VII. Meeting...her.

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I woke up to the sun shining into my face. I yawned and immediately felt that Kirk wasn't next to me...weird.

I went downstairs and looked everywhere. No Kirk. I went into the kitchen, hoping that he was there and...nothing, just a letter? I took it and started to read.

Hey Y/N,
I'm sorry that I have to leave sooner,
but that girl texted me and said
that she wants to go on a date with me.
I hope you understand me and won't be mad :)


I slammed the letter on the table and let out a sigh. I grabbed my phone and called my friend. "Hey, Y/N!" She said excited.
"That didn't sound good. I'm coming over." She hung up.

I sat down on the couch and saw Kirks jacket still hanging on the jacket stand.
He didn't even had time to pick that thing up before leaving?


"Hey, open up, Y/N!" I heard my friend say.
I got up and opened the door.
She immediately began to hug me.
"Tell me everything."

We sat down on the couch and  I began to tell her everything.
"What a dick. You know what? Let's go shopping or eat ice cream. We can just stay here too if thats what you want." She said while handing me a tissue.

"Sure..Ice cream sounds nice." I said between sobs. "I love you [y/f/n = your friends name], I hope you know that!"
"Yeah, I know and I love you too, Y/N."
She got up and took my hand. "Come on, let's get ready!"

After getting dressed

As me and [y/f/n] put on our shoes, I grabbed Kirks jacket and put it on.
"I've never seen this jacket before...", my friend said, "But it looks damn good on you, hun!"
I smiled and hugged her again. "Thank you. Now c'mon I cant wait any longer! I really want ice cream!"

She chuckled and we both walked to her car.

In the City

As we arrived in the city, we were walking around, talking about the usual stuff while eating our ice cream. I totally forgot about Kirk, til I saw, them.
I stopped walking. "What's wro- Oh." [Y/f/n] said.
"Come on Y/N, let's go somewhere else."
As we turned around I heard him.


I stopped and turned around again. Did he just say girlfriend? Jessica looked at me disgusted.
"Hey." I said. "Nice to meet you.."
"Yeah yeah, nice to meet you too I guess." She said annoyed. "Kirk," She said with puppy eyes, "I saw this really beautiful dress over there...can you lend me money?"

"Sure, love! How much do you need?" He said while smiling this unbelievable pretty smile.
"Just give me your wallet." She said while smiling...a toxic smile.

"Sure, babe! Here you go." Kirk said while handing her his wallet.
My jaw dropped and so did my friends.
We looked at eachother as Jessica went into the shop.

"Kirk, you know that she just uses you, right?" I said. "Y/N why would you say that about her? You've been kinda weird since yesterday night."
He looked kinda pissed off.
My friend put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back slightly.

"Oh yeah?," she said, "atleast she doesn't date some random slut that clearly uses her for money and fame. You're such a dickhead, Kirk."

He really was pissed now. "Y/N, give me my god damn jacket, take your friend and just fucking leave me alone."

I gave him his jacket and walked away, while my friend walked behind me.


This is all going too fast and I apologise but I wanted to make up to y'all for waiting for so long for other chapters. So here's a second one today!
And I'm also sorry for doing this whole, not in love with Y/N Thing but the story would've been too short.


𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎      (Kirk Hammett x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now