Spiritually Untitled

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Spiritually Untitled

(I don't want to make anyone get a specific idea. Take what you want out of it.)

People think we're strange

because we've changed

Ours walks and talks are on a whole different range

I don't speak how I used to

Think like I used to

or do what I used to

because who I used to be was Empty

I traveled roads wide whose destinations were deathly

That was my name: Vacant, Barren, Desolate and Hollow

But sinful enslavement became too much to swallow

On unforgiving nights, I heard temptations beckoning

And the silence of the Darkness was depressingly deafening

People think we're odd

because we listen to God

We pursue truths without a single facade 

I lived of the world in all its dark stations

Stumbling and stomping on shaky foundations

I sung worldly songs of lustful springs

had selfish ambitions to gain worthless things 

Like the praises of man in all high degrees

worldly fortune and fame across oceans and seas

But these things I thirsted and sacrificed for

Were also so Empty and I hungered for more

But I met many students who told to me to find

A man who was Man but is glorified and divine

The most powerful being with heavenly revelations

who Humbled himself to give me salvation

Sinless before birth and after resurrection

Merciful and forgiving though he received much rejection

I was no different and I have had my share 

Where God was with me and I left Him standing there

He'd talk to me, been with me, loved me forever

and I rewarded His presence with a response of “whatever”But one night turn my world right-side up

when darkness had set and God's light erupt

I confessed in still water that Jesus is Lord!

And was submerged and arose full evermore

Brothers, Sisters, Disciples Lends me your ears!

Allow me to make this crystal-clean clear

People think we're strange

because we've changed

Ours walks and talks are on GODLY range.

So those in darkness do find it odd

that we sit and wait on the almighty God

to give us instructions on how to do His will

So the light can pierce the darkness still

I have been given as you all have found

the darkness to light

bad to great

the down to up 

and what's twisted turned straight

To the world we are radical and a little bizarre

Which only proves that disciples all are

A one of a kind collectible

Who've tasted the Heavenly delectable

and now that we've tasted that the Lord is good

we should pull in others under God's Holy Hood

We are the rarest gems among jewels

with a light that pools

from the Everlasting Arm

who keeps us spiritually alarmed and well-armed

and without fear from worldly harm

We are a once in a lifetime history event

God's chosen elect

with His Spirit Heaven Sent

We travel the world to preach the gospel to all nationsto demolish and annihilate the world's expectations

Though God may be imitated

He shall never be duplicated

All that we have come from an entity 

who is a most holy and perfect identity

Who can Break the Unbreakable

Fix the Unfixable

Perform the Inconceivable and

Do the Impossible

So it's simply an understatement to declare God remarkable

We don't speak how we used to

We don't think like we used to

We don't do what we used to

Because who we used to be 

are clearly not who we are now

Because sin and purity are never on the same level

light and darkness together won't revel 

the world and heaven can't mix or blend

And God and Satan cannot be best friends

So people who hated when we became new creations

Were just wishing for the old us with spiritual stagnations

And that we'd be blind and bathe in our sin

Doing acts against God again and again

Remember Jesus said that the world hates disciples

and it wallows in death and sinful recitals

But lets not put ourselves into a spiritual recession

remember 2 Corinthians Chap. 4 Verses 8 through 11

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus so that the light of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.”

Don't give up my family, because the world wants us to 

Satan has us tempted, ridiculed, and abused But our Savior has overcome the world, and through him, we will do it too. 

Because being a disciple is who we are, not what we do

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