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I emerge from the car, the breeze teasing my hair. I take a deep breath, I'm back home again after 2 years of being away. I pull my suit case along the path up to my childhood home. My mum runs out of the house, actually she doesn't run she sprints and be honest with you and I'm scared she's going to knock me off my feet when she reaches me.
"I thought you was going to be a few more hours yet?!" She squeals and throws her arms around me.
"Yeah, I miss judged how long it would take me"
"I've missed you. I've been so lost without you, I was really gutted that you've been at your dads for all your holidays, but I know you have to spend time with him as well"
"I've missed you too mum" I say trying to ignore the dig she makes at me.
"Here, let me get the rest of your things" she walks to the car and retrieves the rest of my stuff.
"It's been so quite without you it's going to be so good now that your back"
I've spent my last two years at university but I've spent all my holidays and time off at my dad's. It was closer plus I really wanted to avoid this place.
We walk into the house. It's so strange after being away for two years.
"Do you want me to make you food? Or shall we order or do you want to go out I mean we could go to-"
"Mum! I'm fine, I don't want anything I just want to go to my room" I cut her off. One thing I can't stand is people fussing. After my long journey I just wanted to unpack and try and relax.
"Okay sweetie, I'll help you with your things" she gives me a sad smile and grabs one of my many bags. I grab another bag and grab my suitcase and pull it up the stairs to my long-forgotten bedroom.
"Call me if you need anything" my mum says before she leaves my room.
I sigh and sit on my bed and take in my room. The wallpaper a light pink with sparkle in, the curtains another shade of pink, the lampshade the same colour as the curtains. Everything pink. It's really not me anymore. Slowly I get off my bed and walk around, admiring the things I left behind. Photos, memories and leaving behind a certain someone. I look out my Window and at the house across and slightly down the street. The place I've refused to look at since I got here. The memories come flooding back, this is the first time I've let myself think of them properly since that day 2 years ago. Although the guilt has never gone away, I've blocked all thoughts of him from entering my head until now. Stood here looking at the house where he lives, is allowing them in freely.
He meaning Alex stone. My once best friend, until I destroyed it and everything we had, we haven't spoken since the day I left. I know for a fact that there is still someone in the house, whether Alex is I don't know.
I begin to unpack my many bags and put them away.


An hour later and I was more or less done I slowly make my way downstairs, me and my mum didn't end on good terms the last phone call we had and the air is still quite thick between us.
"I'll just order us something tonight how's that?" my mum said as I walked past the living room
"Sure" I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a drink.
That's when I saw him.
He stormed out of the house and got in a car and drove off and he took my breath with him.

I remember the first time I saw Alex. I was 9 years old...

"Mum I'm going to play on my bike!"
"Okay be careful"
I got it out of the garage and rode around the neighbourhood. I noticed a removal van disappearing down the street and realised that the house across the street was now occupied. I watched as the new family get settled in. There's two boys and their parents. One boy looks roughly my age and one boy looks a little older, 11 maybe. I quickly put my bike back in the garage and run to my room. This called for a 'secret spy girl moment'
I watch as they take their stuff in from out of the car and stare in awe at the boy around my age. My mum sneaks up behind me
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously.
"Oh nothing" I say obviously caught in the act.
"Ooo spying on boys, are we?" She jokes
"No way mums! As if!"

"They 're our new neighbours we'll have to go introduce ourselves tomorrow"
"Do we have to" I whine
"Yes, it's polite to say hello to new neighbours we want them to feel at home, you might become good friends with the boys over there, look, they seem to be about your age and you'll have someone to play with, then won't you?"
I sigh "okay"

The next day came around and mum was still forcing me to go and introduce ourselves to the new family.
"Kaelyn! Hurry up!"
I really didn't want to go. I didn't even brush my hair I just quickly put it in a bobble and ran down the stairs.
"Could you at least not put some decent clothes on? We don't want to make a bad impression"
I look down at my jeans and top that I had dug out from the bottom of my draws and back of my wardrobe. I had on an orange top that was creased and some boot leg jeans.
"What's wrong with it"
"Kaelyn, that top is too small now and those jeans are getting a bit old and ragged don't you think? See this is the reason I get clothes out for you in a morning"
She marches up the stairs and gets me a dress to wear. I really don't like wearing dresses. I'm not allowed to play out and ride my bike or go to the park in them. My mum says I'm not 'lady like' enough to wear them so I'm surprised that she's pulled one out.
"Here put this on"
I strip off the 'ragged old jeans and orange top that my mum despises she pulls the dress over my head. She pairs it with some tights and makes me wear my boots.
I like this dress though. It's summery and makes me feel pretty.
Once I'm dressed, she does my hair in two pigtails. We go downstairs and she grabs the cupcakes she made for them off the kitchen counter and we make our way over.

A boy answers the door.
"Muum!" He shouts. Even before my mum has a chance to speak. A blonde woman comes to the door
"Hello?" She says.
"Hello we live just over the road, I'm Lisa and this is Kaelyn we just wanted to say hello to our new neighbours and introduce ourselves and we brought you this" she hands them the box of cupcakes.
"Awh thank you so much!" The woman was delighted.
"Please come in" she steps aside for us to enter.
"I'm Charlotte by the way" we walk to their living room and they are two boys sat watching TV.
"Boys come say hello to our new neighbours" both heads turn to look at us.
"That's Logan" she says pointing to the older looking one "he's my eldest, he's 11"
I knew it! I'm so good at guessing ages.
"And this is Alex he's probably about the same age as you id of thought, 9?" She questions me.
I just nod.
"Kaelyn you're not a donkey" my mum scolds me.
"Ha-ha it's okay she's just shy, boys why don't you take Kaelyn to play outside"
I want to say no but the look on my mum's face makes me follow the boys.
They have a swing set towards the back of the garden. I sit on the swing quietly.
"So, it's Kaelyn? I've never heard that name before" Alex says to me. "What's your full name?"
"Kaelyn crystal Holland, how about yours?"
"Alex John stone and Logan's is Logan graham stone, he got grandads name for his middle name and I got our dads name"
"So, your dads called John?"
"Well, that's what he just said" Logan butts in.
"Cool" I reply
"I'm going back inside" Logan said, he looked angry.
"He doesn't like the fact that we moved. Just ignore him" Alex stated and smiled at me.
Since that day on me and Alex have been best friends. 

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