Chapter six

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'Your wish is my command:)'

'Do hope you enjoy the chapter an maybe give this book a vote? You don't have to if don't what to you guys reading this is enough:)'

'Okay I'll shut up now! Enjoy this chapter, sorry if their is any spelling mistakes:0, but do enjoy!'
'Author's Pov'
After Tubbo had been kidnapped his family didn't even know he was kidnapped until it was two weeks that he went missing and the only clue they had was the short brunette's phone which had a smashed screen cover and it was on 50% meaning that someone had used it and than put it back.

Quackity and George were the one who were hit the hardest by the kidnapping that the raven haired male didn't even leave his room the only time that door was opened was when his papa(Ponk) who deliver the raven haired male some food and water.

Wilbur was unable to visit Quackity because the whole town went down on a lock down and Wilbur wasn't able to text Quackity because of his wifi suddenly being cut, so he to locked himself up in his room but would always come out for food and water. The tall brunette stayed in his room to hopefully find Quackity's missing little brother but no luck.
Wilbur's Pov'
I saw a new family move in just a cross from the alleyway were Tubbo went missing, the family that moved in came over to our house once and introduced themselves to us. Their kid was around the same height as me or one inch taller.

They're name is Ranboo and they go by they/them(Please say I got it right!)

But the family soon went into lock down to, now it's been a month and Tubbo still hasn't been found yet and Quackity refuses to text me back and to even call me, I have tried George and he said that Quackity just couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone.

Another month went by and than another month, it was now a whole year since Tubbo's disappearance and the police called off the investigation after they found were Tubbo might have been held captive and they saw that Tubbo wasn't their but his kidnapers were all but one their boss.

The lock down was off and I was able to visit Quackity but it was to late...turns out after they received the news about Tubbo they packed up their things and left...

I called Quackity and said that they had to move away from the area, they moved to another part of town and I wasn't able to see them because I didn't know were Quackity or his family lived, I mean sure George still shows up every now and  then but that's only to see his boyfriend Dream.

Now it's been two years and I graduated that stupid school and I had murdered many people in that time and Quackity and I have cut of contact with each other and I don't know why. Dream moved away with his boyfriend George.

Tommy was in his last year of the school and Techno has started working with dad and me well I moved off of the house to some shitty apartment if I slept with the owner of the apartments and I did, I soon ended up killing him because I never liked him he tried to ask me out so many times but I refused him each time.

Even though Quackity and I don't talk my heart still belongs to him...

I was walking around the streets at like 12am at night or morning when someone ran out of an alleyway and asked for my help saying that their was a man who was trying to hurt them. I agreed and helped him to my apartment.

He sat on the lounge and looked at me, I was unable to see his eyes for face because he had it covered " you have any family?" I asked "No...well I don't know we're they are, you still talk with brother Wilbur?" He asked me.

"What! How do you know my name-wait...Tubbo?!" I yelled he stood up and took of his hood and it revealed a short brunette male with the same scar of his face from the day I first saw him "Your alive?!" I ran over and hugged him(Not a Ship?!).

He explained who kidnapped him and it turns out that it was Quackity's ex-boyfriend Jschlatt, "I'm going to call Quackity" he nodded. I got up and walked away to some were more private...

W-Hey Big Q
Q-Wilbur? What is it? You never call me anymore...
W-I do you just don't answer, but whatever I have someone you would love to meet...
Q-Wilbur I don't want to meet anyone!
W-Please...just tell me your address
Q-Fine, my brother is here to and so are my parents, (insert fake address)
W-Okay great! See you soon!

I hang up on him and texted my family the address and told them to meet up at Quackity's house, I walked back over to Tubbo and saw him staring out the window "I guess you haven't been outside in two year huh?" I asked he shock his head "Come on I have someone waiting for me and I'm not leaving you alone" I chuckled.

He got up and walked over to the door "So you and Quackity don't talk much?" I sighed "Nah, I'll explain it in the car" we walked out of the apartment complex and into my car which I stole after I murdered some rich old man.

On the way there I explained how miserable Tubbo's family was and not to mention my younger brother Tommy he would always say that Tubbo is his best friend(Still not a ship?!).

We soon arrived and I saw everyone their "put your hood back on" I smiled he did that and we exited the vehicle, I saw Quackity and he had two rings on and I felt a bit of pain in my heart as I saw two male give him a kiss on his cheek, but he didn't seem to enjoy it, "You ready?" I asked.

Everyone looked at us "Why is everyone here Wilbur?" The raven haired male hissed at me I sighed I saw Tubbo backing up slowly "Hey's okay, their your family and your friends" I said "But...what if they don't want to see me" I smiled...

"Than I'll adopt you and you can live with me!" He laughed at my stupidity "I'm ready" he said we walked over to the group "Guys I have someone you'll all love to meet" I smiled "You can take off your hood now" I said.
'Quackity's Pov'
When I got off the call with Wilbur I thought he got someone new so I asked my two friends Sapnap and Karl to pretend for us to be engaged, now I feel like I did the wrong thing.

Now this hooded person is about reveal themself, they slowly took off their hood and their stood a short brunette male "Tubbo...?" I asked me he nodded his head I ran over to him and gave him a big hug, soon everyone joined apart from Wilbur who stood far away.

"Who found you?" I asked letting him go "Well I escaped and than I run into Wilbur who helped me" I was shocked, so Wilbur didn't have a partner, "Quackity..." a voice called out it was Sapnap "We both know that this was a bad idea so..." I smiled and handed him the rings and ran over to Wilbur.

"Will!" I called out I saw him stop, I finally caught up with him "Hey Q" he smiled at me "Thank you" I said "Wow! Your being nice!" He said I laughed "Shouldn't you be with your partners?" I sighed "Their not my partners, I faked it because I thought that you were dating someone else" I sighed.

I soon felt a part of lips on mine, i melted into the kiss, I pulled away for air "You know I would never replace you!" Wilbur laughed at me I rolled my eyes and hugged him...

I soon heard police sirens "Shit..." he heard from above "Really Will..." I rolled my eyes and let him go "I'll be back I promise just get everyone inside, I love you Q" I smiled "Your such an idiot!" I said.

Everyone was inside and Wilbur started driving away "Well who wants a drink?" I asked...
'Hehe! Hoped you enjoyed! :)'
'Also this isn't the end their will be more chapters I will be just updating really slow because we just had a storm :('

'Hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter!'

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