's form and making his way to the front door. He walked up alongside his brother, subtly pushing him to the side before taking a sharp inhale at the sight of Y/N. He'd never get used to looking at her.
Her silky, shiny hair cascaded down her back with a thick black headband pulling all the hair out of her face which left her face completely exposed to everyone to admire. She wore minimal make up, less than she usually wears to school. Her long eyelashes were dusted with a few snowflakes that seemed to have fallen since the last time he looked outside, her button nose rosy from the cold. Her high cheek bones were blushed from either his brothers obvious advances or the brisk weather, Luke couldn't be sure but he did know he had to get her away from his brother immediately. Even though his brother had a rule that limited the youngest girls he'd decide to date to college freshmen, but her beauty could make him bend this rule. She was 18 after all and far too attractive for his brother to resist.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" He managed to ask, subtly trying to block his brother's form with his own. "Our next session isn't until next week."
Luke had memorized their schedule since the first day they met in the library. It was to be Tuesdays and Wednesdays, six to eight. Sometimes Luke wanted to make up a reason for them to extend their sessions, purely because he felt like two hours wasn't enough for him to admire her. That brief amount of time in the library being his favorite part of the week because he could talk and joke with her without the stares from other people. Even though she wasn't afraid to talk to him in school, it was hard because they only had one class together and she mostly sat with her popular friends. Luke knew that if he wanted to start a conversation with her in school she wouldn't mind, but she couldn't control the judgemental glares her peers would shoot him while her back was turned. Her guy friends practically hogged her throughout the whole period, always trying to impress her with their stories from last weeks game or party. She didn't seem very interested at their attempts to charm her but she still was polite and would ask questions to seem engaged.
Luke liked to think that when they were together she didn't have to act interested. He had a feeling that she didn't but he could never be sure. How does one impress a girl like that?
"I know, but remember Tuesday I asked if you could help me study for tomorrow's exam?" She asked, her eyes hopeful as if she was afraid he was going to reject her. As if, she could've shown up at 2 AM in the middle of a monsoon and he'd still drop everything just to spend two hours with her talking about imaginary numbers.
Now that she had mentioned it, he did kind of remember her asking him that. He honestly had a hard time retrieving the memory however because he had been so distracted that day due to her outfit choice. It had been sleeting outside, a combination of snow and rain-which caused her already low cut top to stick to her perfect tits like a second skin. And of course, she had decided to wear white that day-causing Luke to almost go into cardiac arrest. The twin globes cupped in her baby pink bra were on display for him like a private show, he barely registered anything he taught her that day. Every time her eyes were trained down to her notebook or math textbook, Luke's eyes would fall back onto her perfect, wet tits that were practically begging for his mouth. He bet her nipples were just as perfect, two tiny buds that probably tasted like the fruit in the Garden of Eden.
Luke did however remember the mind blowing orgasm he had given himself later that day at the thought of him spilling his cum on to those tits. That was pretty memorable.
"I can help you with your math if he can't-" his brother exclaimed from behind him. Luke flashed him a dark glare, his jaw taught with anger.
"No thank you," Luke snarled at his brother before steping aside to let her in. She flashed his brother an attractive smile in thanks before shrugging off her coat. Luke practically wanted to moan at her choice of attire, it's like she did it on purpose.
She slid the coat from her arms to reveal a tight, black long sleeved shirt with a deep v neck in the center. Her pretty tits were hugged together and taunting Luke as she bent down to remove her wet rain boots. Luke's breath caught in his throat at the display of tantalizing flesh he was rewarded with. He didn't know how he was going to get through this, his cock was already starting to ache.
"Hi, you must be Y/N?" His mother greeted from behind him. His eyes widened and attempted to flash her an annoyed look. She ignored his warnings, embracing her in a warm hug. "Luke's told me so much-"
"Y/N, my rooms the one all the way down the hall. We can study in there." Luke quickly interrupted to what would be his undoing if his mother continued. She didn't seem fazed or freaked out what-so-ever, she nodded at Luke's suggestion and moved out of his mother's tight embrace. Once she did, his mother spun around to face Luke with her hands on her hips.
"I don't know if I should allow the two of you alone in your bedroom, Luke." She warned, causing Y/N's cheeks to blush and avert her eyes. Luke wanted the ground to swallow him up and eat him whole, he had never been more embarrassed in his life. It only got worse when his older brother wrapped his arm around Luke and chuckled.
"Trust me mother, I really doubt we have to worry about that with dear old Lukey here." He joked, poking Luke's upturned nose before winking at Y/N, "myself on the other hand-that's a different story."
"We have to study, alright." Luke stated, grabbing on to her delicate wrist and pulling her in the direction towards his room. He had never actually touched her for extended amounts of time, this being the first and it was incredible. Her hands were just as soft as he imagined them to be. And of course, because of his hormones he immediately thought of how they would feel pulling on his-
"Will you be staying for dinner, Y/N?" His mother asked casually, to which Luke groaned and spun around.
"No, I'm sure she's-"
"Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Hemmings, I'd love to stay for dinner." She politely responded before quirking her eyebrow up at Luke's shocked face. An attractive smirk pulling on the corner of her lips while doing so.
"No problem sweetheart, and you can call me-"
"My rooms at the end of the hall, I'll meet you in there." Luke said, she nodded her head in confirmation before waving to Luke's older brother. She gave his mother one last smile, hauling her back pack over her shoulder and retreating into his room. Once he heard the door slam, his mother raced up to him and grabbed his arms.
"Is she the girl that you've been-"
"Yes! Now can you please stop embarrassing me!" He exclaimed in a whisper, his brother chuckling into his room in the corner of his eye. Luke grit his teeth in annoyance at both of them and attempted to move out of his mothers iron grip, unsuccessfully.
"Oh she's so pretty, Luke!" She gasped, her voice filled with wonder as he rolled his eyes at her stating the obvious.
"Yes I'm painfully aware," he remarked dryly before finally removing her hands from his biceps. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to do what she came over for."
"Gonna give her the dick, little bro?" His brother's voice boomed from behind his bedroom door.
His mother gasped, matching over to his brother's closed door and scolding him through it. Finally receiving the chance to escape, he raced over to his bedroom door and flung it open. Once he did so he quickly shut the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes while emitting a deep breath.
"Your mother is a sweetheart," she remarked sweetly, perched on top of his bed with a pleased grin on her face. She moved to lay on her belly, kicking her legs up to cross each other in the air while resting her chin in her palms. Luke opened his eyes and the sight of her splayed across his bed made his balls draw up. He fought the instinct to dive his hand into his boxers and tug them down, annoyed at his never ending arousal when it came to her.
He laughed shakily at her comment, ruffling his sand colored hair. He approached the bed to sit down next to the space she patted with her hand.
"Lay with me, I still don't get how to do the functions she explained last class," her voice was all business as she placed the text book in front of her and started flicking through the pages. Luke laid down next to her on his bed, trying to keep his attention on the book but failing hopelessly because of the scent coming from her body. He fought the urge to bury his nose into the crook of her neck and take a hefty whiff of her enchanting perfume. He was grateful for the position he was currently in because it helped hide his aching erection.
She finally located the page, tapping her pen against the spine of the book while her tongue poked out to study the material. Luke's eyes were trained to her profile, wondering if there was anything as exquisite as her on this Earth? If so, he'd love to see it because he could dedicate a monument just to her lips.
She must have felt his stare on the side of his face, her eyes flickering to his while turning her head to face him. He immediately tore his gaze away from her and looked down at the material in front of them.
"Okay so you said you didn't get-"
"Wait," she blurted out, her eyes turning giddy before leaning over to search through her backpack, "I have my method of payment for last session."
Luke's mouth broke out into a smile as she dug around her bag for his payment. Since she failed to convince him in accepting her money; they decided to exchange mixtapes. It started during one of their first session when they veered off topic to discuss their favorite bands. Luke was surprised in some of her choices-some he had never even heard of. This led to her agreeing to make him mixtapes every week of her favorite songs, he'd listen to them over and over until she gave him her next tape. It was like Christmas every week! He also decided to join in on the fun, starting to give her mixtapes just because he felt like it.
"Okay so I know you're not a fan of Oasis but-"
"They're so overrated Y/N," he groaned burying his head into his comforter as he rewarded him with her enchanting giggle.
"I know, but can't you just appreciate their lyrics?" She questioned while pulling out a tiny tape, handing it over to Luke's eager palms. He scanned the label, laughing at this week choice of title. Instead of just putting his name on the tapes or the week, she would write a character from her favorite TV show as the title.
"I hope 'Chandler Bing' will impress me more than 'Jerry Seinfield' did," he commented, his heart tightening at the sight of her laughing out loud. "You need to stop putting so much Spice Girls on these things."
"Oh you love it!" She remarked, her smile becoming more prominent as she continued, "and at least I don't have Pearl Jam every other track."
"Are you honestly complaining? You said two weeks ago that you loved Pearl Jam because it reminds you of your Sophomore year."
"Yeah but I can't listen to it all day, every day." She replied, laughing as he shook his head in mock disappointment.
As her laughter subsided, Luke could feel her eyes on his profile while he explained the steps to solving the function she didn't understand. When he turned to see if she understood it, her eyes would flicker away and she would nod her head. Once they had gone through the problems in the practice book, they had veered off topic again.
"So what are you doing this weekend?" She asked, biting her lip slightly. Luke's body froze, his muscles locking up as he swallowed hard.
"I have band practice on Saturday, but besides that-"
"Well there's this party," she said, grimacing as she said these words, "and I don't necessarily want to go but I'm kind of being dragged. You should come though."
Luke's body stilled, his thoughts running a thousand miles a minute while he weighted his options. He had never to been to a party alone before. He usually was accompanied by his three bandmates but she seemed to be only asking him so this caused anxiety to settle in his stomach. His palms started to sweat at the idea of seeing Y/N outside of an academic setting.
"S-sure I'd love to go." Luke replied shakily, swallowing the rock sized lump in his throat. His answer caused a smile to spread across her pretty face, her pearly white teeth flashing him.
"Awesome. It's at Jack Frasier's-"
Luke wanted to crawl into a hole again, of course it had to be Jack Frasier's. How the hell was he going to get in to the captain basketball team's party? It's not like he had her on his arm to show up with, he was already nervous about how this was going to go as is.
"I don't think I can go then..," Luke mumbled, his sapphire blues falling downcast as she flashed him a puzzled look.
"Why the hell not?"
"Well, I'm not like you. I don't hang out with guys like Jack Frasier-"
"Don't worry about him, honestly I'll make sure he keeps himself in line." She replied confidently. Something told Luke that she was aware of the affect she had on Jack, she probably had him wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger as well.
"If you say so."
"I'm so happy you're going now!" She exclaimed while clapping her hands together in excitement.
"You're not going to end up ditching me half way through the night?" Luke asked, trying to come across jokingly even though he had a sliver of doubt. She rolled her eyes, squeezing his broad shoulder reassuringly while giving him a confident smirk.
"I swear," she promised, rewarding him with a heart stopping grin and compassionate eyes. Luke felt the energy between them change, his sapphire eyes dropping to her pouty lips that were oh-so inviting. Her eyes glazed over while a subtle blush spread over her cheeks. She eventually seemed to snap herself out of her musings and shook her head.
"So how do you do that problem again?"
Luke wiped the inside of his sweaty palms on his dark wash jeans, trembling slightly as he stared ahead at the door to Jack Frasier's apartment. He had been freaking out the whole day, brushing off Michael and Calum's curious glances when he said he had to leave band practice early. He didn't want to being up the party situation in fear of both of them making fun of him. In retrospect, he should've brought one of them with him because he sure was a wreck right now.
School had been hellish too, well more so than usual. His stomach was in knots all day, only getting worse once Y/N waved to him in math. He managed to return her wave and get his breathing under control.
Luke took a deep breath before tapping his fist on the door, hoping anyone could hear it over the loud music. As he waited, he glanced down at his outfit-satisfied with his choice after the abuse he had inflicted on to his closet to search for one. He had decided on his navy blue converse instead of his usual black; feeling daring tonight. Accompanied by his black Nirvana tee shirt and blue checkered flannel. Since it was practically arctic conditions outside he also adorned his fleece jacket, his hands stuffed in the cozy pockets as he bounced on the balls of his feet.
Eventually the door flung open, Luke recognized the figure in the door frame to be Natalie Brooks. She was on the soccer team and Luke had day next to her in sophomore biology; Luke let her cheat off of him the whole year because he didn't want to be a tattle tail. At his presence, Natalie raised an eyebrow in curiousity.
"You know you can just walk in?" She asked, subtly moving him aside so she could leave the crowded apartment, "it's a party, dude."
Luke gulped, giving her a sharp nod before stepping into the apartment. The lights were dimmed low, the room emersed with smoke and Christmas lights illuminated the tiny space. Luke had told his parents that he was staying over Calum's house, and even then they asked if there was parental supervision. Amazing, at 18 years old his parents still treated him as if he was half his age.
If they only knew where he was now, his back pressed up against the wall, towering over many of his classmates chugging drinks out of red cups. As Luke's sense of smell adjusted to the environment, he noticed it smelled faintly like a skunk. Odd. There weren't any animals in New York City besides pigeons.
Luke finally located Y/N slouched against the wall with her arms folded across, looking displeased. She seemed to be scanning the crowd before her eyes lit up at first glance of his approaching form. Once he was in front of her she embraced him with a big smile on her face.
Luke was taken back by her eagerness but soon relaxed into the molding of her body against his own. When she pulled away, she popped a hand on her hip and tipped her head to the side.
"You clean up real nice, Hemmings." She flirted, igniting a blush in Luke's face that made him wildly insecure. Hopefully the dimness of the room helped mask it, but judging by the confident grin on her exquisite face it seemed unlikely.
"T-thanks, I think you always look good." He shouted over the music, not used to speaking at such a high volume. Yeah, he performed in a band but he never noticed how loud it was because he was focused on olaying guitar or singing.
"Thank you!" She replied happily, however, her smile disappeared once she saw something over Luke's shoulder. He was about to turn around and see what caused her displeasure but didn't have to once a strong hand clamped on his shoulder.
"Aww look it's the brainiac Y/N's so hot for." Connor Lusardi teased, his hand squeezing Luke's shoulder almost painfully.
"Shut up, Connor." She replied, rolling her eyes while flashing him apologetic eyes.
"Just because you're my friend, Y/N doesn't mean that you can invite your weird ass friends that you pity." Jack Frasier yelled from behind Connor, starting to circle around Luke. Luke met their stares head on, not backing down if it came to it. At this point, he was so far up her ass that he was willing to get his handed to him.
"You're the real ones I pity," she snorted, succeeding in taking their attention away from Like and back to her, "at least he talks about things other than basketball and beer."
"Oh yeah, like what?" Conner asked, defensive.
"I don't know, news, politics, music-"
"I like all the same music you do!" He retorted, his eyes now beginning to look defeated once a little bit of insecurity started to appear. "Don't you remember the mixtape I gave you?"
"You mean the one I threw out?" She asked, nodding her head as if she was actually answering him. "Yeah I think it rings a bell."
"Fucking bitch." Connor spat, shaking his head disgust. Luke's eyes turned black and shook himself out of both of their holds.
"You don't talk to her-"
"Luke, come get a drink with me!" She shouted, grabbing on to his tight fist and pulling him towards the kitchen. She all but dragged him into the tiny space, pushing him against the counter and held his tight jaw in her soft hands. Those big, doe eyes of hers blinking up at him were Luke's undoing.
"Hey, don't waste your time on those assholes." She assured him, waiting for the angry look in his eyes to dissipate. He was still angry however when she seemed not affected by their hurtful words.
"I don't like it when they say mean things to you," he growled, his eyes turning a deep shade of cobalt while tightening his balled up fists, veins pulsing in anger.
"They can say whatever they want about me, I don't care I'm used to it. But once they start saying shit about you, I'm not going to just stand there and listen to them-"
"And I thank you for that, but in the mean time lets just try to have a good time."
Luke nodded, finally taking notice of the outfit she chose for tonight. She must've been freezing on her way there because all she had on was a little, black tube dress and black choker. Her hair was tumbling curls, making Luke itching to run his fingers through the smooth texture. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner, mascara framed lashes making her them look almost doll-like. Luke had just noticed how close to him she was and that thought caused fire to race through his blood.
"I'm going to go make myself a drink, why don't you go back out there. I swear, not all of them are jerks."
Luke nodded, pushing both of them off the counter and tensing once her hand clamped on his bicep. He looked at her questioning as she tilted her head to the side.
"Do you want anything? A beer, some liquor-"
"I'm fine." He peeped before shuffling back into the crowded space. He nodded his head along to the music and observed the dancing bodies in front of him. He felt himself perched up against the wall again, leaning his head back while occasionally looking back to see if Y/N was done.
"You're Luke, right?" A familiar voice asked him. Luke whipped his head to the side of him to see Y/N's close friend Deanna. She was also in their math class, another person who makes smart comments about him.
"Uh yeah," he mumbled, feeling more nervous around her than he was with the jocks a little while ago.
"I thought so," she remarked blandly, taking a sip from her red cup while exhaling deeply, "what do you think you're doing, Luke?"
"Excuse me?" He asked, puzzled. Deanna rolled her brown eyes at this and nodded her head towards the kitchen.
"With her," nodding towards Y/N in the kitchen, "did you think this little crush of yours out at all?"
"W-what..I don't...I have no idea-"Luke stuttered, blushing furiously now as Deanna shook her head at him in disappointment.
"You can save yourself the energy of denying it, I think she's the only one who's too blind to see how fucking far up her ass you are."
Luke was speechless, the hot flashes of embarrassment whipping him while he still thought of some reason to escape this conversation. It didn't seem to be doing anything besides making him extremely uncomfortable and nervous.
"Listen you seem like a sweet guy, Luke. But look around," she motioned to the crowd in front of the two of them, "you're not like us and you never will be. And that's okay, because this isn't you. It's cruel that she's making you go through this humiliation simply because she feels bad for you."
Luke felt like he had been shot in the stomach, practically clutching his stomach as Deanna's words swam over him. He knew all these things were true, but he had been so blind over the last few weeks.
"I mean, honestly can you picture yourself walking down the hallways with Y/N on your arm? It would be a joke," she murmured, looking at him with sad eyes before patting his slumped shoulders, "spare yourself further embarrassment and shame. It's honestly for the best."
And with that, Deanna sauntered off into the dance floor as if she hasn't practically ripped Luke's heart to shreds. He stood frozen against the wall, her words echoing in his head like a mantra. He decided to shake his head before the tears started to flow from his eyes and he shuffled to the kitchen. He caught Y/N staring intently at her red cup, a lost look in her eyes before smiling at his approaching form.
"I'm heading out, thanks for inviting me." He said while giving her a wave, hoping that would be the end of discussion. She of course didn't accept this and clutched his arm.
"Woah, wait what's up?" She asked, her perfectly plucked eyebrows furroed in concern, "did somebody say something to you? I swear to God, I'll-"
"No, I just don't think this is my kind of thing."
She nodded, dumping the contents of her drink down the sink before wiping her hands on her dress.
"Okay, then I'm coming with you."
"You don't have to, really-"
"Oh yeah, I'll just stay at this party alone." She replied sarcastically, chucking softly while adding, "I'd rather crack a bottle over my head."
Luke laughed softly, almost forgetting the words Deanna told him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and picked both of their jackets off the hooks. He draped her jacked on for her, rewarding him with a heart stopping smile. She tied a white scarf around her neck and twisted the knob to the front door.
"Don't you want to say goodbye to your friends?" Luke asked, shoving his hands into his pockets while waiting for her to decide.
"Eh I'm good." She replied nonchalantly and pulled him out the door. Both of them took the stairs and could feel the brisk weather to further they dropped levels. Once they emerged from the apartment building, tiny snowflakes were beginning to fall from the sky.
A few snowflakes were dusted over her hair and she stuck her tongue out to catch a few. Luke felt his heart constrict at the sight of her happy and frosted with tiny snowflakes, he decided he couldn't handle it anymore.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" Luke asked, bracing himself for her rejection but she just smiled and nodded.
They walked back in silence, apparently her apartment wasn't far from Jack's so she maneuvered them through the streets without faltering. Luke noticed her staring up at the lightly dusted rooftops and buildings, her eyes big with wonder. It reminded him of the first time he talked to her back in that crowded subway station in second grade, she had the same wonder struck expression but only she was a beautiful woman now. Luke almost wished he never met her, because being near her caused pain but being away from her hurt just as much.
"This is me," she announced, walking up the front steps of her swanky townhouse. Luke's eyebrows rose with the extravagance, of course she was well off, fit for a princess.
She lodged her key inside, glancing over at Luke from behind her shoulder.
"Do you want to come in? I make a mean cup of hot cocoa!" She offered, her eyes twinkling with delight. Luke forced himself to refrain from thinking too long of the image of their sweaty bodies being warmed by the fire as she was perched on his chest and sipping hot cocoa from a white mug.
"I don't know, I should find a pay phone and call Calum. I told my parents I was staying over his place-"
"Then they won't notice you were late," she shrugged, opening her front door invitingly. Luke finally decided to just say fuck it and follow her in.
"Well I can't say no to hot cocoa." He replied before climbing the front steps to her door. He wiped his slushy shoes in the rug, his mouth gaping open while taking in the beauty of her home. It was all black and white, a large chandelier hanging above the foyer.
"Kitchens this way," she announced, unzipping her coat and hanging it in a closet. Like followed her lovely form into a modern kitchen with the latest appliances, she hopped up on a stool and began searching for the cocoa mix. Luke swallowed at the round, delicious curve of her bum in the back of her dress. It was hypnotic and put him in a trance before she hopped down and began opening the packet of powdered chocolate.
Luke say upon a stool and watched her work in silence. She was stirring the mixture around occasionally, humming a tune that sounded suspiciously like Debussey. A warm, chocolate aroma wafted from the mixture and it made his mouth water.
Finally, she poured the mixture into one mug, sprinkling mini marshmallows inside. Luke began to get up but she stopped him, making him sit with an outstretched hand to his chest. Luke spread his long legs and she stood in between them, cradling the tiny cup to his lips.
"Open," she purred, a warm look in her eyes that caused a fire to start in Luke's belly. He opened his lips and she rose the mug to them. The warm liquid swirled down his throat and he released a moan, a combination of her and the sweet tasting liquid. She lowered the cup and bit her lip.
"Do you want more?" She whispered, her eyes falling to his lips before licking her own. Luke then shook his head, his body beginning to shake.
"I-I can't, I can't." He whispered, his words falling from his lips like a prayer. She then moved back once he hopped off the chair and ran his fingers through his hair.
"What's wrong?"
"Just stop! Stop being nice to me, stop giving me hope because every time you do, it kills me. You can't keep doing shit like this and expect me not to fall in love you!" Luke yelled, her eyes becoming wide with a blush staining her cheeks.
"Oh no I already know how this is going to go, you're going to say that you don't look at me that way and value our friendship. But I can't be your friend, Y/N because I've been dreaming about you since second grade. I know it's my fault because how could i be so stupid as to think you could ever, in a million years see me like that. I know it probably sucks for you to lose a tutor over this, but I can't do it. I'm sorry, it hurts too much."
"Luke stop talking." She ordered, her eyes serious while staring intently into his. Luke's chest was heaving, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
She slowly approached his shocked form, her eyes never leaving his as she grasped his face in her hands and smashed his mouth against hers. Luke gasped in surprise as she forced his lips apart with her tongue, tasting his inexperience mouth. His hands were balled up at his sides, not sure what to do with them because he didn't want to ever stop kissing her. Reality must have washed over him because he grasped her shoulders and pushed her back. She stared up at him with wild, lust filled eyes.
"W-what a-are you?" He managed to blurt out between shaky breaths his hands trembling. She dug her hand into his hair and started peppering kisses up his smooth neck, Luke squeaked in surprise.
"I've fallen in love with you, Hemmings," she murmured against the smooth column of his neck, "I've been trying to get you to notice how I felt about you for weeks-"
"Well I've been trying for 12 years so," he replied nervously, tensing when he felt the vibrations of her chuckle.
"I'm sorry, baby." She whispered while sucking on his smooth neck. "Want me to make it for you?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to-"
"Luke, I want to. Believe me." She replied before grasping his hand and pulling him to her room. He couldn't believe this was actually happening, any minute he was going to be waking up in his bed with cum stained boxers.
She flung open her room, and quickly closed the door. Luke placed himself on the bed, his trembling hands folded in his lap. He gulped once she tore off her tube dress, his eyes widening significantly at the sight of her baby blue under wear set. She grinned at his reaction and began to approach him on the bed, pushing him down on his back before crawling up his body.
"Lord in heaven," Luke gasped at the sight of her body crawling on too of his. She straddled his legs, leaning over to place kisses on his neck. She grabbed the hands of his that we're lying flat at his side and placed them on her breasts. Luke practically blacked out, the erection in his pants almost bursting from its confines.
"Touch me, Luke Hemmings." She whispered in his ear which caused him to gasp at the first touch of the tits that clouded his brain. He massaged them in his large hands, his thumbs feeling her tight buds hardening under his touch. He couldn't believe he was having this affect on her, he was on the brink of orgasm and she hadn't even done anything.
She began to buck her underwear clad hips against his jean covered bulge. Making figure eights with her hips, her hands tearing the shirt from his body. She moaned at the sight of him, kissing his collarbones while swiveling her hips on top of him. His hands moved from her fits to stable her on top of him, she tore her lips from his chest and caressed his jaw.
"What's wrong?" She asked, concern lacing her brow as his face looked stricken. He gulped, a blush staining his cheeks.
"You have to stop, I think I might...," his words broke off while wincing in embarrassment.
"That's okay-"
"No it's not! That's so embarrassing!" He exclaimed, his eyes filled with insecurity. She abruptly grabbed his finger and slid it towards her clothed center. Luke froze at the feeling of the damp, warm fabric under his touch and he felt his cock twitch in his jeans.
"Feel how wet I am for you, Luke." She whispered, rubbing his finger on the wet fabric. Luke swallowed, trying to figure out what to say.
"Yeah they said that would happen in health class-"
She shut his explaination off with a wet kiss on the mouth. He knew he was probably sloppy, he had only been kissed about three times before. She was by far the best he's ever had, her lips were like two puffy, pillows and he never wanted to stop. She tasted like candy, her smooth undulating body moving on top of his rythmically. She tore her mouth away with a gasp and began unbuttoning his jeans.
"Have you ever done this before?" He made the mistake of asking. She froze her movements, pausing for a few seconds and grimacing.
"Only a few-"
"I don't want to know," he stated, his face blushing with embarrassment. She smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"The were all shit, honestly it wasn't anything-"
"You explaining it isn't making me feel any better." He replied before taking a sharp inhale as she pulled his jeans and boxers down in one pull. She licked her lips at the sight of his pulsating, pink cock. She began to lean down, her lips hovering over the fleshy head but he grabbed her shoulders to stop her.
"I will cum in your mouth in twenty seconds if you do that," he admitted seriously, his eyes wide with panic to which she laughed.
"Well as much as I want to swallow you," she whispered while he let out a moan at her words, "I want the grand finale to be deep inside me."
"Jesus Christ." He whispered, while sweat started to form on his forhead. She giggled at his reaction and began trailing her lips from his smooth belly button to the top of his upturned nose. He groaned at the feeling of her palm slapping his cock against his stomach, running her wet slit against the underside of him.
"Oh my god, oh Y/N." He whispered in awe as she rubbed her wetness on top of him. He balled the fabric of her comforter up into his fists while she unclipped the back of her bra, her perky tits falling from the constraints and he bit his lip, releasing a pathetic whimper.
It want until she pulled her panties down her legs and sat atop of Luke that he grasped her hips to halt her movements. He tried to catch his breath, his voice rough with the sounds he was emitting.
"I won't last long," he whispered, his eyes pleading. She cupped his smooth cheek in her palm and delivered a kiss to the top of his nose.
"I don't care," she whispered before slowly sinking herself on top of him. He gasped, eyes clamping shut while his mouth fell open at the feeling of her wet walls hugging him. She sank another few centimeters in, moaning at the stretch she felt.
"Wait, shouldn't I out on a condom?" He asked, practically groaning at the thought of withdrawing from her slick paradise. She shook her head, eyes still closed with pleasure.
"No, I'm covered," she whispered while sinking herself completely on top of him. Both of them emitted harsh groans at the feeling.
"You're feel just as beautiful on the inside as you do on the outside." He whispered in awe, his eyes squeezed shut. She slowly rose herself up a few inches before dropping down with a plop. He tossed his head back into the pillow as she did this.
"I never thought this would ever happen," he gasped while moaning at her quicker bounces. He opened his eyes to see those perfect tirs of hers bouncing in his face which only made his balls draw up.
"You're perfect, Luke Hemmings." She moaned, her hair cascading around her like a cloud. Her lips were bruised from his kisses, her eyes glazed over in lust.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this." He admitted in a tiny voice, almost as if he was scared to admit it. She only made her movements harsher, moans starting to spill from her lips left and right.
"I-I'm going to cum soon." He whispered, his eyes scrunching up as she nodded her head in acknowledgement. He was expecting her to slow down so she could catch up to him but she only quickened her bounces, urging him closer to the finish line. His nails dug into her juicy hips, clenching his jaw as he felt the beginnings of his orgasm start from his toes.
"Let go for me Luke, that's right baby." She urged him, rubbing the tips of her nipples as he swallowed harshly.
"You can't leave me now." He groaned, racing towards his orgasm while she forced herself down on him faster. He tried to get the words out but her thrusts were distracting him.
"What?" She gasped, lost in pleasure while he took a deep breath.
"You have to be my girlfriend now after this, I won't survive if you don't. I can't go back to just loving you from afar, I need all of you." He moaned, his organs crashing over him once she intertwined their hands to lean down and whisper in his ear.
"You have all of me, forever and ever."

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