Lost and Found - A Short Story

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  • Dedicated to Stephen DeWitt Bradshaw

Lost and Found - A Short Story

Once upon a time there was a young boy named Stephen and a young girl named Sarah-Laney and they were the best of friends in elementary school within their kingdom.  When Sarah-Laney was still just a young girl, she and her family moved away, causing Stephen and Sarah-Laney to lose touch, however not a year went by that they didn't think about one another.  The years came and went; the young boy grew up to be an adventurous young man whose passions included taekwondo, scuba diving, and many other things.  The young girl grew up to be a compassionate artist, whose passions included working with non-profit organizations to help the community, photography, traveling, and the love of writing and designing.  They had grown up, each having many life experiences both exciting and challenging, yet there was one thing that they still share, the thought of when they might see each other again.

Then one warm August day, Stephen ended up being in Sarah-Laney's aunt, Cayce Hendrix, class in college; where he was told that Sarah-Laney had actually moved to North Carolina, and was given a way to get in touch with her.  Just like old times, they would talk for hours; laughing and talking about the past and what was going on in their present lives.  At that time Stephen was training for his third degree black belt in taekwondo, and was also in Respiratory Therapy School.  Sarah-Laney had just moved from New Orleans, LA where she had worked and also volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and another non-profit organization called Hope Worldwide, helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina and the community, and was now in school for engineering and architectural design.  Both of their lives were busy, and for a short while in their separate kingdoms things were peaceful, until the moment when a little thought fluttered into Sarah-Laney's mind.  She began to wonder if Stephen just wanted to be friends, if he was slightly stalking her, or if he was trying to pursue a relationship with her.  Scared and not ready for the thought of anyone pursuing her she pushed him a way, thinking it would be best for the both of them instead of ruining a friendship.  And just like that as if a Witch had casted an evil spell, they lost touch again, leaving both Stephen and Sarah-Laney to wonder if their friendship was truly lost forever.

Months went by and then one sunny day, Stephen discovered that Sarah-Laney had moved back to area, and was working at the local mall.  Excitedly and with his mind filled with curiosity, he paid her a visit and the two started joking and catching up as if they had just seen each other the week before.  This was how it always was for them, how easily they got along.  Months went by, and this time they stayed in touch, always asking each other how their week had been, and what was new in each of their lives. 

Things were happy again in their kingdom of rekindled friendship.  A short time later, Stephen got up the courage to ask Sarah-Laney out on a date, something he had been longing to do for a while, although Sarah-Laney liked him and found him attractive, in the end like the young minded girl she was then she declined, like before she still did not want to take a chance of their friendship being ruined.

Time, moved by slowly, and little by little they drew apart once again. It wasn't until after life changing events in Sarah-Laney's life that she finally became to cherish and appreciate their friendship more than ever before.  From the time when they were that young boy and that young girl who lived near each other in the kingdom; in her mind, there was always something about him that had always drawn her to him.  In her mind, she had ruined things between them; she wished she had chosen to be with him so many moons ago when he had first asked her to be with him. From that point on, night after night she looked up at the night sky and wished on a star, praying that God would bless her somehow with someone special again, like Stephen, to be in her life.

Little did she know, a year and a half later in the winter of January 2013, almost two decades later from where their story began, that same young boy and young girl from so long ago had grown and matured more into adulthood.  Fate, like a fairy godmother, would intervene in Stephen's and Sarah-Laney's lives and the two would reconnect one more time, and this time Sarah-Laney didn't say no to him when he pursued her once more.  They didn't know that this time that their rekindled friendship would be the start of something magical.  They had finally found what they had lost eighteen or more years ago, Love.

The End.

Author's Note: This is a short story based off of my real life relationship with my boyfriend.  I wrote it for our one year anniversary of dating.  It's a very personal story, but I would like to share it with yall.  Also enjoy the photo on the side of the story! :) I hope you all enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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