IV. Movies and sweets

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As Kirk and I arrived at his apartment, he took out the key from his pocket and opened the door. "After you." He said, smiling playfully.
"What a gentleman." I rolled my eyes jokingly as I went inside.

He just chuckled and went inside after me.
I took of my shoes and jacket and looked around. "Nice house. I like it!"
"Thanks, Y/N! Make yourself at home!" Kirk said as he walked into his living room.

He pointed at the couch. "Sit down and wait, I'll make some Popcorn!" He looked around til he saw what he was looking for. "Here", he said as he handed me a box full of horror movies, "you can choose which one we should watch!"

After he said that he went into the kitchen.
I sat down on the couch and looked through the box til I found something. "Awesome!" I thought as I grabbed the tape and put it aside.

After a few more minutes Kirk walked into the living room, a bowl of freshly made popcorn in his hands. "Did you find something to watch yet?"
I nod. "Yeah I did!" I said as I handed him the tape.

"The shining...", he mumbled, "amazing choice!"
He said as he put the tape inside.
I giggled a bit as he threw himself on the couch next to me and put the bowl between us. The movie started to play and Kirk and I leaned back to enjoy it.

After about 1 hour into the movie I couldn't help but look to Kirk. His beautiful brown eyes gazed at the TV and I couldn't help but to feel my cheeks heat up. I continued to gaze at him til I heard his voice.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" I looked into his eyes and gulped, hoping that my face wasn't that red. "Yeah..everything's fine. Just a bit tired.." I said as I faked a yawn.

"It's late," he said, "wanna sleepover? I don't want you walking home alone this late, too many creepy dudes out there."

"Yes, I'd love that. I can sleep at the couch too if you like." He shook his head. "Nah, you sleep in my bed and I take the couch." I was the one who shook her head now. "No," I said, "I will sleep here!"

He chuckled. "You're so stubborn, Y/n...how about we both take the bed, would this be alright?"
I blushed at the thought of Kirk and me sleeping in one bed but I nod.

"Alright!" He said as he turned off the Tv. "Follow me and don't worry about clothes, you can borrow mine!"

I did as I was told and followed him upstairs into his room. "Excuse me for the mess," he chuckled, "I don't clean here often." He said as he kicked a few beer cans into a corner. "It's alright." I said. "My room isn't the cleanest either."

He opened his wardrobe and took out a Misfits shirt and a pyjama pant and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I said as I took them out of his hands. He then turned around. "You can change I won't look, I promise!" I quickly changed my clothes. "Alright, you can turn around now I'm done!"

He turned around and I swear I could see a bit of blush on his face. I was the one who turned around now as Kirk changed into his clothes. When he was done I turned around and we both laid down onto the bed, one of us on either side.

"Good night." He said quietly. "Good night, Kirk." I said as I looked at his ceiling til, a few minutes later, I drifted off to sleep.


Authors note:
I hope you enjoyed chapter four!
I apologise for not updating everyday, I'm in the netherlands for my holiday right now and can't really write that much here!
I hope y'all forgive me and have a great day/night! :)


𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎      (Kirk Hammett x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now