Chapter 11

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Tom woke up before Claire the next morning and quietly got out of bed to not wake her. He wanted to make sure the building was safe, just on case there was anything going on. Once he got everything checked out, he went back up to the loft and checked on Claire. She was still sound asleep. He smiled as he went over to her and sat on the bed, gently moving the hair off her face and kissing her. She slowly starts waking up and opens her eyes smiling.

Claire: Morning. You're up early.

Tom: Not really. You just slept late. It's almost 10.

Claire (sits up and pulls the sheets over herself before laying back again): Ugh! I could sleep another few hours.

Tom (laughs as he lays next to her and pulls the covers from her face, kissing her): Come on, lazy. We need to start cooking.

Claire (starts playfully hitting him to get him off her, laughing): Fine Fine Fine!

Claire gets out of bed and follows Tom to the kitchen to start getting everything ready for the party tonight.

Claire wanted to do the party in the actual cafe but Tom thought it might be more fun to do it on the patio, so he through the storage area where the boxes of decorations for the holidays were stored and hung the little Christmas twinkle lights on the patio. He moved the plants and furniture around to make a little dance floor and set the table with 5 chairs for everyone to sit at. While he did that, Claire looked at her watch and saw that everyone would be arriving in about an hour. She went to run a bubble bath so she could relax before everyone got there.

Tom looked around the patio, proud of his work having the lights. He plugged them in and turned off the main patio lights and smiled. Everything looked perfect. He wanted to be sure Claire's friends could see how happy and taken care of she was. He went back into the loft and heard Claire in the bathroom. He put his ear to the door and could hear music play so he opened the door as quietly as he could and saw Claire in her garden tub surrounded by bubbles. She had her phone on the counter playing Under the Water by Jewel and she was humming along with a wet washcloth covering her eyes. Tom snickered and took off his clothes and got into the other side of the tub, causing Claire to jump and drop the washcloth into the tub.

Claire: Excuse me, sir...

Tom: I could use a bath too you know...

She snickers and reaches into the water for the washcloth and motions for him to come sit in front of her. She gets the washcloth soapy and lets him lean back against her as she washes him arms and chest.

Claire: Tom?

Tom: Hmmm?

Claire: Did you mean it when you said this is the first time you've ever really been happy?

Tom: Well, yeah. Before I felt like everything I did wasn't right for anyone. My family always criticized me and then with Ruth, I don't know. We were so young and stupid. I was too possessive and suspicious of everything. I wanted her with me all the time and then when she was there, it felt like she really wasn't with me. Like she was there physically but mentally she was anywhere but with me. And the blokes I worked with at the resort were always giving me hell. I've never had anyone care about what I needed or wanted before. Like Mrs. Beckwith? She really listens to me when I ask for help. And the people who come into the cafe are genuinely lovely. And you...

Claire (giggles): I'm beautiful, you've told me.

Tom: No, it's more than that. You gave me a job and a place to stay and you didn't know anything about me. I could have been a psychopathic serial killer and you just, let me int your life. And you actually listened to me and cared what I said. And you didn't insult my thoughts or feelings. You let me feel like an actual person instead of some idiot.

Claire (sighing as she ran the washcloth over his shoulder) You didn't deserve that. No one does. I just can't understand how anyone can be so cruel and mean to another person.

Tom: I think it gives them a sense of power over others. Power and control. At least, that's what the other guys at the resort did. They treated everyone like they were beneath them as a power play to get the best assignments and leave the crap work to people like me. I never fought back, I just took it in stride. Then when everything went down with Ruth, it was like a switch you know? I felt like for once I had the power and I wasn't going to let anyone fuck with me anymore. I stood up for myself. And I left. Like I became a new man here. (He turns around in the tub and faces Claire) I got here and I was angry at the world, but you, you mad me want to be better. (He takes her hands and pulls her over to his side of the tub and into his lap) I wouldn't have been able to change if you hadn't believed in me, Claire. (He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes as he wiped soap form her chin with his thumb) I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Claire's phone alarm started going off loudly, both of them looking over at it. She gives him weak smile, wondering what he was going to say.

Claire: I should get dressed.

She kisses him and gets out of the tub and puts on her robe before going into the dressing area and closing the bathroom door behind her. Her heart was racing in her chest. She took a deep breath and started getting dressed as she heard Tom getting out of the tub and going down to his apartment to get dressed of the dinner party.

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