◈Chapter seven◈

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Heavy huffs exasperated the turtle's lungs. Sweat beamed off his body as he spun on his toes, dodging multiple metal stars, swatting them away with the edge of his sword. The turtle doubled over, tightening his grip on the duo of hilts that resided in his palms. His eyes widened as an object plummeted towards his face from the side. He immediately blocked the oncoming attack with his blade. Little did he know that was just a distraction.

Another attack came from the other side, the turtle let out a small gasp as he turned his back towards it. He felt a sharp pain in his back as the metal penetrated his shell. The yokai hissed through his teeth and a laid-back voice passed into his ears.

"You have been hit! Training exercise over dude!Better luck next time!"

Leo sighed as he stabbed his katanas into the ground, groaning as an overzealous Shelldon buzzed around him. Wind swirled as he circled the red-eared slider's head.

"Dude! That was totally radical! Way better than the last three rounds!"

Leo drew his sabers from the splintered wooden floor, holding them carefully in his hands as he stood straight. He walked over to a cushion that perched against the wall. He set down his swords carefully on the ground before taking a seat himself.

He let out several winces as his tender body ached through his system.

It's been about a week since Leo has been grounded, he's spent his free time studying medical procedures and training. He occasionally spends some time with his brothers but he preferred to be alone nowadays.

Leo held this grimmer tone recently. Believe it or not, his spending time with you has changed him. For better or for worst? Who's to know? Though he has matured a bit. The old Leo would've hated taking responsibility, but the new him was eager to prove himself.

Leo groaned as he reached behind him, patting his shell as he searched for the weapons embedded in his back. The turtle let out an angry grunt when you discovered that the stars were just beyond his reach.

"Shelldon, I require assistance please"

"On it brosive!"

The purple flying turtle zipped to Leonardo, hovering above his back as he examined the damage.

"You got four gnarly stars stuck here, dude"

Leo sucked in a gulp of breath while rubbing the skin between his eyebrows.

"Just- just please remove them"

"No problemo!"

The robot immediately got to work, his robotic ar extensions shooting out and plucking ninja stars from the turtle's back. Leo winced when one of the metal devices was really wedged in there so Shelldon had to wrestle it out. The slider yelped as the star was freed from his shell.

Leo repeatedly patted his hallowed exterior as he coped with the pain.

"Ow ow ow! That's so uncool!"

He whined to himself and possibly Shelldon as well, but mostly himself.

"Sorry, bro! But you did tell me to pull them out"

Leo glanced up at the machine, sighing as he let his arms fall onto his crossed legs.

"No, no, you're fine Shelly. I'm not mad at you... Honestly, I'm mad at myself"

Leo glanced down at his hands, air exasperated from his nose as his eyes burned a hole in the ground.

"How am I supposed to be a ninja if I get hurt before being able to help anyone?"

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