Chapter Twenty Four Continues

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Two years later,
I wondered what happened to Enzo after his interrogation. When he left, I went to stay with my family for a few days. Ajax understood that I wanted some alone time with my family and was busy figuring out how I allowed myself to be so cheap in wanting answers.

I felt so disgusted with myself that I would allow such things to happen when I could use other means to get answers from him. I wasn't going to lie, but the sex was mind-blowing. Sometimes, it became my fantasy when I had sex and Ajax understood. I really felt bad, but he told me all was fine.

I spoke to my siblings and mom. But mom didn't look that surprised at all because she knew who my dad was. She told us that when she found out—a night before my graduation—that my dad was into sex trafficking of women and children,

We couldn't believe our ears. I asked if she knew Enzo, and she said yes, that he was the one that saved her life. Alfred, our family lawyer, was also involved; he was a pimp leader who molested and abused women and children.
We were shocked, and they had plans to expand their business to selling drugs to increase their income and sell them to interested minors. Dad was never a good man or husband, she said.

Her plans were to come for my graduation, and after some time she would run away with us to another city. I never knew that my father had skeletons in his closet, and all this time I viewed him as a man of integrity and virtue.

You can never know how much a person is worth. She said that she was happy to see Enzo at the wedding, and she knew how much he loved me and that I should be grateful for his involvement in the situation. Imagine if Vadim had handled the situation; none of us would've lived.

I told my family of our sexual encounter, and mom smirked and smiled warmly at me. They didn't judge, but rather asked me how it was. Mom told me that I hooked up two men and that I should be given an award for that.

I smiled nervously and she told me to go find Enzo and talk things out with him, and that if I wanted to have two husbands, that was fine with her. I hugged my mom, and she said that Enzo is a good man.
That I should really dwell on the past but move on from it ( this is aflashback  of Mary's family discussion about what happened).

It's been long since I heard from him, and I couldn't find him anywhere, as if he had disappeared from the world. I was sad that I escalated the situation rather than carefully looking at it with an extensive investigation and analysis. Rather, I jumped on the issue, and now everything seems haywire.

I felt bad, and I really wanted to apologize for what I did to him. But why didn't he tell me everything? Maybe he did it because of how much I looked up to my dad when really he wasn't a good person. My greedy uncle just wanted the wealth of my dad and the connections my father had to become powerful and wealthy. Enzo killed him before he could even get to that point.

I found out that he had to keep them silent as he didn't want Vadim to find out that the news and rumors about what happened were related to him. He had to be the bad guy to save us from the mayhem that would happen.
I took over the dad's business for a long time, and it has been running smoothly since then.
My restaurant business expanded to several locations and became known across the country. My siblings were still in school, and mom had to return to continue her business, and lots of ideas were used to make the business grow.

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