Faker - Luke

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"Fuck, right there Luke." I moaned as he pounded into, the bed head slamming into the wall behind.
To be completely honest, the stress of exams and Christmas, amongst everything else that was happening at the moment was making it hard for me to fully appreciate Luke, even at our most intimate moments. This was the first time that I'd ever even though of faking it; just so that he would be pleased and relaxed, and I'd have saved a bit of energy. With Luke, orgasms could really take it out of you.
"I'm close." I said with a little too much strength in my voice, then moaning again to disguise my poor attempts to fool him.
"You sure?" He frowned, adjusting his angle slightly so that I could feel him even deeper, his tip rubbing over my now increasingly sensitive g-spot.
"Mm-hm." I bit my lip and whimpered, not even convincing myself. I was half surprised that Luke couldn't tell; perhaps all of those years of acting school when I was younger were paying off. I'd never taken much note of how my body reacted when I came, I was always too consumed by pleasure to recall when my toes curled or when I grabbed onto Luke's arms for some sort of support.
"Luke." I called out as I arched my back off the bed and screwed my eyes shut. He moved harder and faster, pushing me closer to my actual release as I did my best to duplicate what he so often caused.
How long was it supposed to last? It felt like forever to me, but maybe it was merely a matter of seconds. I purposely contracted myself around him, remembering him telling me that my body did that. God, I was completely lost. After a while I fell back onto the bed and opened my eyes, my hands releasing the sheets and coming to clasp over my stomach. I looked up to see an extremely displeased Luke, him stilling inside of me as he dropped to rest over me, his hands supporting him either side of my waist.
"Y/N, please, please don't tell me you just faked that." His voice was stern and dark, angered almost.
"N-no, what? Luke I wouldn't..." His eyes bore into my own, making it even harder to lie to him than it was anyway. He quickly grabbed my wrist and held my hand into the air, then releasing it and leaving me to support it on my own.
"If you'd actually have just come, your hands would still be shaking." He stated, the both of us regarding my steady hand. "And your whole body would quiver if I touched you here." He continued before rubbing over my clit, my body sinking into his touch rather that pulling away. "Plus, you'd be too worn out to be having this conversation with me in the first place." His hand stayed between my legs, ceasing its movement as he awaited my response.
"Luke, I'm just so tired from everything and-well I don't want you to feel guilty about finishing if I don't." I sighed and tried to explain.
"And don't say you wouldn't feel bad, because you would. You've never once come before me." I spoke with certainty.
"All you have to do is tell me you're tired, I wouldn't mind one bit. I can do things for myself if it came to that..." He drifted off. "Obviously I'd always prefer for it to be with you, but I get it. I have days like that." He said understandingly.
"I'm sorry I faked it." I pouted.
"I'm not sure you could even call it that." He laughed. "I don't think you have any idea about what happens when you orgasm; about how beautiful you look at your most vulnerable." He said honestly.
"Luke..." I breathed, his words affecting me almost as much as his hand, which was now rubbing sloppy figure eights over my clit.
"Don't you ever do that again." He looked into my eyes and I nodded.
"I won't."
"I want to make sure you've learnt your lesson." He spoke with a promising danger as I propped myself up on the pillows behind, preparing myself for whatever torturous pleasure he had in store for me.
"Turn over." Luke commanded. "Get on your hands and knees." His voice was raspy and had a rare element of indiscipline of himself. I breathed heavily while I did as he asked, my tiredness from earlier completely forgotten and the rush of blood to my crotch at the forefront of my mind.
"God, I've always wanted to try this." He admitted quietly, more so to himself than to me. I knew even before Luke's hand came to smooth over my pert bum what he planned on doing, and I recalled telling him about a dirty dream I'd once had that involved spanking. I think initially, when I'd first spoken of it, it was too early in our relationship to put that amount of trust in him. Well, for me it wasn't, but Luke didn't want to pressure me into trusting him that much; something that I would've happily done since a long, long time ago. Nevertheless, here we were, right now, with everything before us to be explored and tried.
"Y/N, I'm-"
"I know. I want you to Luke." I anticipated his warning, my breathing shallowing in excitement.
"I need to hear you say it darling." He spoke carefully as I sighed and smiled at his sudden gentleness.
"I trust you Luke." I said with promise in my voice.
"Thankyou." He leant forwards to peck my lips.
Once he'd resumed his position kneeling beside my raised hips, Luke's hand came down onto my right cheek, hard enough to leave a warmth behind, but not enough to leave a mark. He was easing me into it, I could tell; the strength that I imagined would be behind a fully-fledged strike from Luke's strong arm and hand at least four time what I'd just felt. His palm rubbed over the area lightly before he retracted it and hit me again, the opposite cheek this time.
"Okay?" He breathed, sounding almost as flustered as what I felt. I nodded quickly, eager for him to continue. There was something inside of me that was thriving off the feeling of being at Luke's mercy, my pain and pleasure completely in his hands.
"Shit." I cursed as he slapped my left side again, much harder this time, then repeating his action on the right before bringing his fingers to my entrance and pushing two of them in to distract me from the stinging I could now feel. "Oh God." I moaned and arched my back as he curled them to rub downwards onto my front wall. Luke almost brought me to the edge in a matter of seconds with the firm and fast pulls of his fingers, which then slipped out of me as quickly as they'd entered. I whimpered at the loss of contact as he spanked my right cheek once more, his breathing coming out in short pants from behind me upon each stroke of his large hand.
"Fuck." Luke repeatedly knocked the breath from me, my eyes soon starting to water at the ever intensifying stinging of my backside. As if through some form of telepathy, but what I'm sure was really just hiss perfectly accurate reading of my body, Luke understood that I'd reached my limit. He gave one last dominant spank to my now reddened skin, his fingertips then lingering lightly on my behind as he praised my efforts.
"Good girl. You did so well." He spoke huskily and traced patterns over me. "Do you know that your skin's the same colour that your cheeks turn every time I tell you that you're beautiful?" He drawled almost amusedly as I felt my cheeks blush the very shade he was talking about. "That's the one." I heard the smile in his voice. His fingers re-entered me and picked up their earlier actions, my toes soon beginning to curl and elbows buckle. I could feel the pressure from what now felt like hours ago when Luke had been inside me, building once more. As I dropped to my forearms, Luke pushed down even harder, his thumb rubbing over my clit in perfect unison with his middle and pointer finger over my other spot of ecstasy. My legs were quick to start shaking and breathing to hitch as I felt myself ready to slip away.
"I can tell this one's not going to be fake." He smirked. My nails raked at the sheets below me as the unrelenting work of Luke's fingers caused my orgasm to come crashing down on me, everything going blank and my head dropping to the mattress.
"Luke." I screamed into the bed sheets, my vocality uncommon for me but also the only way that I could find to let out everything that I needed to in that moment.
"Go baby." He encouraged as his fingers continued to rub against my sensitizing g-spot and prolonging my mind-blowing release. It was by far the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced.
Eventually Luke removed his fingers and I sat back onto my heels, winced at the unexpected pain. My head dropped back and I looked up to the ceiling, opening my airway and lungs to assist the speed of my come down. I attempted to calm my breathing as my legs trembled and cramped under me, after a short while feeling a hand rubbing just above my coccyx and coaxing me back to reality.
"Now show me what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours." Luke breathed, his eyes dark with lust as I turned over and eyed his rigid length. My want to please and satisfy him fuelled my sudden energy boots. Wasting no time, I quickly sucked his pink tip into my mouth, a shaky exhalation slipping Luke's lips as I began to bob my head at a steady pace. I swirled my tongue around the sensitive head each time I pulled up, occasionally grazing his slit and causing him to shudder, keeping him constantly on his toes.
"You're so good at this Y/N." He mewled as I gradually took him deeper and deeper, careful not to gag, but purposely tightening my throat around him every now and then and earning a guttural groan on his part. I bobbed even faster and brought one hand to fondle his balls while my other worked the inch or so of him that I couldn't take in my mouth. Luke gripped my hair as he let out a final heavy breath.
"Gonna come." He choked out before I felt his slightly salty warmth shoot down my throat in four or five strong spurts. His thigh muscles along with those of his shoulders and torso tensed as he released completely, thrusting slightly into my mouth as he emptied himself. I swallowed everything he gave me gladly, sucking him clean as I made my way back up his shaft and then wiping my mouth jokingly on the back of my arm.
"Charming." He chuckled in his haze, his body now relaxed into the bed where I then joined him, resting my wearied head on his outstretched arm. We lay there in silence for a moment.
"What'll you never do again?" Luke asked as he held me close.
"Fake an orgasm." I said sheepishly, smiling onto his hot skin. "Not that I'd need to." I reassured him.
"Hopefully not." He laughed, a tiny flicker of self-doubt in his eyes as I looked up at him.
"Definitely not." I breathed, dragging my gaze from his face to his groin. "It was me, not you." I stroked his softening, sensitive length, causing him to quiver and tackle me into a tickle fight, both of us giggling in our playful naked embrace before drifting off to sleep.

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