Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tom Grant walked through the trailer throwing his things into bags, his anger engulfing him. His girlfriend, Ruth, had left him for another woman this summer and basically ripped his heart out. He deeply loved her, but it wasn't enough and he didn't understand what happened or why. But it was too much. He decided to toss the job at the resort and go back to London for a fresh start. After he got his things, he went to the office and told Shirley he was quitting and once she gave him his last pay, he took the money and hitched a ride into Cornwall and get the soonest bus to London.

When Tom got off the bus in London, he grabbed his bags and left the terminal looking around as he thought about the utter chaos happening in his life. He couldn't believe what Ruth had done to him; he had loved her for so long and she just tossed him aside like rubbish. His heart and souls were crushed. Now here he was with no place to go, hardly any money and no job. He shook his head and walked the streets aimlessly for hours with his mind racing feeling like he was at his lowest point. As the day grew later, Tom started to get hungry. He found a little bakery/cafe and decided to get a coffee and pastry. As he walked in, he noticed there was a sign on the door for HELP WANTED.

Claire waved to her friends as she got to the cafe for work that evening. She waved at the couple of regulars and noticed a young man in the corner booth with a backpack and couple of overnight bags. He seemed deep in thought, so she left him alone as the got to the counter and put on her apron before getting a fresh pot of coffee going. After the coffee was done, Claire went to top off the regulars coffees and then went to the young man to check on him.

Claire: More coffee? Another slice of pie?

Tom (doesn't look up from counting his money): No thanks.

Claire (looks at the bags and the little bit of money): well, if you'd like anything, like me know.

Claire walks back behind the counter and starts sweeping. Soon, it was closing time and the only person left in the cafe was the young man. Claire had watched him all evening; he didn't seem like a psycho. Maybe just down on his luck? Claire walked over to his booth and leaned on the broom as she spoke to him.

Claire: You need anything else? We're closing soon. (Tom shakes his head and she sits in the booth across from him and he looks around, confused) Do you have anywhere to go? I couldn't help but notice you have what appears to be all your belongs here.

Tom (looks at her shrugging): Not really.

Claire: Well, it just so happens there is a little apartment in the basement and it's furnished. Mr. Abramovich rents it out to whoever he hires to be the building manager. You could at least stay tonight.

Tom: Really? Why are you helping me?

Claire (shrugs): I know how it is being in a new place and not having a place to go. He helped me out when I got here from the US. He gave me a job and and apartment upstairs. I guess i am just trying to pay it forward.

Tom (stands up angrily): Well don't bother! I Can take care of myself!

Claire (stands up and furrows her brow) Fine then! We're closing then and YOU should leave.

Tom grabs his bags and Claire follows him as he storms out of the cafe, closing the door behind him as he stands in front of the door and rain starts falling. He turns to look at he with his lips pursed. She looks at him to see if he changes his mind and when he doesn't, she shakes her head, locks the door and turns the OPEN sign to show CLOSED and flips the lights out. She turns in her heels and starts mumbling about how boys are so stupid.

Tom watches Claire walk away from the door and turns mumbling under his breath about this being the perfect end to this day. He runs over to an awning at the shop across the road and puts down his bags and sets himself next to the bags to wait for the rain to stop.

Claire goes up the back stairs to her little apartment on the second floor after locking the back door to the cafe and turns on her lights before walking to her window and looking out. She shakes her head as she sees Tom sitting across the street under the awning. She rolls her eyes and goes the to closet and grabs her umbrella along with an extra umbrella and the spare key for the basement. And goes downstairs and outside the back before running out front and across the street.

Claire: You know, you are a stubborn asshole, mister. (She hands him the umbrella) Just come on.

Tom snatches the umbrella and follows Claire across the street to the cafe and goes with her to the back door and follows her in to the basement apartment.

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