Hope Floats

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Hope Floats

When I feel like it's all too much,

You rock me gently with your waves.

The steady motion calms me,

and I'm reminded of the better days.

You send the wind that blows across my face,

carrying away the anxiety and fear;

carrying away every noise of the world,

and whispering softly in my ear.

Your light shines down with a warmth

that takes the heat out of my trial.

You know exactly how to sooth me,

as We float away awhile.

Here in Your arms I float; not needing a single thing.

Being carried by Your love is what it means

to experience all the joy Your Life can bring.

I don't deserve You,

What girl has a Man who knows exactly what she needs?

I don't have to explain my heart to You,

You designed it and you understand what it means to please.

You never mess up.

You know what I've needed from the start.

The quest for love has found it's place

because You found the way to a girls heart.

You pump life into my soul

as You set my heart free,

With a love that is truly blind;

Not seeing who I am, but who You made me to be.

Waking me from my slumber,

You open my eyes slowly to Your heart.

You show me life from Your lenses,

finding beauty in every part.

Your love never leaves

even when some parts of life get rough.

I'll swim to you in these times,

because only Your romance will be enough.

Even when the waves pull me under

I will let you open my eyes.

You know what my heart needs to breathe;

You understand even gurgled cries.

Though the waves may be crashing,

I'll still get out of the boat..

I'll not reach for the world to cast a line,

They only cast false hope.

No matter the storm, I'll drift here in Your love;

the only waters where Hope floats.

Poetry From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now