Chapter 18: What do you see in those beautiful eyes? (Lemon Chapter)

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Oh shit! Someone gave Senti a gun!

Anyways I suggest you to read this chapter until the end. There'll be lots of hot stuff. That "hot" if you want me to specify. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)


A few days had passed since a rollercoaster of events in chapter 17, thanks to the extraordinary negotiation skill of Admiral that Belfast and Wales agreed to follow her to Iron Blood for the espionage (which will be explained in chapter 19). Exceeding everyone's expectation, Kevin got along with the girls from all factions extremely well within those few short days like he'd already known them from long before *wink*. While Enterprise received a few days to rest after that hell of close call, another her had just begun her training course by Forger (H. Hipper) in order to get even stronger.

At first, Ash didn't believe that she and the other METAs were actually miles behind in power compared to the Valkyries (H. variant of themselves), judging by how everyone's very friendly and sociable to each other, like the innocent ones of this world. But her belief was soon to be proven false.


Location: Somewhere in space.






"This one's even weaker then the last one! Again!"


"Is this everything the leader of the Ashen could unleash?! Erbärmlich! Again!"


"Ash! You won't even last a minute against a Herrscher let alone winning if your punches are like this! Again!"




*huff* ... *huff* ... *huff*



"Alright, let's take a fifteen-minute break. Then we will continue." The blond woman in crimson and black armor opened a small black hole next to her position and took out two cans of energy drink before throwing one of them to Alter Enterprise.

" The blond woman in crimson and black armor opened a small black hole next to her position and took out two cans of energy drink before throwing one of them to Alter Enterprise

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You see, after examining the clip of Ash vaporizing an island recorded by H. Takao from the earlier, H. Hipper immediately recognized this girl's potential and she believed if the carrier practiced correctly, she could be the first one on the dark side of the Imaginary Tree to get her own "Overdrive mode", something that only the girls from the right side could do.

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