professor pine

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"why are we doing this?"

"i know i could be in my nice warm bed right now"

"i might fall asleep half way in the air"

Marlene released a bubbly laugh at that drawing the attention of two identical looking boys.

"now guys i know no one likes getting up this early" Fabian said squinting his eyes at an especially happy and energetic second year boy "except you oddly enough"

Gideon picks up from Fabians first sentence "but if were going to win this year we have to train extra hard, and believe me we ARE going to win this year"

the twins started gathering everyone for tryouts.

"oi kid, stop smiling, its creepy" Fab said yet again addressing the second year boy.

mona just rolled her eyes and got on her broom.


"alright time to hit the showers, you lot stink" Fabian yelled after try outs were over.

mona came down next to marlene and they both walked to the showers with only their deep breaths to be heard.

"oh merlin nothing beats a nice warm shower after getting all sticky and sweaty" causing mona to let out a roar of laughter clearly not taking it the way it was meant to be confusing the blonde haired friend.

"what's so funny? i didn't even- ohhhhh" more laughter was heard as the both realise what the other meant.

after the girls get dressed they headed to get breakfast, finding the rest of their friends are already there.

mona takes the spot between james and Sirius, as she sits Sirius puts an arm around the young girl.. a thing the two have been doing since second year, he leans down to whisper in the girls ear "astronomy tower tonight?"

she nods her head in agreeance and started eating a piece of toast james had handed her.

mona and Sirius have been sneaking out to the astronomy tower since second year when mona turned up to Hogwarts all but to thin, its the only place the two can talk about stuff without anyone overhearing or interrupting.

they know if or when people notice the two disappear like that they think they are in some sort of secret relationship but its nothing like that, just two best friends who can only talk to each other.

"you alright moony?" james spoke tossing a piece of toast at the werewolf snapping mona out of her thoughts

he looked shocked for a second, like a deer in headlights before he spoke "yeah, just the full moon coming up, that all" he said it with a soft smile but mona knew better.

"oi mona" marlene whispered to the redhead, as mona looked marlene said nothing but instead nodded her head to the Hufflepuff table where a pair of soft brown eyes were watching her, as soon as mona locked eyes with the kind boy he blushed and looked at his food, looking deep in thought.

mona just looked away not caring enough to look back.

"oi Mary what class do we have first?"

"D.A.D.A i think" making mona groan, "right well we better be going then huh"

"HEY your forgetting something" yelled Sirius in a singsong voice, mona rolled her eyes as she walked back and kissed his cheek making him smile.. until she stole the piece of toast he was right about to take a bite of, she winked at his shocked face making a smile break out on his face.


mona and Mary where one of the first students in class and they took advantage of the free seats in the back, they were to busy gossiping to notice everyone else walk in the classroom, or the professor.

the professor cleared his throat standing behind the two girls making them freeze and look behind "oh why good morning professor, pleasure to see you, fine day is it not?" mona said only making the strict man shake his head and move to the front of the class

"hello students, my name is professor pine, i will be replacing last years professor as he is unable to teach due to.. circumstances, now i will not tolerate misbehaviour in this classroom and any acts of, will be punished" he said glaring at the girls in the back.

the professor continues on his rant as mona starts looking around the classroom, she sees a few familiar faces like, Lydia Knightswood, even rosier, Gilroy Lockhart and Dorcus meadows, a loud BANG*  makes the girl jump in her seat and turn to the source of the noise, groaning when she sees the suspect.

"sorry im late professor, i was down helping professor silvers with the first years" the way he said it one would have no reason not to believe him but mona could see a hint of purple under the color of his shirt, how his hair is slightly messier than normal, she knows exactly what he was doing, but of course the professor doesn't see the things she does.

"that's quite alright my boy, take a seat, we were just getting started" professor gestured to the free seat next to Lockhart, which happened to be the seat directly in front of mona

mona could hear the slight groan and could see how much he wanted to protest and choose another seat but didn't want to get in trouble already.

the rest of the class dragged on and mona was more than bored, mona was to busy scribbling on a piece of paper to notice the professor asked her a question, until she got a hard hit to the ribs

"ow Mary what the fuc-" she was interrupted by the face Mary made and turned to professor pine who was giving her a pointed look

"excuse me miss?"

"prewett sir, mona prewett"

"ah well now it all makes sense" the professor stated walking closer to her, mona struggled under his pointed gaze

"im actually close friends with your mother" those few words made monas face drain of colour.

"yes she's told me all about you" he looked her up and down "i guess your not taking your mothers advice?... pity"

and that's all he said before dismissing the class.. mona had never ran out of a classroom so fast.

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