Chapter Seven Continues

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while still at work, sorting out all the necessary paperwork to do and accomplish for the day in order to meet my baby girl. One of my workers saw an article about a girl whose boyfriend was molesting her and treating her like a sex object. When she finally had the courage to speak up, it became a reality check for her as she was ridiculed for being bold and supported. As they say, not everyone will agree with you, and I agree.Her name is Katrina, and she lives in Spain. As Spain and Barcelona are closer to each other, She would be arriving at night, and my company and I would have to have the honor of welcoming her. I was pissed as I wouldn't be meeting my baby girl until late at night, but it's good as, on the other hand, it would give me an insight on what to present to Smith at the next meeting.

I was trying to hurry up and get my work done. My phone was blasted by none other than my best friend, who just broke the news that he was getting married to his girlfriend of three years. I was happy for him as I congratulated him. I realized that I still haven't told my best friend about my baby. I then told every single thing, as we don't keep secrets from each other. I was overjoyed that I had finally found someone with whom I was in love.I chuckled, as he is funny any time we both hang out. He, knowing that I am busy, asked me to hang out with him on Saturday so he could introduce me as his groomsman. I said okay, knowing that if I refused, he would storm to my house and act like a child. I ended the call and continued doing what I was doing, till I looked at the time and saw it was 4:30pm and decided to call it a day off. I stormed out of the office, packing what I needed to do at home and arranging myself properly, and drove straight home.I was really tired and needed to rest before I got to welcome my guest for my story presentation.

I had my bath, ordered lunch, ate it, and then slept immediately. I woke up around 5:30pm and dressed up as I had to get to the airport before 6pm. The drive to the airport was just 15 minutes, which was a blessing to me. I got home at around 5:55pm due to the traffic I met on the road. reached there and saw my secretary and staff there. I rolled down and was greeted, as everyone was putting on casual clothes. The flight had just arrived at 5:50pm and soon, by exactly 6:15pm, we would be leaving the airport. I paid for a 5-star hotel in Barcelona, and that's Serra Barcelona. I did that to welcome my guest that would be arriving. While waiting for our guest, we saw her walking down, and we drew her attention to us. We walked up to her and we introduced ourselves, and she and my workers got into the van that they hired. I, on the other hand, entered my car to trail them. We finally got to the hotel I had booked for her. I had forgotten to tell you our guest's name. Her name is Katrina, like I earlier mentioned, but her full name is Katrina Maya Truce. She is 24 years old and hails from Birmingham, but moved shortly to Spain after her toxic relationship ended. We arrived at the hotel room, and we showed her. I, who was in a hurry, told her that I would meet her tomorrow and told my workers to get to know her more on her base level and to let her rest. I bade goodbyes and decided to drive to Mary's house to see her and to get my energy boost from her.

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