Later that night/ the next day

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Laura's POV

It got late so everyone went to bed Stormie had set up a spare room for me which I was happy for I settled down into the bed and turned the lights off and went to sleep.


Laura's aunt: where are you!!!

Laura: nowhere

Laura's aunt: don't lie to me Laura

Laura: I'm not a kid and I'm not a punching bag

Laura's aunt : *scoffs* you're useless

Laura: *tears up*

Laura's aunt: if you want to run away I'll find out and I'll hurt whoever is hiding you so don't think you'll be happy for long

Laura: no

Laura's aunt: you belong to me

Laura: I belong to no one

Laura's aunt: you belong to me and besides who else would want you you're useless, pathetic little girl

End of nightmare

I woke up with a start and I saw that it was still dark I checked the time it was 12:39am I sighed I got dressed and quietly crept downstairs and I walked out the front door and I ran and I ran I don't know where.

I can't hurt the Lynches after they have been so kind to me I just ran into the darkness.

End of POV

The next day

Ross's POV

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face it's a sunny day and I thought me and Laura could go to the park together.

I got out of bed and got changed and then I walked downstairs to see my parents and my siblings but no Laura I was confused.

Ross: is Laura still asleep?

Rydel: I think so

Stormie: we will let the girl rest she's been through a lot poor girl

Mark: yeah

Rocky: okay me and Ryland are going out

Stormie: behave you two

Ryland: we will

They walked out of the house and then dad did saying he's got to go to work so it left me, mum, Riker and Rydel.

Ross: I was thinking me and Laura could go to the park today

Stormie: I'm sure she would love that

Rydel: me and Riker will go to the mall

Riker: yeah

They walked out of the house and I sat on the sofa waiting for Laura to come downstairs but she never did.

Ross: mum could you check on her

Stormie: sure

Mum walked upstairs to Laura's room to see if she was okay.

End of POV

Stormie's POV

I got upstairs and made my way to Laura's room I knocked on no reply so I opened it and when I did the whole room was empty I was shocked.

Stormie: Ross!!!

Ross: what's the matter?

Stormie: get Rydel and Riker and go look for Laura!

Ross: okay

I rang her phone but her phone was on the bedside cabinet I sighed oh no where is she?.

End of POV

Ross's POV

When mum told me that Laura wasn't in her room I panicked where could she be? When did she leave? Is she okay? I rang Rydel and Riker and told them what has happened and they said that they will search for her.

I ran out of the house and went to the park and decided to start there since I know that is one of Laura's favourite places to go.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I'm in the forest bit of the park hiding I've tried to rest but I keep getting nightmares of my aunt hurting me or hurting the Lynches.

I don't know what time it is but I've heard people walking around but no one can see me.

After an hour

I've heard a voice I thought I wouldn't hear again and he's shouting my name.

???: Laura! Where are you!

I kept quiet but he found me and I was right it was Ross.

Laura: hi

Ross: what are you doing here? Why did you run away last night? Why didn't you come to me? Are you okay?

Laura: I'm okay I guess I didn't know that I was allowed to come to you at night and I just had bad dreams I got scared and I ran here.

Ross: well at least you are safe

Laura: but I'm not she will find me

Ross: she won't

Laura: but she will and she will hurt me and your family

Ross: come on let's go home

Laura: no

Ross: why?

Laura: because I don't want to hurt you

Ross: you won't hurt me I promise

Laura: but what if I do and I can't help

Ross: Laura I promise that we will stick together forever and I will protect you from your aunt

Laura: what if you can't!

Ross: I will just trust me

After a few minutes of arguing Ross convinced me of going home so I followed him.

At the Lynch household

Me and Ross walked through the door and I saw all the Lynches in the kitchen when Stormie saw me she hugged me and pulled me upstairs.

Stormie: you're freezing

Laura: I'm sorry

Stormie: don't apologise but could you explain what went through your head when you took off?

Laura: I thought my aunt would hurt your family and it would be my fault and I don't want that

Stormie: it's okay if you ever have a bad dream just go into Ross's room or Rydel's room

Laura: *nods*

Stormie: I'm going to run you a bath so you can warm and Mark will make some dinner

Laura: okay

Stormie ran me a bath and then she went downstairs.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Mum came back downstairs telling dad that he had to make dinner and then she pulled me and Rydel aside.

Stormie: I've told Laura that if she has a bad dream she can go into one of your rooms so make sure to show her which rooms are yours and also Rydel tomorrow could you take Laura out shopping to get her some new clothes.

Rydel: sure

Then I told them what Laura told me and they understood.

End of POV

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