Chapter Two

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Mary instantly regretted her actions of what had transpired and wished for the earth to hear her silent pleas. She was so terrified that he might investigate who she is as he has a lot of connections and ways to get her information within the blink of an eye. So the best solution she decided to do was to flea the country and go to another state where no one knows her, but the problem is all the school fees paid for her siblings would be wasted and not refunded. What about my mom in coma as she thought, it is very risky to take her now while, my uncle succeeded for being the director of the company. She didn't know what to do whether to sack her employees and shut the restaurant and sought to hide herself and change her looks and names. But that would also cost money which she thought. She wailed inside as she laid on her bed all day, calling in sick for the job of the nanny and maid for her employers. Before she fell into an endless sleep, the only solution was to beg and ask him to do whatever he wanted rather than, her family's identity being exposed to everyone and getting hated for being deceitful all those months. The next day, Mary woke up like a zombie in the afternoon and headed straight to work with an apology letter and $1,000 money in an envelope to compensate him for the mistake she had cost. Before she had arrived, she met no other than, the devil himself sitting in the middle of the restaurant. Smiling mischievously at her and fear shown at her face as she approached him with fret. As she came closely to him, he asked her to have a seat and gave a document in front of her and told her to carefully to read it and he needed her signature. All her broke lose, as she knew her fate that he had known her secret now. He smirked and that confirmed her suspicions. Before she read the document given to her, she spoke to him apologizing and giving him the money and the apology letter to him. He looked at him and for a slight second surprise to see her offering the money. But masked it, and told go give that money to the dogs and homeless people but not to me. Mary hearing that statement, got offended and cautioned saying to him that the reason wasn't to offend but rather than, apologize for ruining his suit trouser that if that isn't enough that he should give her to do his laundry as a sign of remorse. He finally accepted the offer under a condition, that she signs the document given to her and accept his offer. Mary accepted the offer by hurriedly signing the document without cautiously reading the document to know what deal he was making. As she signed the document, the devil himself smiled and told her that they have to get married in two weeks. Shock was evident on her face as he said baby girl in a hoarse voice close your mouth before fly enters. The devil which everyone knows and calls him as his name told her that his names are Ajax Javier Oriol. He also told that he was fluently in English rather than, his own language as he grew and spent his whole life as young boy growing up in America. He told her later than evening that he would send all the necessary documents and informations about him in order to flop at their fathers house. He said after all it is a fake marriage and promised to help her get rid of her father and bring justice for her, which she complied as it was a tempting offer. They both shook hands and Ajax strolled away with his men. Her workers asked her what had transpired between them, in which she brushed them off and not to worry that everything is fine. Everyone got back to work after her statement and continued working. Luckily, for Mary she got a call from her employers not to bother coming to work that evening and for the whole of three months as they would be traveling out of the states for a vacation with the kids and told her they have already sent the salary. Immediately, she got the alert she sent money for rent and rest of them, including, money for her siblings to use despite, the fact that James and Jane continuously telling her that they are working. Which she refused to adhere to. She believed father wouldn't be proud of her if she sent the money. She got a call from the hospital stating that her mom has made much improvement and soonest she would wake up. Which she was thankful for but the issue is would mom recall the events that unfolded.
That evening there wasn't much customers and everything that day went smoothly, which she was grateful for. After all the stressful day, Mary took off to her house to shower and rest. As she was thankful and use that opportunity to read through and study all the documents and informations given to her by Ajax to memorize in order to disgrace him in front of his parents and siblings. Now, it is time for me to sleep.

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