IDK at this point 😑

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The next morning my head hurt like hell because of how much I cried yesterday but as I woke up I saw my father and brother asleep still. I very quietly got up and went to my room and got dressed.

Tengen was still asleep on the bed as usual I woke him up I kinda ended up startling him and he punched me in the nose.

Ouch! I squeaked. Which woke up Tengen right away.

Are you ok I ask in a panicked voice.
Did I do that i asked shocked because Rengoku's nose was bleeding.

You did but I'm not mad I kinda did scare you so I did deserve it I said with a smile on my face.

No you didn't Tengen said in a Sympathetic voice. I'm sorry darling I did not mean to punch you in the face.

It's fine Tengen. Just as I was about to go to the bathroom to get cleaned up my father had entered the room.

Why did I hear you shriek Mr. Rengoku said in a tired and annoyed voice.

Sorry father Rengoku said looking at the ground.

It's my fault sir Kyo just came to wake me up and he had startled me and i accidentally punched him in the nose which caused him to shriek like that.

Mr. Rengoku walks up to Kyojuro and says why.

Why what Rengoku asks.

He could have woken himself up.
I know but I'm usu- did I say speak Mr. Rengoku yelled which Scared Rengoku.

n-no he said in a tiny frightened voice.

As Mr. Rengoku went to slap Rengoku Tengen got up and walked right infront of Rengoku and was slapped instead.

Rengoku's eyes stretched wide as Tengen was slapped. Tengen why would you do that.

But Tengen was pissed he looked up at Mr. Rengoku and said I thought you changed but i guess i was wrong.

From what Tengen had just said pissed off Mr. Rengoku. Mr. Rengoku pushed Tengen out of the way running him straight into the night stand causing Tengen to black out and grabbed Kyojuro's wrist and dragged him out into the living room and threw Kyojuro right into the glass coffee table which then woke up Senjuro and he looked horrified as he saw his brothers limp body.

As Senjuro looked up his father was looming over him and he hurry up and bolted for the door rushing out of the house to find one of the other Hashira. As he kept running he heard his father not far behind and he was getting closer.

As Senjuro thought that his father was going to catch him he heard something behind him fall. Senjuro looked behind him and saw Shinobu looming over Senjuro's father.

Why are you chasing Senjuro she said in a pissed off manor. I wasn't he lied we were playing a game isn't that right Senjuro he said.

Senjuro is this true Shinobu said in a gentle voice. No! He said In a high pitched voiced. I need help f-father hurt Kyojuro.

Just as he said that he heard noises behind him and saw muichiro, Sanemi and Gyomei. What do you mean he hurt Kyojuro Sanemi said. Father t-threw Kyojuro into the glass table and he didn't wake up he cried.

Sanemi listen to me you need to go check on Kyojuro and make sure he's alright.

Why isn't Tengen there.

Oh he is Mr. Rengoku rolled his eyes. But he's probably not awake yet.

What do you mean Shinobu asked now furious.

I threw him into a nightstand.

YOU WHAT!? shinobu now past her breaking point and was as pissed as ever.

SANEMI GO NOW!? She yelled as sanemi rushed down the hall and when he finally reached Rengoku's place he saw Rengoku slowly sitting up.

My head hurts Rengoku thought to himself.

Wait! Tengen!? he thought. Get your ass on the couch I'll go get Tengen and make sure he's alright ok.

Ok he said in a small voice.

As he entered the room he saw Tengen standing up. Sanemi grabbed Tengen and dragged him to the couch next to Rengoku.

Your ok! Rengoku squeaked.

As Tengen saw Rengoku was alright besides a few minor injuries he hugged Rengoku and Rengoku and Tengen fell asleep.

Around 30 minutes later Rengoku felt someone shaking him awake.

Rengoku... Rengoku!


Practically scaring the daylights out of Rengoku.


Then when he finally was waking up he saw shinobu looking at him. She had a bit of fear in her eyes at least that's what I remember.

The next day Rengoku was back to being all smiles and happy vibes.

Rengoku may I talk with you please shinobu asks in a persistent tone.

Of course about what may I ask?

About your father when he gets mad... his anger spirals it get...out of hand.

Out of hand how? Rengoku asks in a worried tone.

For an... example when he got mad yesterday and hurt you and Tengen he was not in control of his own body his anger and rage is and it takes maybe a couple minutes to calm down or sometimes longer.

When you say longer... how much longer do you mean?

It can take hours or in extreme cases possible even days.


Your father has to learn to control his anger or he will continue to harm you and your brother and most likely others as well as himself.

I... I see as Rengoku thought he wondered if he could help his father or if his father had to figure it out on his own.

W-will father be alright Senjuro asked in a small voice.

Don't worry he'll be alright Rengoku said in a Sympathetic voice. Father will be alright I promise but he just needs to get some rest alright.

Ok Senjuro said in a once again tiny voice.

After a month or so Shinjuro learned to control his temper and will be able to be around his sons and other people without fear of hurting them.

Later that day Rengoku and Senjuro went to go see there father since Shinobu had given the ok.

Father may we come in Rengoku asked in a small voice. Yes you can there father answerd.

For around they talked and fell asleep the rest of the time.

Too Be Continued

And sorry if it sucked and I know I'm late on updating the other storys but I should get it done because I don't have school until this next Monday so I'll get the storys updated if nothing comes up!

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