a mission gone wrong

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It's was a peaceful night last night. There was no sign of demons. I hope that's the case for tonight as Rengoku ran at fast speeds to make it there on time if there was a demon.

As I arrived at the village I heard what seemed to be crying. When I found the source of the crying it was a kid he looked up at me with pain are anger in his eyes.

Are you alright kid? Do I look alright to you he yelled Because of you u-useless demons slayers my parents Died! I-I'm so sorry kid he said with Sympathy in his voice I got here as quick as I could.

Well apparently not quick enough because of you being so "quick" about it my parents are dead and it's all your fault! I Hate You he yelled as he ran into the woods. Wait that's dangerous kid stop!

When I finally caught up to the kid a demon had found him first. The kid layed there motionless. I charged at the demon with one swift blow from my sword the demon was dead.

As I rush to the child to make sure he's alive I feel no plush my heart drops as I realize he's been killed.

As I was about to make a barrel for the one's who had died I felt something send me crashing down to the ground as I look up to see the dead child or so I thought was dead child pinning me down to the ground and then at that moment I realized he was a demon.

As I went to try and throw him off my back he racked his claws down my back trying to keep his balance. Once I finally threw him off my back just in time to grab my sword just to be threw to the ground once again this time landing on my back able to face the demon.

As he was about to attack me I pulled out my sword so instead of biting me he bit my sword. Thankful it worked and I managed to throw him off my chest and using my sword to finish him off.

After that I could not think straight I couldn't even save this parents or him. I don't blame him for saying he hates me when he lost his family all because I did not get here in time.

As i was walking I realized it would be a while before I got back to inform master that the mission had been completed so I would stay at father's for the night since it was closest.

When I arrived I was nervous about what would happen but... the door was open. Red flags when up in my head as I rushed in the house to see my father on the ground with a gash on his head and a stab wound near where his heart should be he was alive but i had to hurry and get him to the Infirmary where shinobu would be but i would need to be fast.

When i finally arrived shinobu helped and i was ever so thankful for her help.

Later shinobu informed me that he would need a lot of rest and that if I would have brought him in a hour sooner he would not have maid it.

I stayed with father after a couple days he finally woke up I was ever so thankful that he had woken up.

Where am I he yelled. C-Calm down father your in the infirmary in the butterfly man-

Shut your mouth he yelled. I don't want to even look at you leave now. Still very hurt by his father's words listened to his father. Very well he smiled I will leave you alone.

As Rengoku left shinobu and the others were shocked how Rengoku's father has spoken to him.

Shinobu spoke with all do respect sir your son saved your life and you could have died if not for your son's selflessness shinobu said in a calm tone.

Pff- don't make me laugh that kid he usel- but before he could finish his sentence shinobu cut him off.

You call your children that and one of your children bothered to save your life she said outraged. Rengoku did not have to he could of left you on that damn floor to rot but no he chose to save you because he cares about you she yelled.

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