Chapter Six Continues

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Waking up was just like a breeze as I felt excited to wake up to meet my baby girl. I had my bath and ate breakfast: bacon, eggs, and toast with coffee. I finished my breakfast and headed straight to my office to finish some work that I couldn't complete. My secretary told me that I had a meeting by 2 pm, which I said okay to. and informed me that I would be having family time and that I shouldn't forget to get there on time. She also reminded me to get some fruits and flowers for my mom and get presents for my sisters and brothers. which I gladly noted as I had forgotten. I checked my time to see when the restaurant would open. I rushed out to get there on time and got into the car and headed straight to the restaurant. I blasted some music in my car and started singing along to it, imagining how we would be singing together and having so much fun together. I just hoped my plans would actually work and that I would be able to get my baby girl. So I reached the place, got down, and entered. Like always, everyone cowered away from me and I saw she hadn't arrived yet as I couldn't get a sight of her. I was excited to see her and hear what she thought of my proposal to get a fake marriage from her, as well as to meet my family.How exciting would it be? While waiting, I saw a girl early trying to seduce me to sleep with her. If it was the old me, I would not even look at her, and how odd could it be to see a woman hovering around me and trying to get into my pants? I love it when women make it hard for men to get them rather than making them look easy for men to ride on. In order for her to see that I don't like those kinds of women, I ignored her totally and waited for my wife to be. Walking through that door with her waitress uniform on serving me and looking into her beautiful eyes made me want to cuddle her up as her eyes looked sad and worn out from all the things she and her family had been through. What a lovely baby girl I had. If I finally got, I would be the happiest man on earth and protect her from that uncle and get her revenge, not justice, as I don't believe that justice can be served. I enjoy exacting my own justice and exacting vengeance on those who deserve it.But the rumors made me happy as everyone was scared to mess with me, including the police and top officials, as I had threatened with secrets that people didn't know that they had. While lost in thoughts, I saw my girl looking good as always, and when she saw me, She came to apologize for the act that I had made her believe was her rather than me setting her up. You don't blame a man who sees something good and decides to sweep it off their feet. She approached me, ushered them to their seats, and I told her what had brought me here and what I wanted her to do for me.Initially, she didn't want to agree with my decision, but I had another thought. That made me tell her if she agreed, I would help her and her family get justice. She wanted to get her to become the heir to her father's fortune, which she reluctantly agreed to, which I smiled inside my heart. I was still talking with her and checking my watch to see when my meeting would begin.I had no choice but to leave soon, which I had told her, and I told her I would meet her in the evening to tell her about my family and other necessary information. She nodded and I decided at that moment to go or else I would take her with me. but I had to control myself and walk out that door. I wished that I hadn't scared her off, but when I looked, she didn't look a bit scared. She might be inside, but I knew she was a strong woman, which I admire so much. That's the kind of woman and wife that my kids needed to have and for me to be able to run my empire. While thinking, I drove to my company to meet up with the clients and my fellow workers in charge of that project.

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