Chapter 2

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Word count: 1.5k
Warning: Human trafficking and mentions of blow job

It's been a few days since Lucius and the others visited Severus. The man in black has been lonely ever since, and it seems to get worse as the days pass by. He's grateful for Lopsy's company, but it's not quite the same as the company of humans...

Besides, the whole 'Lopsy will do this, Lopsy will do that' drives him crazy. It won't even surprise him if he starts talking like a house elf. 'Severus will go to bed now. Severus wants to read a book, so do not disturb'...

Merlin, if that happens, he truly hopes they will send him to St. Mungo's Hospital. A wizard talking like a house elf? That's when you know they have hit rock bottom.

Severus sighs as he tries to read his book. He's looking at it, but the words don't seem to make any sense or at least register his mind.

He's currently sitting on the couch in the living room, and Lopsy has decided to clean... in the living room where he is. Couldn't she clean somewhere where she isn't bothering or distracting him from reading?

He closes the book and massages his head, feeling a headache approaching. Perhaps some fresh air will do...

"I will go for a walk, Lopsy. I shouldn't be gone for too long" he tells the house elf.

Lopsy gives him her attention, nodding. "Of course, Master Snape. Lopsy will make sure the house is clean when Master returns!" she states as she quickly resumes cleaning.

Severus rolls his eyes. He hates when she calls him Master, but even if he tells her not to do so, she will shake her head. "Former Master Malfoy gave Lopsy to new Master Snape. Lopsy must show Master respect and call him Master" she would explain to him.

Looking at Lopsy for a few more seconds as she now cleans the kitchen, he opens the door and leaves his home.

He takes a deep breath once he's outside. He already feels much better.

He walks around the area for a while, but as too many memories enter his mind, he decides to go somewhere else. He apparates to London as he hasn't been there for a while, thinking about whether he should go to the Wizarding area or the Muggle area.

Maybe he would bump into someone he knows if he goes to Wizarding London... But would that be a good thing? Perhaps they would bother him by telling him how he's such a hero. Or perhaps he would run into some former Death Eaters who despise him for fooling the Dark Lord...

He quickly strolls towards Muggle London, having decided that's the best option he has. He walks around the area and observes everything from the buildings to the people. There are a lot of homeless people in this area, and he swears he just saw some sketchy people looking like they were selling drugs...

Speaking of sketchy, he suddenly notices it's getting dark. And the place he's at right now seems to look sketchier and sketchier... He definitely isn't supposed to be here.

Just as he decides to go back to Spinner's End as Lopsy must be worried, a creepy guy shows up from nowhere.

"Good evening to you, sir. You look like you need something" he says as he smokes a cigarette.

Severus frowns. "I'm not interested in buying drugs..." he tells him, trying to get away from him. However, the man quickly traps him by putting an arm around his shoulder as if they were friends.

The creepy man laughs. "Oh, I don't sell drugs... I sell something much better. Why don't you come with me and take a look at the goods?" he suggests, flashing him a smile with yellow teeth from all the smoking. He's missing a tooth.

Lonely Man (Severus Snape x Muggle! reader)Where stories live. Discover now