deep forest

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mona decided not to go to the rest of her lessons.. she needed to be alone so she went to her favourite place in all of Hogwarts.

it was a far journey and deep into the forest, mona has learnt from the few times she's been caught  that the easiest way there, is to switch to her animagi form.

mona hurries into the locker room and quickly transforms, slowly getting used to the four paws she's not walking with, she starts walking towards the forest and follows the little path she made for herself not to long ago.

after about forty-five minutes of walking she made it to the little cove she found, still in cat form she walks closer to the water and jumps into the shallow end walking to the middle island.

the cove was beautiful with green trees surrounding it, the only way in or out was to follow the waterfalls, and when the sun hits it, turns a beautiful colour. mona switches back to her human form and lays on an old couch she found, it was a bit dusty but nothing a simple cleaning spell couldn't handle.

mona is so stuck in thought that she doesn't see the big beautiful unicorn drinking not to far away from her, mona looks up and is instantly mesmerized.

the unicorns white fur and shimmery horn, its big brown eyes locking onto Mona's green ones, she's read a lot about unicorns and has even met one before so she knows what to do.

mona slowly stands up, careful not to scare the creature and slowly walks towards the edge of the island kneeling down next to the water, the unicorn takes this as a sign to walk towards the young girl and slowly steps into the water.

as the unicorn gets closer mona can see a distinctive scar across the beauties eye, as the creature stops before the girl mona took the chance to stand up, mona smiles as she reaches her hand up, silently asking permission to pat the creature, the horned creature placed the top of its head into the girls hand.

mona laughed as she patted the creature , she moved to sit back down on the old couch with the unicorn following behind her, mona sat down as the creature laid down next to her closer to the water, it was only now that mona realised the big belly of the beast.

she's pregnant

mona smiled at the thought of the baby unicorn and is now sitting next to the unicorn on the ground, lifting its head and placing it in her lap so she could continue to pat it.

"i suppose i should give you a name now huh"

the creature look up at her, eyes glistening as it listened to the girl rattle of names

"sparkles? ew no, ok um, how about-" she heard a wolfs howl echo through the forest

she smiled and said :how bout echo"' the horse let out a sound of agreeance causing monas angelic laugh.

mona spent a few more hours with echo but she eventually had to go back to the castle for dinner.

she got about half way in cat form before she heard laugher up ahead, at the edge of the forest came into view was a group of slytherin students clearly drinking and smoking and talking about merlin knows what.

mona decided just to try to sneak around them, after all its not unusual to see cats around Hogwarts, in fact, lily brought a tabby cat named shadow but its more of a dorm room pet now as everyone takes care of her.

as mona got closer she almost made it past the group until a familiar voice hollered out "oi check out this cat" said luscious Malfoy, mona turned to the group now to find them all looking at her, she could see Narcissa unhook herself from Malfoy's arm and slowly approach the little red cat.

Sirius has told mona a lot about his family, Narcissa included and from what she got told, her friends cousin was a good person that got dragged into the darkness, mona sees more and more of those type of people everyday, kind hearts turned bad.

as Narcissa reached the fluffy red cat she goes to pet it, mona not wanting to get exposed played along and gave into the pats she was receiving, something she didn't expect though was another hand reaching to pat.

a hand all to familiar, belonging to regulus black.

more people joined in on patting the cat making mona get way to anxious for her liking and as she started backing away, she felt herself get lifted from the ground with a "im going to dinner, ill catch up with you lot later"

as the two started walking away mona looks up at the all to familiar grey eyes, wondering what is going inside that head of his.

merlin this boy probably doesn't even have anything inside his head

mona rolls her eyes at the thought, but quickly is back in reality when she realises this is not the way to the hall and is now a little scared as to where there going.

the black haired boy placed the cat down next to him as he leans across the railing of the astronomy tower and takes out a cigarette from his pocket.

regulus looks down at the cats eyes, slightly wondering why they look so familiar but doesn't pay to much mind to it

"you cant judge me little one, im sure you do stuff that's not safe to, like going into the forest, merlin knows what kinds of creatures are in there" he speaks as if he's going to get a response from the little cat

"but hey, i doubt anything would try to harm anything as cute as you" he reaches down to pet the cat whilst mona silently snorts

oh if only he knew

the boy let his hand linger a little while giving mona the chance to study it, mona pays attention to the ring on the boys finger, its a thick silver band with small snakes beaded on either side with a black gem inside surrounded by smaller green gems.

merlin, wonder how much that costs

but mona knew the blacks don't worry about something as simple as money but this ring looks older, mays its the ring Sirius talks about. but i doubt she will ever find out for sure.

regulus puts out his Smoak and leads the cat back down the stairs to the entry of the castle, he bends down to give the cat one last pat "be careful little one, worlds not the safest place right now"

mona watches him walk off and wondered what that meant

but her growling stomach was a more pressing concern, she made sure the cost was clear before switching back and started heading to the great hall.

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