☁︎︎Chapter eight ☁︎︎

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"Why are we doing this again?"

"Because Big Mama order me to"

You sighed as Big Mama's new assistant undid your warpings, letting the tinted soiled bandages fall to the ground. You sat in the med bay with a pout as the faceless woman applied new dressings on your boils. You noticed that she only had three fingers, like Donnie and Leo, but that wasn't uncommon here in the hidden city. Still, you couldn't shake off the feeling that this meant something.

You hated that Sidney had to go for a supply run, you didn't want to be treated by this attention-hogging snake.

"Why couldn't Chad or Todd do this"

The woman laughed behind her mask and glanced up at you.

"Do you think those idiots have any medical experience?"

You peered off to the left, thinking for a moment with pressed lips before letting a small grin form on your face as you answered.

"No, they probably don't.."

You chuckled lowly as the woman finished applying the ointment. Mei let go of your hand for a moment to grab the roll of bandages. You noticed how she moved with this grace and precision, yet handled you so softly in her care.

She probably had a family too..

That must be nice...

Mei grabbed you slightly above the wrist, making you wince a bit. Your skin was still very raw, unlike the rest of your body, your wrists, ankles, and neck were branded with third-degree electrical burns. The woman stopped for a second, gazing down our your injuries before being to wrap your wrists and palms, you cringed as pain shot up your arm.

The woman peeked up at you, her movements were soft and slow as curved your body a bit more toward her so she could start on the other arm. You just let her do what she wanted with you, that was basically all you could do. You were in no condition to fight at the moment, so being obedient was your best bet for survival.

It was quite funny... You couldn't remember when life become less about living and more about surviving.

How f*cked up is that?

You sigh as Mei repeated the process on your other arm as you watched. The woman paused for a beat before quietly speaking.

"I take it that... They don't treat you very well here.. Do they?"

You stiff a bit, peeking down at the masked woman with bafflement. No one has ever asked you such a question. No one really cared about you here, well Sidney likely did. However, this tiny voice was in the back of your mind telling you that he was using you as some bodyguard or leverage.

You trialed your eyes to the side, determining how to respond to Mei.

"Well, uh I have more scars than friends if that answer's your question?"

You chuckled but you can tell that Mei didn't find it all that amusing. The yokai reminded silent, looking back down at your arm and wrapping it up. She patted the bandages down to make sure they were packed in and then angled her face up at you.

"I'm done with your arms"

You sorely laid your arms carefully in your lap as the woman stood from her knees and walked off. Mei fetched for more supplies as you patiently sat there in silence. You swang your legs as they hovered above the ground ever so slightly.

Maybe Mei wasn't so bad after all.. She has done nothing but treated you with empathy. Sure there was the VR box but she was just following orders. Big Mama was the one to initiate everything.

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