Chapter 4

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Part 4

Dakota's POV

Tomorrow we will finish our first week of work. I know that there will be many of them but this one was really wonderful. I had a chance to met all the cast better. Especially one person. Jamie is such a great person. Inside an out. I know him only for a few days, but I feel like I have met him a long ago.

I was really angry at myself after I ask him about his mother. If he didn't tell anything by himself I shouldn't have push him. I can even imagine how much pain he got when he was young. I wouldn't have survived without my mom. It's terrible. And that accident... He lost his best friends then.

But now he's such a strong person.

Anyway we already filmed the scene in the office and in the bar, where Christian is saving Ana from Jose. Victor and Jamie were great in this scene. For a second I even believed that Jamie was really jealous because of Victor and me. But now I think that he was just doing his job. He's an actor and he can play with feelings. He couldn't be jealous because of me. Could he ?


I take my keys and phone and check if I have everything before i leave my trailer. Thankfully my mom have a small apartment in here. I have to hurry Zeppelin is waiting for me and I'm sure that he need to go outside. When I'm closing my door I feel like two strong arms are wrapping around my waste. I don't have turn around to know who is that. Only one person have so beautiful, strong arms. Only one person can do amazing thing to me and my body by a touch.

-I was looking for you. Where are you going ?

I can feel his warm breath on my bare shoulders. Oh my... How can I survive this ?

-Mmm...I w-was mmm... going home-I couldn't stop little moans while his breath was still tickling my skin. I can say that he's smiling. Is that his game ? It's not fair.

-Oh yeah. You told me that you have a flat here.

I take a deep breath and turn around to face him. I'm so happy that I can lean against the door. He is looking so handsom and so damn sexy in his white shirt and black leather jacket. I send him a small smile as he do the same.

-So... you said that you were looking for me ?-I ask when I finally find the ability to speak. But I hear that my voice was to shrill.

-Yes, I was.

For all the time he doesn't tear his eyesight from me. Why is he torturing me so much ?

-What for ?

-I have a question.

Dear God. You want to play that game Mr.Dornan ? Fine.

-I'm listening.

He gives me a smile and puts his hands in pockets of his jeans. Suddenly he's starting to be so nervous. Why is he so uptight ? Is it because of me ? Did I do something wrong ?

-I was wondering... Would you like to go out with me ? Tomorrow maybe ? We could celebrate the beginning of our work.

Holy fuck ! Did he he couldn' doesn't make sense... Dakota Johnson ! Stop thinking and say YES !! He's asking me on a date. He's really asking me on a date. I want to jump and scream. Breath Dakota, just breath. Now look at him and say something before he start to think that you don't want him. I clean my throat.

-I would love to.

I see that he breath sight of a relief. Was he really so worried that I would say no ?

-Really ? I mean that's great. Really great. Maybe I walked you home ?

-You know actually that's a really great idea. I want you to meet someone.

PS: Please comment. I would like to know if you liked my story.

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