Chapter Seven

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Thank you all! I'll try my best to do all of them :) now thank for all the support over this book and I love you all:)

No after this book I'll make a dnf Pov of this book :) and thank you for not hating me about me writing my first smuts part of a story:)

And now that I talked my part! Please enjoy this chapter.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and enjoy:)
Wilbur's Pov
I got a text from Quackity to meet up at his balcony, he also said that he has a surprise for me which I'm not going to lie I'm kind of scared I don't know why I just am. I sighed and began to walk over to Quackity's house and there I see a figure not just any figure but the person who told me to meet him here...


I did how ever see that he is smoking something but I don't know what it is, when I was closer then before I noticed the raven haired male move from the balcony to his room, I was confused at first then I saw the front door creak open but I didn't see anyone just a weird smell so I decided to follow the smell. I closed the door behind me and I walked up the woodened stairs and i checked every room but one.

Quackity's room, he told me never to go in-but i have killed many people and I'm not scared of him! maybe just a little bit.

I opened the door and there I saw Quackity, standing on the porch smoking something but i still didn't know what it was until I looked around and i saw on his desk a bunch of weed, my eyes widened and i felt my heart beat faster. When i looked back to Quackity i saw him staring straight at me "Quackity?" i called out. The smaller male soon walked over to me and the smell of weed was all around him and it was very powerful.

"Will! have some!" he yelled at me i shrugged and took what was out of his hand and tried some and it wasn't that bad.


Author's Pov:


Wilbur and Quackity were very high, they both agreed that they had enough and now there having wine in Quackity's bedroom, now they were also drunk not only high. The two were laughing and having a wonderful time when Quackity's phone started ring and turns out it was his boss.

Quackity told Wilbur to shut up but the taller male had other plans, the shorter male walked over to his desk trying to act sober and shit when he felt two muscular arms wrap around his waist. "What are you doing Wilbur?" Quackity asked about ready to punch the taller male but stopped as he felt light kisses traveling up and down his neck.

"Quackity?" the boss called which soon got the shorter males attention, he apologised and listened to his boss while trying to whole back any noises from escaping my mouth...

(Smuts start here, skip if you are uncomfortable! Also I might go back an edit this when I get better at smuts, please forgive me if it's bad:,(...)

Quackity's Pov:
I could barely hold back the noise that begged to released "Okay, that's all for now Quackity" my boss said "O-okay, bye" I stumbled on my words. I quickly hung up the open and let out the loud noises that once wished to be released.

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