Fall of the Rainbow Palace

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Me: I won't talk much here, I know many of you have been waiting for this update, I'll just take you straight to it. Here's another chapter of My Heart Family! Enjoy!

Kieru: Chari doesn't own One Piece!


~...~ Normal POV

"KIERU-CHAN!!" everybody shouted except for the sisters shouted. There was smoke and dust everywhere, Shachi, Penguin, the twins, Casey, Jay and Naru frantically searched the smoke for any sign of their youngest member but there was none. The sisters began to grin victoriously, confident that they had gotten rid of the cocky little girl that dared to challenge them. The smoke began clear and the small figure of someone began to become clearer; the sisters' grins began to turn upside down into looks of utter shock, as the girl still stood strong with almost no damage. One of her wings was broken and Kieru stared at her partially burnt arm with interest; the Hearts sighed in relief when they saw her but her arm was burnt. Casey made a move to go take a look at it but Kieru shook her head and put her arm down to side before turning her attention to the sisters.

"Well, what do you know, that actually hurt." Kieru grinned in a psychotic way, sadism dripping from every bit of that grin. "You guys hurt me and you hurt Jean Bart, one of my friends. Bad people, I really don't like you. So, now it's my turn."

The wing grew back and at the same time Kieru jumped into the air gesturing her hand towards them, her left wing began to extend and the sisters barely managed to dodge the large crystal spike made of spikes that tried to impale them. A second spike came at them at light speed, they barely managed to dodge that as well; Rose couldn't believe how well Kieru could control those large things while being suspended in midair. It was inhuman for sure, Kieru attacked again and this time Violet got hit, the wing slammed into her lifting her off her feet and throwing her into a wall that was on the other side of the entire room, which was about 50 feet in length. Kieru landed back on the ground her wings returning to their normal size, she cracked her index knuckle with her thumb. One Down, she thought.

"Violet! You little bitch!!" Rouge shouted, she cracked her whip at Kieru the intent to kill clear in her attack and expression. Kieru blocked the attack with her wing and the whip bound itself around it, Rouge's eyes widened in horror, as Kieru smirked at her. She tugged; hard, Rouge came hurtling towards her young opponent who stood ready her good arm at her side like a weapon and before she knew it Rouge had a hand in her stomach. Kieru pulled out her hand, completely covered in the crimson liquid that lay below Rouge in a pool, she flicked it so some of the blood would leave her hand; completely impassive to the fact that she had killed a person by impaling them with her hand. It came as a shock to the Heart Pirates, never had they ever come across someone so similar to Trafalgar Law in their years as a Pirate.

"Kieru-chan, reminds me of another person." It was Bepo who spoke and that surprised the crew even more. "That ghoul person we met a year ago when Brandon Lopez and his people attacked us, he cracked his knuckles like that."

That was true, the crew remembered the strange white haired man they met wearing an even stranger mask, he held some similarities to Kieru as well. Though they had no time to ponder on it because Kieru had started her attack on Rose as well, even the strongest sister from the trio couldn't keep up with the 12 year old girl. The pink whip came at Kieru from all directions but the wings blocked each and every attack, Rose growled in a feral way, pissed off couldn't even begin to explain the expression on her face. The Queen had let them borrow some of her power, Rose concentrated tapping into the hidden magic that had been bestowed upon her by Lalaya; she began to power up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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