Chapter four

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Please for give me for any spelling mistakes or errors and if the sentence does not make sense tell me and I'll come back and fix them up!

Thank you all for the reads! I appreciate it so much :)

Author's Pov:
Raven eyes soon widened, confused and scared he found himself on the cold cement floor hands tied together on a black leaky pipe, he was unable to call for help seeing as though his mouth was duck-taped together.

The room...pitch black no one and I mean no one would be able to see anything, Quackity dropped his head knowing that he'll never be able to get out of this one...but his head soon shot up as he remembered what happened. Once sad Raven eyes soon filled with anger but the anger soon faded away...

He knew that Wilbur wasn't going to hurt him...sure he hadn't known Wilbur for long but deep down he knew that Wilbur was a very sweet guy to Quackity and that the tall brunette wasn't even going to lay a finger on if he didn't have consent from Quackity...

But the short raven was still frightened from was Wilbur did to the poor person but if they were killed then their must have been a reason right?

The murder,Quackity's Pov...
I was walking past this dark alley way when I saw to figures, one was a women? er- I don't know and the other figure looked familiar so I decided just to sneak in and see what they were doing...hopefully nothing bad...

I guess I jinxed myself because soon on of the figures dropped to the floor and I saw blood dripping down and out of their neck , I as about ready to leave when I accidentally knock over some trash cans, the person snapped their head in my direction and I was completely shocked to find out that it was Wilbur?!

"Quackity~" I froze I pulled out my phone "I-I'm calling the police!" I yelled I got distracted by typing in the number that I felt something sharper around my neck...oh god...

"Do you really want to call the police...?" The brunette's voice was different, it was deep and demanding which caused me to become submissive to Wilbur's voice. As the phone slid from my hand only to find that my body turning around and facing the brunette who only looked down at me which cause me to whimper..

Leaning close to my ear and whispering in it "Hmm, what are you going to do darling~?" The way that the brunette asked me the word 'darling' just made me whimper "N-nothing..." I heard chuckle  from above.

Snaking his arms around my waist, I was unable to hold back anymore and slowly snaked my arms around the taller's neck "Sorry love, but your coming with me..." I was confused until I felt a sharpe pain in my waist...
Author's Pov:
A bit of blush ran across the raven hairs face after recalling that Wilbur kept calling him 'Darling...Love' soon the shorter male heard a voice coming closer to him, scared he tried to move but couldn't, tried screaming but it was muffled.

Soon the figure stepped out of the darkness and received themselves to Quackity... "Hello, love~" the brunette chuckled a bit, the raven's face heated up, leaning down and taking off the duck-tape so he could hear Quackity's voice...

"Why...?" Quackity asked "Because I couldn't let you tell anyone that I killed that cat-caller" the raven dropped his head " would you like your beanie? I promise that I haven't seen your hair! It's too dark to see it anyways..." Wilbur asked "Y-yes please..." the brunette nodded and walked away to grab Quackity his beanie.

So returning but with a different beanie, "I couldn't find yours...I hope you don't mine using mine?" Quackity raised his head and nodded, the tall brunette was careful when putting in the beanie, "I'm sorry...I don't want to kidnap you, I was scared that once you found out my secret you would tell everyone...a-" Wilbur was interrupted by Quackity.

"Oh Wilbur, I was shocked...wouldn't you be shocked if you find a murder? I knew that I want going to tell anyone..." those words shocked by those words "Really..?" The raven haired male nodded. Wilbur reached over and unfit the restraints on Quackity's hands and arms.

Rubbing his arms a bit but moved closer to Wilbur who had his head facing the other way, Quackity carefully placed his head on one of Wilbur's shoulders and closed his eyes, the brunette was shocked a bit but soon relaxed and turned his head around.

The tall brunette male looked down and saw that his crush had fallen asleep on his shoulder, carefully moving Quackity on his lap and placing his arms around Quackity's waist and slowly standing up, when Wilbur stood up properly the raven haired male wrapped his legs around around Wilbur's waist.

The brunette chuckled a bit, walking up the stairs having one arm wrapped around Quackity's waist and the other on the stair railing, opening the door and walking up to his room, Wilbur's family had always known about the tall brunette murdering people that weren't surprised when he came home with Quackity over his shoulder.

He explained everything and this family just laughed and said they already knew, Wilbur placed Quackity on his bed and was about to leave "Stay please..." turning his head he saw Quackity had woken up and looking at Wilbur, the brunette chuckled and walked over to Quackity, "I told your parents that your staying with me..." Wilbur said as he got onto the other said of the bed.

"Hmm" Quackity hummed in response, once Wilbur was in the bed properly the raven haired male moved closer to Wilbur and cuddled up with him, the tall brunette wrapped his arms around the raven haired male and pulled him closer, "Night love..." Wilbur said.

The brunette placed a small kiss on Quackity's forehead and than soon drifted off to sleep...
Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update, I had very important things happen this week, also on Thursday I got my braces off and now I have my retainer on:)

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Have an amazing day or night:) thank you all for the reads!

If you have any requests then please write them down and I will give full credit to you guys unless to wish to stay anonymous :)

-Have you a drink of water?
-Have you eaten?

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