II. T̶i̶n̶y̶ Big crush

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You were at home, doing your usual routine when the phone rang. You answered it only to meet James voice. "Hey Y/N! Guess what??"
You chuckled. "What is it, James?"

"We have a gig today and I want you to come see us!"
You agreed, you don't have any plans today and seeing your friend on stage was an amazing thought.

~in the evening~

You were almost done dressing up for the gig when the doorbell rang. You went downstairs and opened the door to reveal James standing at the doorstep, his car was parked in your driveway.

"I thought I'd pick you up on my way." James said and pointed to the car. "The boys are in the car too."
You smiled, "Thanks, James! I appreciate that!" You said before putting on your shoes and closing the door.

You opened the car door and there he was, the person you've been thinking about over the last days, Kirk. Kirk waved at you and smiled, "Hey, nice to see you again, Y/N!" He said.
"Nice to see you too!"

You sat down in the middle seat next to Kirk and Lars. You drowned in your thoughts..How would running your hands through his long, curly hair feel like, how would his lips taste as he smashed them against yours..

You didn't notice that you stared at Kirk the whole time. "You okay, Y/N?" Kirk said worried.
You blushed lightly, "Yes, I am fine.."
"Are you sur-"

Kirk got interrupted by James. "We're here! C'mon everyone out of the car!"
You guys did as you were told and went into the building.

The bar was crowded with all types of people.
You even saw some couple making out on the floor and it smelled like cheap beer and cigarettes.

You ordered a drink and went to the stage, where the boys walked onto.
The whole crowd was cheering and then they started to play.

Everyone was jumping, dancing, singing but you...You were looking at Kirk and how his fingers slid across his guitar, his hair fell into his face and sweat started to form on his forehead.

Kirk looked through the crowd til his eyes met yours and he smiled.

~Kirks POV~

I was looking for the [e/c] eyes of Y/N. When I saw them, I couldn't help but smile...Since I first saw her, I have developed a small...
what am I talking about a big crush on her.

The way she laughs when someone tells a joke, the way she speaks to me with her angelic voice...Damn I've never felt that way about any girl.

~After the show. Normal POV~

After the show I went to the boys dressing room.
"You guys were amazing!" I said excited.
"Thank you so much, Y/N!" Kirk said as he looked at me, a smile started to form on his face again.

James looked at Lars, who just nod and laughed.
"What's so funny?" Kirk asked annoyed.
"Nothing." James smirked while wiggling with his eyebrows.

I started to laugh as Kirk jumped on James and they started to wrestle on the floor.
Lars and Cliff pulled them apart and Kirk just huffed and looked away.

After they packed all their things, James drove all of us home. As he parked in my driveway I opened the door and thanked him for the ride and that he invited me.

I opened the door and took off my shoes.
Then I took a shower and got into my bed. As I laid there, my mind went to Kirk again...
As I thought about him and how his curly hair would feel like against my forehead...
Til I finally fell asleep.


Authors note:
This chapter was a bit longer than the first one.
I hope you enjoyed it! (Please tell me if you did so I know if I should continue this story!)

I hope you have a great day/night! :)


𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎      (Kirk Hammett x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now