v. | nancy wheeler is impatient

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chapter v

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chapter v. | nancy wheeler is impatient
"being a freak is the best!"

        WHEN CASSIE PULLED UP TO THE DINER, she instantly looked over at Jonathan. He was already staring at her. She nudged her head in the direction of the door.

        "Come on, I'll get you whatever you want," she told him, making his eyes widen.

        The two teens climbed out of the car and walked toward the door of the diner. Jonathan grasped Cassie's hand tightly. Cassie's stomach did a flip. It wasn't the first time he had held her hand today, but it was the first time where they were out in public and Jonathan wasn't crying (or close to crying).

        The pair stepped inside and waited until they were approached by an older waitress.

        "Table for two please," Cassie said. 

        The waitress looked them up and down, making Jonathan shrink in on himself. Her eyes stopped on their linked hands before looking back at their faces in somewhat disgust. The waitress's eyes caught on Cassie's multiple ear piercings before looking over at Jonathan's messy hair and scuffed shoes. She glared at the pair. 

        "Is there a problem?" Cassie asked politely, obviously catching on to the disgust the waitress held for the two already. It was, odd to Cassie.

        "Nice piercings," the waitress scoffed. 

        "Thanks, your son did them while I was over last week," Cassie replied with a sarcastic smile on her face. Jonathan's eyes widened in entertainment.

        "Shouldn't you kids be in school?" the waitress scowled. Cassie's polite smile dropped to an angry scowl.

        "Shouldn't you be in a retirement home?" she asked the rude waitress. The waitress walked away.

        "Come on," Cassie said, tugging Jonathan forward. She took two menus before finding the pair a booth to sit at. 

        "How did you do that?" he asked her in shock.

        "Do what?" she asked, not looking up from her menu.

        "T-That!" he stammered, pointing to where they just were. "How did you just-"

        "Think of a witty comeback?" she finished, putting her menu down and looking up at Jonathan. He nodded. "Just practice. High schoolers can say some really shitty things."

        "What," he paused, looking down at the table before looking back up at Cassie, "What do they say about you?"

        "Who? The people at school?" Jonathan nodded. Cassie sighed and shrugged. "A lot of them just comment on my appearance, especially the girls. In middle school, it used to be about how dumb I was or how I didn't have any friends and I was apparently a freak. Now it's mostly about me being a bitch. Little do they know they're the ones that created the bitch."

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