Chapter One Continues

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I arrived at Mr and Mrs Joy Adams house as their nanny and maid. I got there and met the rudest and self centered kids that I ever met. They were busy people with no manners. The husband was dislikable to me while, his wife was fake with a sinister smile which makes me shiver. Their daughter which is the only girl is the nicest and sweetest girl I have ever met. The boys were rowdy and rude to the core. I wished that my dad was here to discipline them with me. That memory makes me cry of how my dad was killed. The parents gave their children Greek names, Atlas, Apollo, Leander, Castor and Eros for the boys and Phoebe for their only girl child. Eros was the nerd amongst them as he was in his room he was nice. I found out that Eros is a twin to Phoebe as he is older by a minute. Seeing them reminds me of my twin siblings but the opposite as my kid sister is older than my kid brother by two minutes. Eros took his sister to bed for school cause, she was frightened of the dark and slept. While, those rowdy boys were making the house shake with their noises. I went up there took all their gadgets and made all to sleep, it wasn't easy but Thank Jesus for giving me young monsters like my siblings which helped me control this rowdy mouses. While, leaving the room I discovered, that Altas was scared of the dark and decided to turn on the side lamp for him. He later on, apologized. Which kind of parents leave their kids at night and attend events. Cause, when my dad was alive, he never left my siblings and I alone in the house. As he believed, that it was dangerous. God bless his soul. I slept in the room given to me my employee's. Before you ask why I am sleeping here without checking in on my siblings, be reassured that they are boarders in their university. As, I was sleeping I felt a small hand waking me up which was Leander. Who was scared and wanted to stay next to me which I agreed. Next morning, I had no issues bathing Altas, Leander and Eros. But cried and fell when bathing Castor and Apollo. What I discovered that Eros was most matured of their siblings and smacked Castor when he teased and made fun of Phoebe. I gave each one of them their breakfast before their parents arrives in and the chauffeur takes them to school. Altas helped me cleaned the tables and Leander helped me organize their lunch boxes. I put all necessary snacks which they might eat in school, food and favorite drinks for all of them. I left the house, after I saw the children to school and went straight to my next job of the day. That's my online fashion store in order to help my mom's business grow. I made only $50,000 that day and which is for the company's profits. Around 12pm, I went to my restaurant to open. It opens from 12pm to 3pm. When I got there, I was met with a crowd of people. Thank Jesus for those wonderful workers I put. My restaurant opened after a month my mom, siblings and I moved. Mom hasn't woken up yet from the coma. I decided to start work immediately as I do not have much staffs except chefs. Just me, Ella and Beatrice. I served a lot of people which made me extremely tired. As we were about to close, the most feared business man in the world which I didn't know and not interested became his scape goat as I nearly tripped and spilled hot soup on him, which burnt him and me. He got really upset and decided to speak to my boss. Shit when I have tried all this months to keep undercover, I decided to bring a mighty wrought on myself. As I was told, he doesn't easily forgive. When the chefs and workers of my restaurant told him I was the owner. He stormed off angrily and said I would be back and this time be warned. I was scared and shocked of what I was going to do to stop the mess I had caused.

Pls kindly follow me on my Instagram account:@qubels_ for more information. Pls support me and also, need to make this announcement might not be posting much. Thanks .

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