Chapter 15

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The next morning, Claire woke up to the sound of Tom gently snoring with his arm draped over her in bed. She smiled and wiggled against him trying to get closer as he pulls her closer and nuzzles her neck. Claire rolls over to face him and kisses his nose. Tom moans sleepily and pulls her flush against his chest as he kisses her gently, keeping his eyes closed still.  Claire rests one had on his chest and runs the other one down his stomach, barely grazing his skin as she takes his manhood in her hand gently. She kisses him deeply as she gently pushes him on his back and she gets on top of him straddling him, feeling his erection against her. He takes his hands and puts them on her hips and she continues kissing him. She pulls away from him and locks her eyes with his as she takes his hands and moves then to her breasts, groaning as he touches her. He sits up a little to pull her mouth back to his as she slowly moves to position him at her entrance, lowering herself slowly. She closed her eyes as her walls adjusted to him and she let out a moan. He put his hands back on her hips as she started moving on top of him slowly, groaning as he watched Claire running her own hands across her body while she moved. Just watching her was driving him into a fit of ecstasy as he started to release deep within her, listening to her gasping as she reached her own peak. Tom grunts a little as he catches his breath and opens one eye looking at Claire as she lays on top of him.

Claire: Sorry I woke you up.

Tom (kissing the top of her head): perfect way to wake up, my love.

A couple of hours later, Claire got out of bed and took a shower so she could leave for class. Tom stood in the kitchen watching her get dressed as he had coffee.

Claire (rushes around the loft trying to find her sneakers): I should be home around 3. Maybe we could go to dinner and catch a movie? Ugh. I am running so late...

Tom (walks over to the couch and grabs the sneaker from underneath it for her); Sounds good.

He kisses her as she runs down the steps and out to catch the bus. He watches her from the window and once she's gone, he gets on the phone to get his plan in motion for tonight.

Claire sat in class taking notes and when class was over, her friend Amanda came up to her asking about the lesson.

Amanda (looks at her phone real quick and then back at Claire) Can I borrow your notes real quick?

Claire: Sure. Just hurry. I have to catch the bus home. Tom and I have a date tonight.

Amanda: Don't worry. I can drive you. I just need to copy your notes.

Claire (hands her the notes but then takes them away quickly, furrowing her eyebrows): Wait a sec. You didn't take any notes at all?

Amanda (reaches for the notes): Nope. Oops. (She sits down and slowly starts copying the notes until her phone vibrates again. She looks at it and hands the notes back to Claire) Ok. I'm done. I'll run you home now.

Claire followed Amanda to her car and when they got to the cafe, Amanda waved and took off. Claire shook her head, wondering why Amanda was acting weirder than usual. She went I to the back door and went to the cafe front to grab the post on the floor before she went up to the loft reading while she walked.

Claire (reading as she goes up the stairs): I'm home. Amanda brought me and she's being super weird. Tom?

Claire put the mail on the counter and looked around wondering where Tom was. She noticed the blinds closed for the patio and went to see if he was outside. She opened the door and gasped. Tom was standing in the middle of the patio in a black suit holding a bouquet of red roses.

Claire: What is this?

Tom put his finger to his mouth to shush her and smiled as he walked over to her and handed her the roses before kissing her. Claire grinned and smelled the roses as Tom walked over to his phone to stream the song After All by Elton John and Charlie Puth ( As the music started, he took the flowers and laid them on the table before taking Claire by the hand and pulling her into his arms for a dance. Claire laid her head on his chest listening to the words of the song, thinking how perfect it was for the two of them.

As the song ended, Tom took his hand and tilted her chin up and kissed her sweetly. He smiled and looked into her eyes as he caressed her face gently.

Tom: Claire, I asked Amanda to keep you so I could finish this for you. (He takes a step away from her and takes her hands in his looking into her eyes.) Fuck. I practiced what I wanted to say 100 times and now I have no idea what to say to you.

Claire laughs and Tom kisses her hands before he gets on one knee and looks up at her as she gasps.

Tom: That song says everything I want to tell you perfectly. And the only thing I can add at this point, is to ask you (Claire tears up as Tom drops one of her hands and reaches into his pocket for a small velvet box.) It's not much, but it comes with all my love. Marry me, Claire.

Claire starts crying openly as she opens the little box and sees the beautiful engagement ring 

Tom: Is that a yes?

Claire nods quickly and wraps her arms around his neck as he stands and kisses her, then placing the ring on her finger. He lifts her again and smiles as he kisses her, ready to start a life with his beautiful fiancée.

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