A Grotesque Sight.

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As I was walking, I decided to question Bloop a bit. "Sooo...are you like a curse or something??" I asked, clearly aware of the possibility since I was in the JJK universe.

Bloop squeaked in response. "I'll take that as a yes." I whispered to myself. Bloop didn't resist which meant I had the right idea.

In the back of my mind, something felt wrong. Why couldn't I sense Bloop if it's a curse? I'm pretty sure the other sorcerers can do that. But I just pushed the doubt to the back of my mind and moved on.

'Ok, so I can see curses. That's a good sign. Maybe the next thing I know I'll be fighting a high-grade curse. Ooo! That would be so cool! Wait Y/n don't get too ahead of yourself.' I thought as I wondered if I would be able to use cursed energy like the others. I walked towards the crossroad and stopped at the red light.

'Déjà vu huh?'. That's when it happened. Everything suddenly went black. I was in the abyss. Again.

"Can you please give me a warning first!? This sh*t is scary!!" I screamed by myself once again as I continued to fall to my potential death.

This time the fall was a bit shorter than the last one. I came closer and closer to the bottom and as soon as I was about to hit the supposed floor I switched back to reality.

The first thing I met with was a concrete floor, as I face-planted right into it.

"Oww!! That fu*king hurt y'know!" I yelled aloud to no one in particular but in the back of my head, something was telling me that all of this was not just some random coincidence.

And that was when I saw it. The big ugly curse that was hovering right above me. It was the most hideous thing I had ever seen.

The (H/c)-haired girl couldn't move from the shock of the situation. She had never seen a curse first hand much less up this close.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Y/n's wrist and pulled her away from the curse.

Just then another person came flying in through the window, breaking the glass in the process. Shards of glass went flying everywhere.

The person that had grabbed Y/n's wrist pulled her closer and turned around so that their back was facing the curse as they held her in a protective position.

Y/n's mind couldn't process things. She was just transported to a completely new location and the first thing she experienced was meeting face-to-face with a curse. Like give her a damn break.

'Megumi Fushiguro' A strange yet calm voice enunciated inside Y/n's head.

The other person did a side flip midair and punched the curse square in the face, grabbing the boy that was in its mouth and the girl that was being groped by the creature in the process. The curse lay flat on the ground as the impact of the fist had successfully immobilized it.

Megumi sliced the curse in half with his cursed energy and his wolves wasted no time running toward it, ready for their next meal.

'Itadori Yuuji.' The voice chimed in again.'Great! Now I'm possessed or some sh*t.' Y/n complained internally.

Megumi stood up and backed away a bit. Y/n also stood up realizing that the danger had been neutralized.

"And who are you supposed to be??" Megumi inquired, clearly skeptical of the stranger.

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